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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. 10 hours ago, Megasupremeprime said:

    So the game is free and the main quote of the game is ninjas play free but if you pay for the things in game are you still a ninja?

    If every Warframe is a Ninja, does every Warframe need healing?

  2. There are these worm things in the gardens. For context, here's a picture of them while a garden is being built. You can see them change positions between the pictures. 



    From what I can tell, these worms just float about the room doing jack. Where are they when the room is complete you ask?


    (Don't ask why the graphics are #*($%%@. And I know why, so no need to tell me.)

    They're those twin lights floating around, except the worm part is invisible. 

    Now, these worms could just be a frame for the lights made visible on accident when a room is being constructed, but what if it isn't? What if space is filled with intelligent worms that make a living off of building Dojo's? I mean, you never physically build the rooms yourself. You just add resources, as if paying someone else to do it. 

    What do you guy's think these worms are, if you even think they're something to begin with?


  3. 4 hours ago, UmbraCorporation said:

    First, your post is very well-written and I respect that. 

    Second, I'm sure that DE will appreciate your feedback very much. 

    Third, I'm glad that you survived the grind and avoided the toxic side of the community, because many of us have not been lucky enough to have done so and have since turned the Dark Side. 


    Thanks for the compliment. And yeah, I feel pretty lucky not to have encountered the toxic part of the community. Honestly, I don't even think Warframe has that bad of a toxic community, and I don't think said toxic community is even very large. That's my current state at least. 

  4. You know what is missing from Warframe? A high-five emote. I'd love to celebrate after a hard mission with a slap-of-hands. 

    My Clanmate also suggested Rock Paper Scissors, Hugging, and Shoulder-pats, and various other emotes.

    Point is, we could have so much more interaction with each-other through emotes. Leave your suggestions down below!

    (This goes under Animation right?)

  5. I feel like vacuum abilities were it creates a giant mess of sucked in enemies has been overdone for frames, and that the 4th ability could use some tweaking, but overall not a bad concept for some frame abilities. 

  6. Dear Diary,

             This video gave me nostalgia like I haven't experienced in a long time. Being a noob was sweet. Not knowing what was ahead, or how mods worked, or how anything really worked was a state of ignorance that I still long for. Simply playing the game for the fun of being a space ninja is something I still do, and will forever do.



    Also you don't have to be a 'Pro' to join a Clan. My clan, for instance, specializes in helping out new players, and we have a few MR 1, 2, and 3 players who've just joined. 

  7. Just now, Leyhja said:

    I know right! A few months ago I got a friend of mine into playing and in this time he not only managed to catch up to my MR (13) but he also went so crazy on researches in the dojo that it might not be on a healthy level anymore... :) 

    As I mentioned I've been building up my clan. One of the members, a MR 5, quickly finished some of the big research's and went HAM on the farming. RNG loves him to, since he ALREADY has the War. You know. That one great sword that NEVER DROPS and that I STILL don't have. I'm seeing a bit of that in all my Clan members, and it's jaw-dropping impressive. I could never commit like they do. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Leyhja said:

    Over the past three years I've popped in and out of Warframe on a regular basis. When I started playing for the very first time I was confused on so many levels - so much stuff to do, so many things to see and please.. What the heck was going on? But gosh, I loved every second of it. Maybe it's just me, but noobing around, trying to fight my way through missions and often failing on the most ridiculous things most of the time leaves me with a good laugh.

    I was about to say "I think what I love most about this game.." - just to figure that I can't decide. I love how at the end of the day, after all the grind, it just feels heavily rewarding. I can't recall another game I had this feeling with (atleast none of the games I played). And just as Spartan said.. That feeling gets you addicted to it quite easily.

    Another point that makes Warframe very unique (to me) is that you can honestly and truly play it however you want and in your own pace. There is a lot of games out there that tell you "Hey, come in and do whatever you want" or that want to give you the feeling that you don't have to play 24/7 just to keep up with people. Or even just your own expectations. And long before you know whats going on you spent more time than you wanted doing things you didn't think you would need to do.
    For me things in Warframe never gave me this "You have to" feeling. 

    That brings me straight to the next point.. You can leave. If you want.
    There has been times when I have been tired of all the grind, when I achieved all the micro goals I had, grew up every frame I wanted, crafted every weapon I wanted to try - And then I left. Moved on to try other things. 
    But the part I love about this is that you can always come back - You just jump back in and it never feels like the game wants to punish you for leaving in first place. 
    You can just set new goals, use all your energy to explore new things.

    What I have to admit aswell is that I am usually not much of a story-person. I tend to click my way through dialogues and skip cutscences like a maniac. 
    Just like everyone else here I don't want to spoil anything about the lore, just so much: Once you figure out that there actually IS a story and you start paying attention to it (the sooner the better!).. It hooks you. 

