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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. Just now, GrandTickler2 said:

    I thought MR was everything. isnt like most content locked behind this rank system?

    if i just keep playing, leveling my new weapons and warframes, aren't i missing out on tons and tons of MR xp, gimping myself in the long run?

    I've been playing since 2013 and have only ever bothered to get to MR13. MR doesn't dictate experience, skill, or anything meaningful. It just tells everyone how much you've grinded. Thats it. I've met several MR24's that are garbage at this game because they power leveled without bothering to git gud.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Meta_Nexus said:

    A) MAYBE a Forerunner's best combat skins would be on par with or perhaps superior to SOME Warframes' durability, but the variation there is so staggering between frames that I'm sure some Warframes would still potentially match or even outperform the best Forerunner combat skin, if put to the same tests (when modded properly). Keep in mind that the Mod system is still a part of Warframe's official lore--they're remnants of Orokin technology that survived the Old War (they used to be called "Orokin Artifacts" after all). So far as MC's durability goes, I'm still agreeing with Coldguy111's appraisal of the Spartans and their equipment, and putting it on par with the basic Grineer combat trooper's loadout, with a little extra Corpus shielding added. Grineer are genetically modified to be the best warriors, and also employ drastic cybernetic augmentations to overcome any potential physical weaknesses from genetic decay. The major difference between a Grineer soldier and a Spartan is that Grineer don't have a handy on-board AI to assist with suit functions, system infiltration, and combat strategy. Having put that perspective on it, it's fine that Chief's gear is a 2 out of the Forerunners' possible 14. You grab a Chroma with Ice and go to town, you're looking at a 14+ right there.

    B) The Tenno are in similar standing there, except their space magic is wild and dangerous and they all have it...and they're immune to the Infestation. Apparently the Void is the ultimate cure and life font.

    C) Again, Mods are a part of Warframe's lore, so it's hard to discount them. Even some enemies use them. In a fight of unmodded Warframes vs Spartans with even numbers, though...I gotta say that the Warframes would still be tougher, faster, and better equipped, and even with mods discounted, their native abilities would tilt the scales completely. And when I say that Warframes have 4-6 respawns, I don't mean that as a meta-feature of the game--"Oh, I died, now I have to go back to the checkpoint!"--I mean that's another lore-based function. The Tenno operating the frame surges a pulse of Void energy to reinitialize it--like hitting them with a defibrillator, but with space magic--and the only thing keeping them from doing this an unlimited number of times is that doing it too much would fry the Warframe's vitals--again, much like a defibrillator--and render it inert and unusable after that. That's why you're forced to extract after you run out of "lives." You can always build a new Warframe, but why go through the trouble? Chiefy, on the other hand, when he dies, it is very much a meta-feature that allows him to respawn. In the lore (novels and whatnot), once any Spartan dies, they stay dead. No respawns.

    D) On the subject of Grineer armor being equivalent to a Spartan's...honestly I'm not certain. The comparison I was drawing before was a bit more in reference to the individuals inside the suits--both being modified heavily for combat, both with genetic and cybernetic augmentations, and both undergoing extremely intense military training from early on. The average Mjollnir armor may very well be tougher than a regular Grineer's, that we usually see...but there are some variations of Grineer, and the ones we usually run into are the rearguard, with the least combat experience and worst equipment. The main forces are usually called in as reinforcements and don't start to show up for a good 20+ minutes. When you get to their equivalent of the Grineer Vanguard (an hour into reinforcements or so), you can really tell the difference. They hit a lot harder, are much more vicious in their tactics, and absorb a great deal more damage before falling. That's the main reason I say I'm not sure which is superior--because what we normally see the Grineer using is the outdated junk models on the weakest clones. I'm not sure what the Corpus' excuse is for having weaker units here and there, other than that we Tenno usually try to hit everyone where they're weakest.

    E) I'm not 1,000,000,000% certain, but I think the Corpus and especially the Grineer fleets would be far more numerous in terms of size and scope than those of the Covenant and UNSC...unsure about the Forerunners, but given they colonized over 3 million worlds, I'm guessing they'd at least have a good number of colony ships to throw around. The Grineer Balor Fomorians seem to be like Covenant Capital ships on steroids, funnily enough, so tech-wise they'd at least have an edge there, if not with sheer numbers, again. I'm making the assumption that Grineer and Corpus have insanely large fleets because they have several armadas in orbit around every planet and several moons in the Origin System, and I'm led to believe that the ones we're aware of (shown on the star chart) are only a small portion of the ones that exist, and that the vast bulk of them are fighting each other or performing secret tasks in lanes that the Tenno (very wisely) typically avoid.

