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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. Weapon balance does not exist in this game. 

    There are weapons that have low base stats, and ones that have high base stats. Each has their own little quirk of course, like with great swords you're reduced to a snails pace while swinging, but overall you wont find that appearance matters TO much. (Unless you go fashionframe.) 

    Damage will just keep going up as you get new weapons, and the mods you use will become more powerful as well. That's just how the game works. 

  2. Unfortunatly the only way you're ever going to get vaulted stuff is either through buying it with plat from trade chat, or Twitch Prime. They're vaulted because... Vault. I really don't like the vault. It bars new players from content. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    What everyone should be asking themselves isn't whether Soma and Scindo are uber, but which weapons and frames will be in the NEXT Prime for Prime promo. I mean, this is the second one; after the first one with Frost there were people saying it would never happen again, so clearly THEY were mistaken. Anyone saying it won't happen again after THIS one is basically delusional.

    I kinda like it. It gives new players a way to get the vaulted stuff they weren't around for, and promotes the game. So what if it messes with the market prices? It's temporary every time it happens. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

    Or we'll see things like the Misa prime sydana or the targris prime armor on some twitch giveaways, "Hey kids watch this warframe partnered streamer scratch his nutz 4 times to win a single piece of the targris prime accessories!

    ...And this is a bad thing?

    EDIT: Oh no, people are getting free stuff to hype up the game and bring in new players how dare you DE!!!


  5. It's fine. Anyone who say's it's not is either butt hurt about prices, or doesn't get how marketing works. 

    This wont effect anyone in the long run. Just wait for the thing to pass and the prices will go up. 

    This will get a lot more players into Warframe, and that's going to be great. There's no real double edged sword here. For those who don't like it, it's just a tiny shot. So sit still and deal with it. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

    Frost prime as well, stop taking it so lightly.

    There's no real legitimate reason why this is a bad thing. It's just marketing, and getting cool stuff will make new players stay more. Please stop being salty and realize that this isn't a bad thing. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, ComCray said:

    Guys, come on. "Its why I've been running X solo" - "never do X missions public" - "why are you playing public".. sure thing. You think I'm new here? These are the same answers you get when bishing about Ember. When being annoyed about Limbo. Or a myriad of other [censored] stuff that happens.

    This is a coop game remember?

    If I REALLY want to play solo, I'll grab one of the gazillion singleplayer games I still have waiting. But I like WF for the Coop. Meet new people, show off my hard work at FashionFrame, show and see a bit of awesomeness.. all that joyous stuff that can be done in this game.

    And sure,. when playing in pugs, expect unexpected behavior.. sure.. 

    But don't you agree ME having to play solo, in a coop game, because others can't play nice in a group, is... is... downright silly?

    If you play WOFEmber, you KNOW you might as well check that solo switch. 

    If you plan on just rushing the vaults, why even bother to go into a public match?


    This last time with the vaults that initially triggered me to write the OP, I happened to be with two low MR but very pleasant Tenno. We had fun. So I decided to tag along with them when they went for the spy mission. Thought maybe I'll give some tips and hints if needed. Maybe WE should have put the switch on inv only. But that was not the mindset we had. So we didn't. A mistake? Hardly. Naive? probably.


    Whatever the case, IMHO, this again makes glaringly obvious our mission menu is hopelessly inadequate for split second decisions. I'd imagine the WOFEmber might have set the 'solo' switch if it was more readily available, if it was less finnicky, if the path to the initial mission wasn't already 3 clicks and actual visual effort too long.

    So yeah, if it turns out this to be an issue, knowingly or unknowingly, most of the time people end up in pugs who really don't need or even want anyone else in their team, that'd be a good enough reason for me. People are lazy creatures. Like ALL of them. A good interface takes this in account and helps us not to think. That is NOT the case by the mission selection screens (and many others). 


    So yeah. If that turns out to be the 'why' behind all this, I can live with it and convince my poor autistic brain not to get so upset about it. Lets see how  and if that works..

    Something more or less positive came out of this. Thanks. Cake for everybody! 


    Om nom nom!

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