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Posts posted by Lewdcifer

  1. Can we have some clarification on what certain action, behavior affect enemies' stealth behavior. I know there's number on all of that but it's just not convincing when some dude just don't care when their wife got stabbed next to them on the bed and some, while blinded, gagged, silenced, just know that their pen pal from across the continent just got murdered in 10 million ways by some weird space shinobi kids.

  2. Do you think there should be an (un)official community discord?

    It's not something baseless out of favor: Discord is the most popular place for a lot of community to gather, and for a good reason. It's easy to use, easy to organize, moderate. It's an IRC that's just been made for everyone. I'm certain some clans use it.

    Region world wide chat? :p

    Since people can just make their server and no one would mind, maybe if our community moderators feel up to it, an unofficial one shouldn't affect anything :D

    TLDR; make a world wide region / trade / recruitment chat that might as well doesn't take a lot of effort (setting up that is. I don't even know how do you moderate that without setting up a custom bot for the server like ones in the normal chat, and that takes some time...)

  3. I will stand by my opinion that barring ANY frame behind the ambulas is dumb. I guess there is hope that trinp is not that pricey.

    Also rhino is a starter now? o.o"

    And how in heaven even if rhino is a starter, I will refuse to believe that they put rhino in excal instead of mag's place... Players don't deserve a horrible frame as a starter.

    Buff mag

  4. 1 hour ago, Pizzarugi said:

    I'd personally avoid hunter munitions until damage 2.5 rolls out. Slash damage is said to only factor in when proccing with this announced system, and slash has the lowest base damage on the baza (3.5).

    Did they not trash this idea already...?

    Surely they know those ips suggestion were excruciatingly dumb, and the community agrees so

  5. 27 minutes ago, bluepheonix13 said:

    I often encounter a similar situation, where I cannot fire the alt fire while not zoomed. Zooming in always does the trick for me. 

    Will try this if the situation come up. Will be a bit annoying but better than nothing. I need the t2 amp...

  6. 25 minutes ago, Snib said:

    You cannot shoot the scaffold while sprinting or sprint is toggled on.

    I almost always void mode to charge it and fire since I use zenurik so I have energy to spare. Sprinting is so obscenely useless you're better off just sliding around or dashing constantly anyways

  7. Occasionally I would not be able to use my opticor fire mode at all. Last for a really long time before I can shoot it again.

    Does anyone experience the same bug?

    Of course, for someone only has access to the t1 amp, the primary fire is &#!...

    Full magazine, also can't remember what was happening prior to the bug because S#&$'s going everywhere during teralyst fight so I couldn't remember

  8. It's fun! I just tried my first *kof* proper *kof* teralyst solo (F*** doing it with the mote amp) and I got really close (until I forgot I still had one synovia left and I just kept wailing on the invincible dude). It's just fun running around trying to not die and blast the mother #@*&$@ down.

    Also the no cap focus is pretty nice I guess :p.

    Do you guys think taking a F*** ton of time killing synovia (trinity) is less painful than taking a F*** ton of time keeping lures alive (chroma)?

  9. Confirmed with cimulacrum:

    Headshot critical comparing to normal critical deal double damage, which mean the headcrit multiplier (x2) still stand with plasmor headshot.
    Laser sight (not argon scope, tis a shottie) will trigger on headshot

    I really need to remember cimulacrum is still a thing...

    Anyone can confirm harrow's new augment and this thing?

  10. Have to say when I got a slide macro working, it helped me immensely. It wasn't needed and I was doing slide attack alright.

    Even if someone don't own the *kof* red crit *kof* mod *kof* (I do want it. Best I can is 25p if someone is insane enough. PM me :D), slide attacking is a really major maneuver that you'll be repeating over and over again because of its 360 cleave and extra range it gives.

