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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. HA!!! You thought this was a "Hey Kiddo" thread, but it was I!!! Conspiracy theory thread! 

    Let's get down to business. 

    The "Man in the wall" is a being that pops up every now and then as your Operator, seen here. 


    You can make your Operator, and thus, the man in the wall a woman, but the important part is that the Man in the Wall is, by name, a man. 

    When the TMitW (My new abbreviation.) appears, he looks at you strangle, as if peering into your soul, while saying "Hey Kiddo." You know what this reminds me of? The Stalker, who is also a man.

    The Stalker is another being that pops up now and then and is very menacing in appearance. I could make the correlation between TMitW and him, saying that TMitW is just Stalker V.3, but we all know that with the Tigris Prime the Stalker no longer exists. So what exactly does this mean? 

    It means that 16 (The number letters contained in TMitW) - 7 (Stalker) is 9. We're subtracting this because the Stalker no longer exists. What quest does TMitW come from? Chains of Harrow. Chains of Harrow features the Red Veil, who warship Rell. Rell contains TMitW within himself, meaning he's the key. Rell no longer exists either, so that means we can subtract him. 

    9 - Rell = 5.

    5 is a vary significant number. Why you ask? Because it's when you're most likely to have an imaginary friend, meaning that TMitW is potentially such a character. 

    However, since TMitW has become distorted, probably due to lack of attention, he's aiming to scare you in a game of hide n seek. But I believe that this is more than a game. Ignoring your imaginary friend for that long can scar said friend for life, leading them down the path of insanity. I believe TMitW want's to get revenge, and he will do so slowly, agonizingly, and painfully. He's gearing up for something, and it's going to be big.

    Congrats Tenno. Because you ignored your imaginary friend, we're all gonna die. 



  2. 7 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    heh, if you think the Uranus Tileset is a bish for cache farming, you've obviously never tried farming for Cyclone Kraken: find 3 caches on the Kuva Fortress in one mission just for a CHANCE at it, and the Fortress is a LOT worse: dozens of nooks and crannies in even the smallest tiles make for countless possible places for a cache,  as well as constant harassment from turrets. took a friend of mine 2 HOURS on one run to find all 3, I was there. he has since sworn never to go back to the Fortress again.

    Yeah when I saw the fortress tile-set I noped out. Haven't even bothered to finish most of the thing. 

  3. Man I've been posting a lot on these forums recently. Mabye it's because I have so many stories to tell and so much to talk about, but I'm obviously still making story's because this happened to me yesterday. 

    So my clanmate xRoBoReApErx need to unlock the junction going from Uranus to Neptune. (Which is almost an innuendo.) As it just so happens, I did to, since I'd completed the Solar system well before junctions were added. So I decided to help him. 

    First thing we did was kill Tyl, which gave me Equinox farming flashbacks, but that was over quickly. We then saw that we needed to collect all three caches on a Uranus mission, so we booted up a sab mission.

    I found a cache right off the bat. "This is gonna be easy." I though to myself. In my 4 years of playing, I have never been so wrong. 

    We searched everything before the first objective, which went fairly quickly since there were NO side rooms and NO rooms for caches to spawn in. Me and Reaper scratched our heads at this, but moved on, destroying a few pipes and moving on to the next part of the map. We then went 500M with no more room for caches to spawn. It was as if map generation was saying "No. Nothing here. Move along." So we went and killed a maniac bombard, and found ourselves at the extraction point. Now there was FINALLY a side door at the end that thankfully had a cache for us, but we only had 2. So we backtracked through the mission, picking apart everything we could see and find. There were two water parts (And I haven't leveled my Archwing.) That we had to swim through at length, which is torture. Earlier in the mission I went through one part and Reaper pointed out a rare mod, to which I said: "I aint backtracking for that. I don't want to enter the water again." I had to enter the water again after spending a 15 minutes making sure that the surface parts were entirely explored. 

    So we've been in this darn mission for around 50 minutes looking for this cache in this horribly generated map when finally I spot a really small camouflaged cave opening in the side of the submersible area we've been picking clean. I go down it a way's and it opens up into another area with a bunch of lockers in it. There, sitting on a ledge, was the cache.

    Now here's the cherry on top of the S*** milkshake, because right then I was tired (It was now midnight.), we'd just gone through the tedious task of picking apart every little thing on a horribly generated map that had ton's of frustrating dead ends, and Reaper is a relatively new player so I wanted him to have the best experience possible. (This wasn't that experience.)

    I floated up to the cache at 2MPH and clicked X. Nothing happened. I clicked X again. It didn't open. I SPAMMED X. Nothing. 

    Turns out, I had started lagging hard. To Reaper, I was just hanging out at the entrance of the submersible area, so when I yelled: "OMG I FOUND IT" He went in the opposite direction I was actually in. After a few minutes of figuring this out, I way-pointed it because apparently for some god-forsaken logic that and the chat wasn't effected by lag. (Lag in Warframe is really different compared to other games if you think about it.) 

    After losing the way-point once because it shut off, Reaper found his way over and opened the cache. We then GTFO'd. Only he could make it to extraction though, as the doors wouldn't open for me due to the lag. So we had to go through the last few seconds eagerly waiting for the timer to tick down so we could leave. 

    We then proceeded to do a fast capture mission to relieve the stress. 

    Silly things that came out of this while we were losing our minds:

    Star Frame Episode 4: A new Tenno

    Star Frame Episode 5: The Grineer Strike Back

    Star Frame Episode 6: Return of the Lotus

    Star Frame Episode 7: The Frames Awaken 

    Finding Oridis

    Finding Suda, the sequel to Finding Ordis

    Beauty and the Cephilon. 

    Lotus Purple and the 7 Clems. (14 GRATAKA!!!)

    Whats the worst single mission you've ever been on? 





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