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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. "Yeah I boarded this Derelict spacecraft and noticed there was sh*t growing all over the walls, so I got in my ship and got the hell out of there." - Random Comm Guy in S.P.A.Z

    I want to hear more random things like that. 

  2. Just now, PinisSVK said:

    R.I.P then :D 

    Relax. People horde vaulted stuff before it's vaulted, so there's almost always someone selling that you're looking for on the Warframe Market (Online) or the Trade Chat. It's not totally inaccessible. I know several new players with Ash Prime. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, PinisSVK said:

    But what if players wont have those prime parts anymore ? :P you know ? I know it may be stupid but just think about it then you have to buy it. :D Or u can buy Prime Warframes with platinum from that market in ur ship ? :P Dunno xD

    You can't buy vaulted things on the market. You have to get em from players. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, PinisSVK said:

    So kinda PayToWin Business :D :P

    No. You don't have to pay anything. You can run relics in the void, sell the Prime Parts you get, and buy vaulted stuff that players have. Warframe doesn't lock anything behind a paywall, but makes you grind if you don't throw money at the screen. 

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