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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. 30 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Somewhere around the 12-20 km mark. 

    It should be noted, though, that we have literally nothing to go on when it comes to ship-based firepower, speed/acceleration curves, durability, and so on. Until DE gives us something for that, any debate involving Warframe in a space-combat-based context is more or less pointless in most cases.

    Yeah. I'll be making a lot of assumptions on the Warframe side. Even these measurements are just estimates. 

  2. 2 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    As a member of Spacebattles.com, I can assure you that Warframe is more than capable of holding its own. Considering a throwaway Corpus fleet numbered at 100,000 ships (aka, more ships than both the UNSC and Covenant combined), Warframe could literally ram the entire Halo universe to death. I believe estimates SB did put Galleons at 2 km in length, and Fomorians at ~20 km, with Corpus Obelisks sharing those specs.

    Now, if you're talking Flood or Forerunners, and bring in book feats, then WF is screwed hard. The Tenno are probably the only ones who survive, by retreating to the Void for eternity. 

    Thanks for the comment. That helped a lot. So the Corpus Obelisks are 2km or 20km then?

  3. Just now, shellspeed1 said:

    Just saying if they had decent detection technology they would be able to detect tenno ships and blow them up rather easily as the only thing we have in our favor is stealth capabilities. Its shown that Captain vor could blow up a tenno ship with nothing but the Janus key in the tutorial if I remember correctly. So that is a thing to remember :p

    Duly noted. :P

  4. Just now, shellspeed1 said:

    If you include tenno warframe universe would win. If you were to however use sentients v halo the results would be intresting to me.

    Yeah. Sentient's will be a thing. The Tenno not being there is the only big nerf on the Warframe side. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Nakrast said:

    Warframe would win, the amount of beyond op stuff we have is just insane.

    I'll be tweaking it to make it balanced. The Tenno not existing would be a thing, along with some other factors. I'll be trying to make it as balanced as possible. 

  6. Hello there. 

    I've been planning to do a Halo Universe vs Warframe universe thread, since I want to know who would win. However, I've run into a wall. I can't seem to find anything relating to how powerful Warframe's ships are. If you can find anything on that, it would be much appreciated, since I don't want to make assumptions. 

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