    Yeah I'm not trying to argue that the UNSC and Covenant would win here if the Corpus and Grineer have as insane numbers as everyone is led to believe. As I said at the end of the post, Warframe lore is open to interpretation. We just don't know that much about it to properly gauge how well Warframe would do. This is mainly the best guess, but I still believe it's fairly accurate as long as the Corpus and Grineer aren't as big as this. 

    As far as the ranking, I agree that Warframes have a 14+ when it comes to abilities. But I don't think they quite get there in terms of durability. Perhaps Rhino, but it's to obscure to tell. The cannon durability strength, I believe, was 6 times what the Chief was wearing, and Chief survived falling from orbit holding onto next to nothing twice. You could argue this was plot armor, but if you take it as actual MJOLNIR strength, it would make rank 14 insane. 

    There's also the problem in telling how many Tenno there are canonically. Though, I think we can assume there's a sizable amount of them. I wont get to much into that since there's no real way to tell.

    As far as the Forerunner ships, the formorian equivalent would be the Mantle's Approach.


    But that is hardly the most dangerous ship the Forerunners can throw out. That would be the Maethrillian. 


    The biggest disk is 100,000 KM, and it's 500,000 KM long. It's also the High Charity equivalent for the Forerunners. In a video where the Star Wars universe was put up against the Forerunners, the Star Wars universe could hardly touch them.

    (After re-watching this, I found that the ranking system actually went up to 18, but our arguments are still valid as there's still the cannon 6x as strong as Chiefs armor.)

    I really don't see any other outcome than the Grineer and Corpus being stomped by the Forerunners, hence why I left them out. At least the UNSC and Covenant is debatable. 

  3. On 10/10/2017 at 6:17 AM, Meta_Nexus said:

    Considering we've only fought against Sentient Combat Drones thus far (save for the cyberspace battle against a certain someone in a recent quest), I think the real Sentients pose a far greater threat than we're aware of so far. The Drones are annoying for us already--a real and INTACT Sentient might give us PTSD, just judging from what the fragments/remnants of Eidolon--or his forces--(Teralysts) seem to be able to do in the PoE trailers/gameplay.

    I'd wager just 1 real Sentient could be the primary antagonist of a full-length HALO title, or short series.


    1. From what I've seen of and briefly researched on the Forerunners, some of their technological feats were barely on par with those of the Orokin Empire. While they did manage to Terraform and successfully colonize many more worlds and systems than the Orokin (3 million+ according to the data, against the Orokin MAYBE getting the Tau system Terraformed but not yet settled, to our knowledge), their combat aptitude and technology sounds to be remarkably lacking by comparison. From the descriptions it sound like the Forerunners operated more like the Corpus in the warfare theater, creating the Sentinels to go and fight for them rather than risk dying themselves. They were also limited to directed energy and solidified light matrix weaponry, which does not surpass combat tech in Warframe. Orokin also have the drastic advantage of being immortal AND invulnerable, unless you know the secret to killing them permanently, whereas it sounds like a little Infestation would go a long way against a Forerunner.

    The only real advantage the Forerunners (and HALO Universe) seems to have is the HALO WMDs...which are in THEIR Universe...so...yup.

    2. Again, I'll point out that HALO weaponry is at best equal to, but not greater than, weaponry in Warframe. Both have heavily modified ballistics weaponry (UNSC and Grineer), and both have varied particle pulse and directed energy weaponry (Covenant + Sentinel/Forerunner and Corpus + Orokin). Warframe has the added benefit of harnessing and conventionally weaponizing the Infestation, as well, which HALO lacks in. There are also the Tenno variations, Syndicate variations, Baro's variations, and Orokin variations on various weapons to consider (Dragon, Wraith/Vandal, Prisma, Prime) offering additional upgrades over the conventional models...add to that the existence of Mods and Rivens, and you've painted Warframe like Bob Ross, and HALO like a 3-year-old's sidewalk chalk sketch.

    3. Even with the abilities discounted, the typical Warframe would be far more durable, nimble, and powerful than the average John Spartan, if only for the presence of Mods...but even toss those out, and I'd wager an Excal would be able to go toe-to-toe with 117 for 10 rounds, no problem...why? Because the Warframe would be punching a human wrapped in sturdy armor with a little bit of energy shielding, while good ol' Johnny would be punching a mess of Infestation (which is already insanely durable) wrapped in Space Magic armor (somehow even more durable than Infested flesh) surrounded in some energy shielding. Go beyond that, though--Warframes can revive themselves 4 times, Johnny only has 1 life.