    I guess I could go on like this for days, simply because each time I think "Okay, now I saw it all" there is something else that amazes me, but you know.. Argon Crystals don't farm themselves. :smile:

    This Tenno gets it. This Tenno right here.

    Funny thing is that you really can go at your own pace. Do you know what MR I'm at? 11. And that's because there are some weapons and frames I don't feel like using. There's no urgency, no need. It's casual if you want it to be, and intense if you want it to be. 

  9. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Dorian-Hawkmoon said:

    Don't want to spoil this good post with my own story, but from one vet player to another, well told...

    Thank you very much Dorian.

    3 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    Well said indeed^

    We often butt heads talking about lore and what nots, but that just goes to shows how most of us playing loved wf with all it's done and even the flaws

    And to you as well Watt. 


    3 hours ago, GrumpyTurtles said:

    I remember playing this in the closed beta, thinking how bland and wack this game was. Now I look back, and I would pay ANYTHING for the Founder's pack. I agree with you. A lot has changed over the years and for this game ... It's for the better. DE has made the game so addictive and enticing over the years, and now they are launching open world? This is definitely not the same game I played a few years back. This is more like an experience.

    It's very true. Warframe was evolved so much, and it is without a doubt some of the best game evolution to date. 


    2 hours ago, TheErebus. said:

    tfw too cynical about the game now so when I remember my old experiences with it I feel bad.

    Old Warframe was certifiably something. Seeing any video from that era brings back instant nostalgia. I mean, can you believe we had a stamina bar? Good times indeed. 

  10. In 2013, one of my friends recommended me a fairly new game named Warframe, saying that it was Ninja's in Space simulator. If there were two things I liked back then, it was Ninja's and space, so I downloaded without paying it because 'Ninja's play free' and started playing. I vaguely remember the tutorial, seeing my Liset for the first time, and thinking that Ordis would be useful. I remember my first encounter with resource grind as I tried to get the orange thing that Vor placed on me off. And I remember trying to beat Vor over and over again, failing each time but laughing as I did so because it was just that cool. 

    Eventually I surpassed what I now consider "Complete and total noob status" and started truly becoming the first space Hokage. (Believe it!) I played for around a year without actually interacting with the community. I didn't bother looking up anything about the game like what it was besides a player power fantasy about mowing down hoards of helpless enemies, and didn't actually realize it was a grind game. I played that year with purely Excalibur, I only realized that you could get other frames through the achievements list, and the only thing I really need resources for was for the forma I was creating, in which I placed on my Branton MK-1. (I put 7 forma on that thing. Lol.) 

    Back then the game was in a very early stage. I remember one mission where one of the tiles wasn't aligned correctly, and my entire team jumped into what was then a skybox of stars, leaving the map behind. We just screwed around on the 2D box of star's for over 2 hours, laughing our asses off. It was great. A clan accepted me as well, taking me to fight the giant tumor known as Lephantis back when Lephantis was new. I remember getting the highest damage with my freaking Branton MK-1, and having a wonderful time as my clan members taught me a bit about the game and what you could do in it. I got three frost prime parts, of which I have not parred with a BP to this day. (If you look on my profile page you'll see that the Latron Prime is my most used primary. Those guy's are why, because they helped me get it.) 

    Eventually I got tired of it and IRL stuff came up, so I left it for a few months. Then, on a whimsical note, I decided to pick it up again and saw that there had been several updates. This intrigued me, as I wondered how the Developers were making the game even better. Even still, I went on and off with month breaks in between before I finally started playing for real.

    I think it was the Equinox update where things really kicked off. I'd done a bit more research into the game and surpassed "Noob" status. I got together a few new weapons and Warframes, then tried to farm Equinox. It was my first true grind, and I hated/loved every second of it. Then I wondered: "Hey. Where are all my clanmates?" Turns out they'd been inactive for over 6 months. RIP. So I decided that I wanted to build my own clan, and I set out to build a suitable Dojo all by myself. I am proud to say that I finished it with a little help from the friend that recommended me the game, and I am currently growing said clan right now. 

    Then, realizing that all this grinding wasn't stopping, I came to terms with the fact that Warframe was a looter. Yeah. After over 2 years I came to terms with the looting. Anyway's, once I recognized this my amount of Weapons and Frames skyrocketed, and I enjoyed pretty much everything the game had to offer. I remember thinking: "Hey. I'm actually playing Warframe  now. Not just as a OP Space Ninja, but as a greedy bastard who'll serve the highest bidder." Luckily it wasn't all grind and greed, since the Natah quest came along. I wont spoil anything, don't worry, but that quest really got me into the lore of the game. I was just getting into it full time when IRL came knocking again and screwed me over in way's I wont bother explaining because that's an entire other story. I took a year and a half to recover.