    Afaik as long as a macro you'll be using by pressing a button and just kinda do-it-yourself majigglybob instead of autoing is fine. IDK

  11. I think it'd be a nice addition for our melee roster :). Just a few recycled animation from the combos are fine, it just kind of define the characteristic of some stances a bit more. There's already tempo royale and astral twilight doing this, and the quick melee are just 2 strikes from the basic eeee combo.

    Maybe with some additional tweaks to multiplier as well. For example Crimson Dervish can have a sped up normal combo with 150% mult

    Stances really bring a set characteristic into a melee weapon: You want a #@*&$@ to die when you use crimson dervish. You want to be stylish and fast with vengeful revenant. You want to be a slaughter machine with cleaving whirlwind. You want to transform a clunky weapon to a swift blade with tempo royale (I love this stance).
    But sadly you only gain those characteristics through actual use of the weapon, not quick melees.

  12. I definitely forgot the mods aspect :/

    Still, why the hell is it necessary to bar one of the three?

    Also, I mostly solo'd through the star chart, and honestly I find found it impossible to survive as excal without at least fleeting expertise (blinds and energy economy for eb in general) past uranus so maybe a more defensive playstyle can be used to cheese the hell out of missions that is way beyond your equipment with Trinity even with the most basic build (she can charge her own energy. That's why I really picked her to go through the missions) :P. Sadly, players like to kill. Understandably.
    I got her really early and used her really early without any corrupted shiny mods so I think it can be the same for others :D

  13. I'm referring to Frost, Trinity and Excal. I've got all of them so ain't no problem, but I think it's a detriment that Trinity, the ever standing face of a "support" frame that can stand her own during solo (duration link) or team play (full heal, energy battery) is no longer readily available to newer player. In fact, any of those frame are very good at what they do and it's great that they are available to the players early. (Dream team actually, Excal is highly offensive, Frost is highly defensive, Trinity is highly supportive)

    Instead of rotating it in a way that bar one of the 3 frames, just make ambula available freely...

  14. Weapons in this game don't make a difference, it's the mods. Don't neglect on your forma game and always have one cooking... it's extremely easy to get (I'm seriously having a problem spending like 5 minute getting forma BP, I'm just that lazy).
    I think you should spend more on the weapon you like more, but due to how status chance calculate in this game in regards to multishot and shotguns, the 25% status 2 guns shared means squat, specially because of the puncture nature of the weapon. That means the +crit of vhek is very important. Don't bother with the status, at all, either gun. You can be more flexible with hek because it's raw damage with the multishot mod taking only one slot, while vhek crit need at least 2 slot for +crit and +cd...

    All my personal opinion, I think more people can help you better to choose. Also the reload time means squat when everything is dead in 8 / 4 clip.
    Forgot to mention this, 25% crit means vhek can abuse Hunter MunitionA major game changer. That mod is just so strong.

  15. So! Just kind of touching the surface of this whole PoE stuffs with teralyst, fishing, mining and all that stuff. I joined late november last year so I'm late on this whole content party.
    I have to say, on paper the whole PoE thing is just dumb where you enter a cycle of neverending do A for B so that you can do A easier. And it's really not just A and B, everything chips in each other and it just create a @(*()$ entangled mess.
    But, for such a horrid idea, it is somehow still very appealing for some strange reason.
    Doing Teralyst is fun (oh joy ol' me thought I could solo the s o b with the default mote amp. That @(*()$ S#&$ suck all balls. Jesus christ, make that thing less terrible if you're already planning to make the default fashion operator not look like a s s. Like, at least give us a half-decent fullauto amp, it doesn't even have a secondary fire. AND WHY IS VOID STILL BAD AGAINST ARMOR. MAGICAL SPACE NINJA POWER THAT SLAUGHTERED OROKINS)
    Scouring for ores and gems is fun
    Fishing is fun

    Obviously the whole cycle thing should kick in and things get pretty "w h y  d o e s  i t  e x i s t" and I'll never enter Cetus again.
    But, for such a @(*()$ horrid game design, it can keep being entertaining for long enough. Appeal / Design choice ratio is approved.
    Can't wait for the next open world content

    DE paid me nothing for this thread. I also want to die looking at what I have to farm for amps. I'm still doing it anyways. My psychiatrist is ringing.

