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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. There really isn't much you can do about this. People will always have their own playstyle, wont cooperate, or whatever else you want to call it. You can tell them to play differently but as long as they're getting the job done it doesn't really matter.

    When they're NOT getting the job done though, it becomes a real problem. Like this. And taking the time to explain why it would really help is, well, time consuming. 

    I had a spy mission where a guy just did not know how to do spy missions. It could be that they just don't know how the game works, or what they can do to help, but that's extremely unlikely considering they just flat out said no to you. 

  2. Just now, INight00 said:


    *Insert obligatory hate for Archwings here.*

    But if such a room where to become reality, I don't think the observatory would be a good fit for that. Perhaps you could go fly outside your Dojo, with the border being the Dojo's shields, and have battles there. 

  3. This is the Observatory. 


    It has a star-map, places to sit, and a wonderful view. This, however, could be better, if only a little. 

    I'd think that, like in the relays, the Observatory should be a place where you can access the star-map. It'd make for something a little cooler, and give players a little bit more motivation to use to Dojo. It's not practical, but it's fancy, so there you have it. 


  4. 1. Endgame wont be for a very long time. Safe to say DE are working towards an end-game, but this is more of the *Story evolves with every update and we'll eventually get to the end.* kind of game. That, or you could say Fashionframe is endgame. 

    2. The Void needs a bit of work, but that will hardly fix it. I just want them to be as useful again. I don't see the point in making it so you get a mission wheel every-time you click on one. And what would be the unlocking mechanic for that? But if you mean the Void Relic system, well, we've got a new system now, and I'm sure DE has received that complaint before. I don't see it changing. 

    3. MR doesn't mean much at all. A person, which the right tools, can reach MR 24 in 24 days. All MR does is dictate what MR locked items you can use. And the game has to be updated and balanced, so we're sorry you lost MR, but it really isn't that big a deal. 

    Destiny 2: Honestly, you can play Warframe and Destiny all you'd like. They aren't rivals. The amount of people who would do that are very low. And besides. PoE. 


  5. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)ItsMast3rking said:

    ....i dnt really see wht the joke's suppose to b

    Interesting choice. Dnt and wht. Three letters each, one at the end, and convey's a message. What message you ask? That this person doesn't understand? NO! This man in the Illuminati. 

    Think about it. Three spelling errors, Three Three one. It's a pyramid with an eye! 

    (I'm making fun of conspiracy theories.)

  6. You need bait for Hunters?! Bwahahaha! Git gud.

    (Jk of course.)

    But in all seriousness I do agree with you. You know what the Infested Ancients first attack almost always is? Grappling hook. You know what I hate? Grappling hooks. And they pretty much spam em. 

  7. 3 hours ago, (Xbox One)ItsMast3rking said:

    Well your conclusion is wrong.

    1)the man in the wall us a physical manifestation of the void entity itself.

    2)it takes our form because we're sorta the embodiment of the void(he gave us our powers).


    3)we dont know whether or not he's truly trying to kill us, for all we know maybe he just wanna be there to take over our bodies to live his own life and since we already have part of his body, its easy, or maybe he's trying to assist us in controlling our powers..just like it made captain vor immortal.

    *When they don't get the joke.*

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