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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. 3 minutes ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

    i think a cool ability would be one that lets you change your own gravity. Like you aim at a wall/cieling/floor and when you use the ability it makes you fall in that direction for the duration or till you change it to something else


  2. "Oh it was just the Stalker." - Everyone who reads the title. 

    But no. Not this time. 

    Here's what happened: I had gone Excalibur and set it to the default colors for laughs. I had just killed the Sergeant, and everything was proceeding normally. Then, the team got to extraction and suddenly, as I entered my Liset, this black box appeared in the upper-left hand corner of the screen. A line of red text, of which was in some sort of Alien language, appeared on it as if someone was typing it out. Then that line was fallowed by around 3 lines of white text below it. Regrettably, I was to stunned to take a screenshot, and it went by pretty fast. I got the Stalker message to so it could be related. I'm going to test this a few more times and see if I can get you guy's a picture.

    Has anyone else encountered this? 

  3. How about we make the Observatory a Nav/Mission room. It would give the room a function, and would operate similar to the relays. 

    Shooting range room is a good one, but is kinda pointless when you bring up the Simulacrum.

    Throne room is weird.

    Crafting Cosmetics could be a thing, but would have to have it's own set only obtainable there so it doesn't unbalance anything.

    More pets!

    More colors!

    I'm not sure how Dojo events would go down.

  4. Just now, Rixuel said:

    To go up a MR, you need affinity.

    To get affinity, you need to rank up items like weapons, frames, sentinels, etc.

    Are you saying I don't need prime/wraith/vandal/prisma items to reach MR 24 in 24 days?

    Point taken. But my point still stands. Obtaining and leveling stuff isn't that hard, well, as long as you throw some money at the screen. 

  5. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    Not a fan?

    So you don't do sortie?

    Or not interested in a mod that makes your weapon better?

    Do you know that a higher MR means more syndicate standing? more trades and more Void traces?

    and if you don't care about MR, then why you care about the tests and their difficulties? leave that to players who care.

    More questions !!!!!


  6. Just now, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    I wonder Why?

    Aren't you keen to have a tigris prime for example?

    What about rive mods that requires 12+ MR?

    3 years and MR 12.. that makes me raise a lot of questions !!!!!

    Tigris Prime is actually why I decided to go from 10 to 13. As for Riven mods, not a fan. If you need proof, look at my profile. Now. Are we going to get back on topic everyone?

  7. 1 minute ago, VirtualViolet said:

    Did you even listen to what the guy was saying in that video? Sure, he was able to keep Hysteria up most of the time, but the fact that he had to resort to that is a testament to how challenging the test was (he still managed to get killed once). The fact that you can cheese it with invulnerability isn't really a criticism of the test, it's a criticism of Valkyr's Hysteria.

    "As long as you don't have invincibility." - My first post.

    This is divulging into a pointless conversation with a triggered person. You've thrown in your 2 cents. Let it be. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, VirtualViolet said:

    Four total 25-energy orbs spread around the arena that take longer to respawn than it does to run around collecting them, and Hysteria's energy cost continues to increase the longer you have it up. Also, the enemies don't drop energy.

    This is what I'm talking about when I say off-putting. You complain that the mastery tests are too easy, but you have zero first-hand knowledge of them. You act like you're too good for mastery rank because it doesn't require enough skill, but you don't seem to have a firm grasp on the game mechanics. You act like you're better than people who say that such-and-such mastery test is too hard (something which I also disagree with), but here you are whining about a part of the game that you have yet to progress to.

    12-18 enemy's.

  9. 3 minutes ago, VirtualViolet said:

    Also, good luck keeping Valkyr's Hysteria up without energy restores.

    The map provides the energy required.

    1 minute ago, VirtualViolet said:

    I find it rather off-putting that you feel qualified to comment on the difficulty of mastery rank tests that you can't even be bothered to attempt to reach.

    You may continue being off-put.

    3 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

    Yes, that would be an awesome direction to go and stays within a PvE setting compared to Conclave, that came to mind, when thinking of the cosmetic items available there as you rise in rank.

    Oh man don't even get me started on conclave. That's a mess for another thread. But if cosmetics are going to be added, I'd just like the new system to be a challenge so that the cosmetics have some meaning to them. That's all I'm really asking with this entire thing. 

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