    As Coldguy111 pointed out, your average Grineer unit (not any of the special ones) is already bred and genetically enhanced and cybernetically augmented with gusto in a fashion similar to (perhaps a fair bit more extreme than, honestly) a Spartan. They (average Joe Grineer units) may be completely lacking in high-level thinking, but what thoughts they do have are centered around combat...and the typical Warframe dances around them and dispatches them like they're a rickety wooden post.


    Now I like HALO a lot...and I'm being as fair as I can here...the HALO Universe would get ripped to tiny shreds if it invaded the Origin System. Turn it around though--if the Origin System was suddenly thrust into the HALO Universe, the only saving grace would be if someone on the HALO side hit the big Reset Button...then it would just leave the Corpus Proxies (and perhaps some Nullifiers) to fight against the Sentinels. That's only if ALL of the Tenno and their Warframes were not Void-masked during the button mash (pre-supposing the Void would still be present because of the dimensional incursion)...because when they're not deployed on a mission, they're hidden in Void pockets on their Orbiters, y'know...which is not in normal space, so it wouldn't be affected by the "death to all organic life" bubble.

    Now I'm going to have to disagree with some of the stuff you said about the Forerunners. They had a 'Combat Skin' ranking system that ranged from 1-14. John-117's combat skin (MJOLNIR) is rank 2. Every Forerunner civilian was required to wear a combat skin of at least 8, making even their regular people, at the very least, on par with a Warframe's durability. I mean, imagine what an 8, let alone 14 rank combat skin is like if Chiefs is a 2. Now yes, they're not militarized and really weren't ready for the Flood, but with the Corpus and Grineer they wouldn't even need their combat skins. Not only do the Forerunners possess hoards of machines that outnumber the Corpus by a ton, but they could all be placed under the command of a Metarch level AI, such as Offensive Bias. These things operate on a similar level to Key-minds, and I already told everyone how it was truly game over if the Flood reached the point where it created a key-mind. It would be pure decimation from strategy and numbers. I don't know how they would reach the operators though. A similar problem popped up in scenario 2. Doesn't matter to much if the Tenno can be taken down by a civilian though. (If you're wondering, Forerunner armor not only protected them, but extended their lifespans to near immortality, healed them, cured all diseases besides the Flood, and in the case of the Didact, gave them some basic force powers that Chief was helpless against.) 

    I never really talked about HALO's weapons. The post was already to long, so I didn't want to make it longer, but you're right in that aspect.

    In my comparisons to Spartans, I didn't discount abilities but I did discount mods. Add mods and it's truly a stomp, and without them the Spartans could maybe take down one or two Warframes. Scenario 2 goes to the Warframe universe pretty easily. (Though if we're going to count respawns, Warframes have 4 and Spartans have infinite.) 

    While they're a genetic mess, I don't think they're armor is on par with a Spartan-ll or IV. Spartan-lll's and ODST's sure though. They do have some pretty good armor regardless, and have far more in numbers. The combat training is a thing, and they're going to have more experience and ability to fight than most soldiers in Halo. But I contributed their victory on Earth with minimal losses to overwhelming air and vehicle support, something the Grineer haven't been shown to have. (I'm sure something will come up that will possibly change that though. The story and lore are constantly progressing.)


  4. 15 minutes ago, SharkPot said:

    Well player's are not opposed to helping new players, But they are opposed to the items when people grind-ed out for months after months only to be belittled by DE, When the first twitch prime promotion came everybody was more than welcome to it, But, with 2nd promotion which they are doing to make the game popular, they are making it into a publicity stunt,And also a fact this is nothing but a start for the things to come in Oh sure many people will come to try out, But the continuous disrespect towards people who play and fund the game to where it is now, the people who buy the prime access with a guarantee that what they get is exclusive, is no longer true,all of it will hit the tipping point. This had already become obvious when prime packs were re-released, specially the you guessed it Frost and Ember prime pack. So, yeah can't wait to see the results of the next prime access with all of this "new players who love this game" and how many of these will remain in game after 2 updates.
    I was going to do a giveaways for all of 20 sets of each prime frames and weps to newbies below playtime of 500 hours for PoE promotion, But yeah now im not gonna do it, I would rather give it to people who understand the value of grind over time than these newbies who think they understand everything about a game.


    2 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

    The word "exclusive" associated with the current Prime Access is not for weapons or frames, only gear and cosmetics...


    I agree with vvhorus. Buying Prime Access is mainly for supporting DE to, not just getting stuff. 

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