    Finally, after graduating high school and getting myself a sweet new computer, I remembered that old beloved game and played it once more. I grinded even more frames, completed the old Dojo project, played and drop dead loved The Second Dream and The War Within as they came out, and started interacting with the community more. There's so much more I could say about my utterly fantastic adventures in this game, but I think we both can agree that I've typed a lot about them. Let's instead move on to why exactly I, and many others, just love this game. 

    I'm going to start by referencing Skill Up's review of Warframe. 

    "If mobility is power, then Warframe wants you to be as powerful as possible." - Skill Up

    This is so damn true, as are many things that Skill Up said in this review. 

    As I've said, the draw to this game for me was the term: Space Ninja. Ninja's are mobile as hell, and is one of the key components of this game. I always mod my Warframes for mobility because bullet jumping, sliding, rolling, and gliding around the map while trick-shoting enemies and mowing them down with deadly practiced precision and power is one of the best feelings you can have, along with racing your teammates to extraction and winning 90% of the time. (Coptering No! What has movement 2.0 done to you!) 

    Another good example is how the grinding is done. I have never payed a cent for the stuff I have obtained, (Which will probably change in the near future because DE deserves money.) and I always get a huge sense of accomplishment whenever I get a new weapon or frame. This sense is highly addictive, so luckily it's just a video game or I'd be screwed. 

    The story and plot twists of Warframe are on another level. I mean, who expected what would happen in the Second Dream? (Again no spoilers go play it ASAP if you haven't.) I find the story to be one of the main drives, as least for me, for playing Warframe, so I'm going to be ecstatic when PoE comes out. Unfortunately I can't talk more about this. Spoilers are a B****.

    But my final reason, and the one that most blew me away, was the community. When I first learned about just how good this community was when the 'Community of Tenno' regalia dropped, I beat myself over the head and wondered how the hell I had missed this after playing so long. I hardly every play solo anymore thanks to you guy's. You're helpful, hardly toxic (Excluding trade chat.) and I've only encountered 3 instances of toxic players, which is actually one more from my 'Mastery Rank Discrimination' thread, but still, ONLY 3 in several hundred encounters. That really say's something. I was most blown away a few day's ago though when I decided that, due to Leukemia awareness month and the fact that cancer sucks a**, I decided to strap on my Harmony Ribbon, color myself orange, and stand in the front of the relay. I made a forum post about standing infront of the relay in support of those with leukemia, and I instantly got a response from a Tenno named xcrazy_sniper who went over and stood beside me. Eventually, this happened. 


    I knew that people would want to show support, but I was STUNNED by this. It was, to say the least, a very happy amount of overwhelming. I thank everyone who came out that day. I plan to continue it, but Baro came and shrekt us, so until he's not we're stuck. But what came of that you ask? Well we made more than one person aware that Leukemia was an actual disease and that it was absolutely terrible, we promoted Leukemia awareness and donating to Leukemia research, and an entire clan alliance named: "Tenno with a Cause" grew from it. We're planning on showing support for victims of other diseases besides Leukemia as well. (BTW, Gene Therapy for Leukemia got FDA approved in the US. Best news for cancer patients in a while.) I can't even describe just how great his community of Tenno is. 

    Honestly, I could say EVEN MORE about what makes this game purely spectacular, but I feel like I've typed a 5 page English assignment and it's 11:40PM, so I'm going to stop. But please, let me know what you all play Warframe for, and what your experience with it is. I look forward to reading paragraphs upon paragraphs about this!

    (The Flood beats The Infested fite meh.) 

  11. Hey everyone! Recently Leukemia has been hanging over the Warframe community, as it is Leukemia awareness month and it's "Hit close to home" for DE. There have been mountains of support on the Forums and in-game from our wonderful conglomeration, and I believe we can all agree that Leukemia is terrible and can go die in a hole for all we care. Shout out to everyone who's wearing the Harmony Ribbon and to those who came out yesterday and stood in the Anti-Leukemia wall during Prime Time yesterday! 


    It's my pleasure to announce that the FDA as approved Gene Therapy in the US, meaning that Leukemia victims will have a much better chance at surviving their horrible condition! If you don't know what Gene therapy is, or even what this all means, check out this video explaining it! 

    (There's also some interesting stuff on the Zika Virus at the end there to.)

    This is, without a doubt, some of the best news for Leukemia patients in a long time! I hope this Gene Therapy is implemented fast, if it hasn't already been implemented. If you feel like showing support for those with Leukemia and spreading awareness for it, feel free to drop by a Relay and either start, or join a wall of orange frames with ribbons. Even better yet, you could donate to a credible cancer-researching organization. 

    Stay safe all you in Florida! - Spartan336

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