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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. Calm the %$&@ down. It's like if anybody mentions a particle of pvp people go ape crazy. It's just simple stats that you can follow yourself. No one else

    He wasn't going crazy but you sure seem to be. The stats can be tracked just fine after the match or in your profile. The added distraction isn't needed and serves no tangible benefit.

  2. Well you made the arguement yourself. "You're not supposed to go that high" you may find it to be a silly arguement but it is the one the devs have used to justify this action. Ultimately it is they who decide what the game should be balanced around. To balance around extremely long survival missions would completely trivialize the content that comes before it, you know the other 99% of the game that people tend to ignore. The same "end game" exists as it always has it just arrives sooner now, and rather than going on and on until you have no more ammo (also having experienced 0 challenge the entire 2 hours or whatever) you edge up to just before you have no hope of making it out or you try to escape with enemies that you cannot kill and can 1 shot you on your tail. I find the changes this brings to the survival missions to be both refreshing and exhilarating. There are already a good many people reporting they are still doing long survival missions with trinity as the devs intended without exploiting explosive weapons and saying its more challenging and more fun than it used to be. Naturally not everyone will agree but ultimately DE has decided those people are wrong and that is their prerogative as the designers. While I do agree an AI rework would be nice I don't view it as necessary nor would it have reduced the need for a blessing nerf, it doesn't matter how smart the enemy is or how well they work together if you can't be touched you can't be touched.

    I don't anticipate I will be winning the coveted helmet as your post seems to make it quite clear that you have made up your mind about the subject, but there is no harm in attempting to show another side to the arguement.

    The desires of a single player or even a 90% are not and should never be paramount when it comes to the development process if it conflicts with the developers vision. I did not support DE in order to play your game, I didn't even do it to play mine, I did it so they could make theirs. Thus far I have not been dissapointed and I am inclined to believe they know more about what they are doing than I do. It is not ours to decide, but only to adapt or die.

    I sincerely hope that last part didn't come off as too harsh.

  3. Cestra got a dual variant, and so did Lex. Won't be surprised if Marelok and Angstrum are next.

    Marelok will most likely as when the art was introduced it was shown as a pair. I'm more inclined to side with those thinking that it won't for the angstrom. The only charge type secondary hasn't and I can't figure out how they would do that with dual wield. Not saying I'm right of course, my crystal ball broke last week.

  4. be more specific, because the title explains itsself and the other is to de r u de

    Well since you're going that route. Go post this in correct forum, last I knew "feedback" from general discussion was generally not considered. Furthermore you're feedback isn't specific just "whaaa I don't like fix nao" it also wouldn't be considered for that reason.

  5. Honestly the energy drain cost feels very "HEY GUYS THIS IS A COOL IDEA"

    even though the functionality is the same

    IF you want to cancel a 100 energy ability thats fine, but by no means should the full duration of the same ability exceed the original cost.

    That is my biggest issue with the "change". The Max duration you should be able to achieve per "press" should have been identical to the original (modifiers included)


    Sorry for the short post I just don't see any reason for that restriction on a toggle enabled ability beyond chaining the future to the past.

  6. Is this actually it?

    Little info to no info, like always.

    I agree it was a fun read adds flavor, and now we know absolutely nothing we didnt before except maybe that the Sentients used organic tech. I hope someone later in the thread uses this bit of lore to "prove" the orokin were human.

  7. Thats one big heck of illogical thinking there mate. Why an earth fixing a bug should cause a bug?

    99% of the time you know what is a bug? Bad coding (fixed after coder realize a better solution for a bad code that causes issues), or human error. If you cause a bug with your code then its your fault not the bug fix code is buged. LOL

    Hardly believe you have anything to do with coding mate (I don't think you know this field).

    The thing is though every game dev or programmer I've ever spoken to read an interview with has responded that fixing bugs often has unintended repercussions in seemingly unrelated pieces of code. That is to say fixing a bug often causes other bugs. I don't personally have much experience in the field but I have followed video games and read dev interviews and worked with programmers for years the theme is really too commonly agreed upon to be bunk unless you want to put your tinfoil hat on and call conspiracy.

    That being said why is your feedback so much more important than anyone else's? Its people like you that are the reason I don't get my weekly weapons anymore. They're doing exactly what they said maybe not fast enough for your liking but you aren't the only person playing the game. You've had enough influence.

  8. it would be nice if we could be able to walk without using a Controller.

    i don't see why we can't if when a Controller is connected we can.

    it's obviously already in the game, just let us do it.

    Because, your keyboard has exactly 2 settings for each button. On and off. There are no degrees to that which is why for precise movement a controller is in fact the superior option. In order to do what you want you need another button to toggle/hold the walking. I have nothing against it as I'm all for options but I can't fathom why anyone would want to walk in warframe.

    I read about a guy who used a ps move analogue stick with mouse, best of both worlds. Probably wouldn't work for me though.

    Op: being a pc gamer doesn't mean no controllers anymore they actually work better in a variety of games (try playing DMC or darksiders with a keyboard I dare you)

  9. if u think movement needs rework ur either using controller or suck at playing ninja

    Easy with the controller hate, I use one and do just fine. In fact if I'm not using the sweet analogue action to run in dumb circles you'd never guess my control method of choice.

    That being said movement could still be made nicer. Good news for the op they've mentioned a rework several times now.

  10. I think blade symphony has a good example of branching combos

    The only problem with blade symphony is the same with Jedi Knight series. Regardless of how "good" the actual system is in applicqtion it ends up looking pants on head $&*&*#(%& in action. I still cringe at people claiming JK should be used as an example of how to do Melee. There's something in the very base that makes it just not have the impact it needs. Probably the lack of enemy stun or something I've never been able to articulate it well.

  11. 7S02Ghb.gif

    u wot

    Am I intoxicated, or something? Did you mistake me for the OP? C'mon, son, we don't even have the same avatar.

    Yes I did mistake you for the op.
  12. ITT: Implying Mastery Rank actually does something important.

    Just cause it doesn't right now, u14 is supposed to bring focus and mastery rank will matter VERY much.

    Edit: read your other response to a post very similar to what I said so I'll respond to that too.

    So? The game isn't catered to you and you alone. I intend to use the crap out of focus and I need more mastery. You don't have to buy or build anything more at all if you don't want I don't see why you are trying to handicap people who do want more just cause you don't. You can fix your own issue by using fewer guns/selling off all but 3 or 4. I can't fix not having enough.

  13. Why the hell would Vectis or Soma get primed though? That makes literally no sense with the game's lore. Prime gear is Orokin gear. Tenno reverse engineered the gear to make imperfect copies. The Vectis and Soma are Tenno original gear however. Why would technology the Tenno made on their own suddenly have an Orokin version made ages ago that the Tenno somehow knew nothing about yet made a copy of?

    I could be wrong but there has not been any distinction made, that being all Tenno weapons are assumed to be degenerate orokin tech. If you do claim I'm wrong please provide the source.

  14. Am I the only one hoping, nay, BEGGING for Kubrows this week?  I've wanted them for like two and a half months now, and they hype it more and more only to f**** &!$$ me off each week.  PLEASE LET THERE BE KUBROWS


    Sorry it's just getting tiring at this point. We're getting them just not until u14

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