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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. This is, obviously, a post for Warframe Veterans, so this should be interesting.

    I could go on and on about my early experiences with this game, but if I had to pick one it was when the map generation broke, leaving a space you could jump out of the ship in. We all did so, and ended up at the bottom of a box with stars all over it since there wasn't anything to teleport players back up. We laughed our butts off, sent in a ticket, and screwed around for about an hour. It was senseless fun, and it was great. Couldn't complete the mission due to not being able to get back up though, so we eventually had to quit. 

  2. Anyone remember when there weren't 4 revives per mission, but 4 revives per day? I'm not saying we should go back to that. I mean, there's a reason DE changed it to 4 per mission, but I've been seeing a lot of complaints about people just flat out pressing X to revive themselves instantly when their teammates want to pick them up. 

    I propose that, instead of removing the instant timer removal thing, we just make revives more valuable. That way people would think twice about instantly reviving, since the chance of them running out of revives would be higher. I don't know about you, but if the instant-revive mechanic existed back then, I wouldn't have ever pressed it with teammates around. 

    I don't know how exactly we'd make them more valuable, as I'm not really a fan of the 4 revives a day thing, but I'm sure you guys can think of some ways.

    (Inb4 We get a 4 revives a week limit. Lol.) 

  3. Salt achieved.

    Git Gud handed out. 

    But really, all you have to do is grind more, and get better at the game if you want to do solo. You can argue all you want about the balance of the solo/public count, but it really isn't a problem. You're over-reacting. 

    I do believe, however, that there is something else you're trying to tell me that's actually related to the title. So can you elaborate? 

  4. 1 hour ago, ComCray said:

    Oh.. I LOVE this idea!!! 100 x doubleplus good!!

    These can be placed as "augments" you can buy from the Syndicates. Because they already have frame and weapon(theme) specific mods - and thus a system for it... 

    I'd love for my Nekros to, instead of covered in slime in my energy color, eminate death, like seeping clouds, when in descecrate mode...
    Or have Hydroid leak water from his pores, because.. because.. he needs to be wet right?
    Trinity can haz flashing lights, like an ambulance..
    Volt's passive.. see the static build up grow, from his feet, then up his leg.. 
    Ember.. gets to have patches that look like her burnt enemies.. you know, the ash with smouldering stuff

    I could go on like this for a while!! 

    I can absolutely see a part of our community totally fall in love with this idea, and another part will absolutely hate it. So, a switch in settings should be available - because salt.

    I'm just imagining Trinity with Ambulance lights running over Kira Yoshikage right now. 

    But yeah. It's not for everyone. But anyone who doesn't like them doesn't have to use them. 


  5. So we all know Fashion Frame is endgame, so what if we expand on that? What if we created mods that did cosmetic things instead of, well useful things? Things like making Limbo's 4 a square, or adding ice-spikes to frosts globe. Maybe when you shoot an enemy in the head confetti explodes out of it. You could do some sound stuff with it to. You guy's can probably come up with better idea's for these mods than I can.

    This could probably be done with something besides mods to. 


  6. 2 minutes ago, Devils_Toybox said:

    How are they making people get better when people don't even bother to do them? I am MR7 I can't physically do MR8 I do endgame stuff all the time what am I missing out on? Rives a Rhino prime frame a few weapons, not enough incentives even if I could do them to actually waste my time to do past MR10 anyways. 


  7. 8 minutes ago, CREEPERONBLOG said:

    Hey, I am pretty new to the game and I recently got my first Relic. I was wondering what Relics do and how I use them. I am also only on Venus so don't judge.

    Relics are how you get Prime Parts. If you look at the mission tab, you'll see a fire-like symbol. Those are the current void missions. The missions, just like the relics, and split into 4 tiers. Lith(1), Meso(2), Neo(3), Axi(4), with each mission getting harder as it increases in rank. To play these missions, you need to equip a relic of the same type as the mission. You then...

    1: Complete the mission objective.

    2: Make sure to collect Void Reactant from dead enemies. You need 10, or the relic wont open. 

    Once you do both of those, head for extraction. If you just play by yourself, you'll get one of the Primed Parts your Relic drops, which can be viewed at the relic station in your Liset. If you're playing with 4 people, however, you can choose between 4 different drops, making playing in groups far better.

    After playing, you may notice that you're picking up void traces. Those are used to level up relics and make rare drops less rare, giving you more of a chance to get them. 


  8. Just now, AlendasNaro said:

    If DE manages to pull of PoE without any great bugs. I think they should have a bathtub filled with money. It is quite big update... And if I am correct... Probably the biggest they have worked on what comes on warframe.

    Yeah. They said it was Warframe's biggest update to-date. 

  9. I've gone a total of... 4 years? Jeez has it been 4 years...


    ...4 years without buying plat and just grinding everything out, which might change here really soon since, let's be honest, DE deserves money.

    I'm wondering if anyone else has done a pure F2P play through of Warframe, and if not, how long did you last until you payed some green? 

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