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About TheOnlyWarBear

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  1. You said, "In both cases, the main/primary account designated becomes your singular account across all platforms..." and I got confused all over again. So, linking lets multiple accounts (Xbox and PC, for example) have access to each other so that I can access items on either account inside either account, yes? Then what does the merge option do, then? Will I basically only be able to access my account on one platform if I merge? Is that the idea? Also, I can't really find anything this specific, but if I merge my Xbox account with my PC account (my PC account being the main account in this instance) and I am a Warlord on Xbox, what happens to the clan on Xbox if I remove myself via an account merge? Also, since I'm a bit thick in the head, if I merge my account, does that mean I can then use my PC account on Xbox? I'm a little fuzzy on the details.
  2. So, I have noticed this for years now, but I am finally tired of it. As you know, turning your camera also turns your warframe's head in the direction of where you point your camera. HOWEVER, turning your head to the left, for some reason, goes SO much further to the left than to the right--so much so that your neck will look like a twisted pretzel and deform your character. But when looking to the right, you can only really look so far before your head just snaps back to center. It's by no means game breaking, but my goodness has it finally gotten on my nerves after so many years. I was hoping it would have been caught on its own. Alas, we can turn our heads almost 180 degrees and see behind us. Below, you will be able to see how far left and right I can look before the head snaps back to center. Looking to the right really doesn't go too far at all.
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