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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. But you could just compensate stat loss in some other way. Like another Legendary Core distribution or something similar. Or simply compensate via some platinum. Anyway removing stats but not actually removing it is just weird and wrong.

    So you'd be ok with the 20 or so legendary cores I'd be owed. Cause you know last time they did legendary cores people got really upset when some other people got a whole bunch of them. Exploitation would be even easier on this, no need to go to trade just buy them from the store.

  2. Neither "clicked first when the implementation rolled out" and "collaborate in private forums, providing the easy assumption that methods not endorsed by DE nor acceptable to the rest of the community are at play" are in any way "hard work".

    Collaboration in private forums was mentioned by DE when talking about dark sectors pre-release. So I would count that off of the not supported by DE list. That is if I read your post correctly.

  3. I have a thread about this in feedback. Multiple people have threads about this in feedback.


    No comments from DE. It kind of feels as if the best solution is the one that is being ignored. I dunno. Maybe they just want to watch the world burn.

    Or they have a vision for the game, the "best" solution doesn't fit that vision, and they realize that nothing is going to set aflame as a result of their actions. God the level of melodrama in this thread is overwhelming.

  4. Get rid of the $&*&*#(%& bolt already, ffs. I'm just not touching Grineer until this horrible mechanics has been removed. And if it's not removed or toned down then we'll see how much longer I'll keep playing.

    I think it's great. Adds an interesting layer of fear to the grustrag encounters. See you around I doubt you will be missed. I also doubt you'll carry through as I see so many people repeatedly posting the "last chance" or "I'm quitting" threats. Months later they are still at it.

  5. Get ready for an army of tunelneled-vision elitist grunts telling you that this game is not for PvP.

    It's ok we just need to combat the other tunneled-vision grunts who want to turn this game (pve) into something it's not (pvp). Don't like it without pvp? There's plenty of other games made just for you. Way too many in fact. Meanwhile people like me can't get anything made for us without people INSISTING that the devs pull resources from making the parts I like. Like the game for what it is or find one you do.

  6. I already stated that I agreed on the fact that orbs can roll and fall in a hole etc, did you read the post correctly? I also said that instead of fizxing the drop stability they decided to completly remove it and add the reward at the end of mission, which is LAZY. and also if you quit the mission and just restarts, FINE it add a failed mission to your profile, not a big deal. I want the good old system back...

    It's astounding how many people call good solutions lazy because they can have things the way they want. Your "good old system" isn't coming back because you are in a very small minority of the player base. That and the only thing correct about what I quoted was old.

  7. *You're


    What bursts you are bubble in warframe. Now you see why the original poster was correct.

    On topic: people sitting at extraction on invasion missions when there are enemies they rushed past still alive. I always want to say "we aren't going anywhere with living enemies regardless of how fast you get there" but I don't I just go kill them, then get yelled at for holding up evac -_-.

    Also 50% is the lowest you should allow ls to go before popping one. What is that other guy smoking?

  8. Here's my setup for what it's worth, I use pinnacle so if you find yourself asking "how do you do that?" The answer is pinnacle.

    L3 dash toggle

    R3 dodge

    Rb Melee

    X reload/use

    Y swap weapons

    A jump

    B crouch

    Lb+x power 1

    Lb+y power 2

    Lb+a power 3

    Lb+b power 4

    Left trigger aim/charge

    Right trigger block/fire

    Select waypoint

    Dpad down item quick select

    Dpad l,u,r item hot key 1,2,3

    Holding back turns the right stick into a mouse and the right and left triggers to mouse buttons (for navigation)

    Holding the start button activates media controls. This does not help with playing warframe.

  9. Charge attacks do not fit the paradigm of melee 2.0. Melee 2.0 is about speeding up melee to the point where it is a viable alternative to gunplay, which is to say that it can compete with it in terms of target kills. To do this DE changed blocking to allow a tenno to negate the damage taken during the transition between targets and added channeling to replace charge attacks. Charge attacks used to be a trade-off of time for more damage, which is unacceptable in Melee 2.0 where attacking is supposed to be faster. Channeling is more or less the same concept, except instead of trading time for powered up attacks, you trade in energy for extra damage/all sorts of other effects.

    This guy wins thread over.

  10. Valid point, I never even considered sony's stance on that. I bet Sony would consider it if the player base demanded it Microsoft is the company that wouldn't care.

    About half the ps4 community doesn't want us in their game because: Excalibur prime. This is really a thing. It's speculated Sony doesnt want us in their game for the same reason but that's unsubstantiated.

  11. The Lanka is not a railgun


    Thank you for sharing my thread which also explains why my weapon is not a railgun.  Also to the OP, please read my thread.


    Again, the Lanka is not a railgun. It's a gauss rifle AKA a coil gun.  Which is different functionally from a railgun, they use two different methods of propulsion.  It's as big a difference as a crossbow to a rifle. 

    That may be true but how is it functionally (within the game) different? Since the propulsion method is in actuality non existent you know numbers and whatnot. 

  12. Looking at all the amazing suggestions that have been made on these forums and never considered or implemented I'd say they got things to improve in that department.

    Some problems with your statement.

    You think the ideas are amazing doesnt mean they are.

    Many of the ideas could require vast rewrites to large segments of code or consume enourmous amounts of time for marginal benifit.

    You can see what was implemented or not but you can only assume what was considered

    The game is not design by committee nor should it be, that's a fast track to a train wreck

    How can we tell good from bad if DE never respond to any feedback we give?

    Simple, if it gets implemented they thought it was worthwhile (notice I didn't use the word good, there's a world of difference between the words) if they didnt it wasn't or had too many problems.
  13. I have a question for the OP, Why does this bother you?

    My point being, having hardly used single swords since Melee 2.0 dropped and having used mostly Melee I can personally attest that Melee is viable pretty much regardless of the weapon or stance being used. Some may do better than others but that has always been and always will be the case. I simply do not see a problem.

  14. It's DE issue, Sony hasn't even received any updates yet. 10 people working on PS4 version sounds like a bad joke. Although it explains a lot.

    Man you really hate DE in every topic I've ever seen you in it's just complaints and rage, maybe it's time to find a new game. That and you're spreading misinformation as the devs have said that u13 is off to cert.

    Edit: in the interest of not spreading misinformation myself I can't find any evidence for what I said, I don't know how I got that idea.

  15. You haven't spent enough? IDK, I would have dropped this game and uninstalled it in disgust long ago, but by the time I learned of that mistreatment by developers I've already spent over $300. So now that they said they'll offer PS4 exclusives and remove PC exclusives from the codex I sort of stick around waiting. If they screw up this last chance to atone, I'm done with this game. While I wait, why not discuss what exclusives would be acceptable. Like Nyx Prime.

    You will be missed -sniff-

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