  16. Some of those challenges are so easy you just kinda do them on your way just for an extra exilus mod for no reason (like the stealth or the strength one)
    Agility and endurance is a joke if you can use transference. They just take time.
    Cunning is a bit tricky, most annoying one imo, still pretty easy with side rolls since you can literally stand inside the crack.
    Only specificly the co-op one is not possible alone (due to the last room requiring 4 people. Loki + decoy + operator only stack up to 3. Specter might work but it doesn't for me)

  17. 51 minutes ago, Snib said:

    No, it's not simple, because none of us have ever seen this (and I play Limbo a lot), so user error is more likely and that's what they were trying to figure out. You using a thrown melee or a gun blade has been the best guess so far I'd say, but you did not comment on that.

    Maybe the next time you see this make a screenshot so we can more clearly understand what you are trying to do that is failing.

    I'm very sure there were no mistakes on my side, as enemies were completely inside rift (not to the edges) along with my warframe. I do not own a gun blade and never used a thrown melee until yesterday.

    Either way, if no one experience the same problem, I should assume that it's something not going right on my end (like latency, often I never join a sub-100ms game. Maybe I understood something wrong in the first place, which I don't think I do. I read up some stuff in regard to his mechanics before I play him due to his notoriety of annoyance.

    Something extra to mention: I grabbed someone from region chat to help me recreate the problem (as what you should do when you try to identify a bug) and there were no problem with me killing cataclysm + stasis enemies. I was the host and the weapon was different in the controlled test (whip > polearm) but most should be the same when I try to recreate it.

    Most likely some unknown mistake of myself caused this problem, although I can't think of any reviewing back...

    Should be the end of the thread, if someone experience the same please do try to recreate it and if there's an explanation or a fix, I'd appreciate to know

  18. It's a really eh answer. I'm pretty new and most of my frames are stuck at 30 mod point (plus auras ofc), but that's because I'm too lazy to farm relic... I think if you can get over or don't experience my problem, you probably don't need to care about which frame you want to put potato on at all...
    For early game, just put it in a frame you like... And if you hit the jackpot and your fave frame is super meta-y and can carry you for pretty much through all of the game content, good for you.
    Rhino is one. I only put 2 forma in my rhino and if I have a problem I can use him to solve it. So good for you. Jackpot.
    Honestly all the starting frames like Rhino, Trinity (rip the rotation killed her), Excal, are all core frames of the game that can carry you through the entire game. Yay for good game design and not locking better frames behind atrociously long grind.

    Buff Mag. No newbie deserve to pick that

  19. *kof*
    *casually cast Shadow of the Dead after killing this thread*

    I think everyone should try to give spy a vanilla chance :). Do it with no abilities for a while. Sometimes the design might be overly atrocious (like that one grineer vault where there's an enemy in the console room that can see you through the glass and there's nothing you can do but cc or kill him with your ability if you just so happen to open the vault door and he see you). I don't do it much nowadays, mostly because there's no point in doing something long and inefficient that you've already done for the thousandth time, but if you haven't tried out spy vaults in a vanilla sense, try to do it that way. No operator, just your movements and planning.

    (Please note that none above apply to lua spy. F*** that S#&$. OH WAIT. Stealth can't help you with that crap.
    (Jokes aside it's straight forward and easy once you've eliminated the hundreds of inefficient and pointless routes in that labyrinth of cheesy timed puzzles, bullet laser hell gameplay, annoying bugs that leave you with failing the vault as your only option)

  20. 22 minutes ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

    More polearms, make one as powerful or more powerful than the Galatine!

    Really, I can't find a reason to use anything but the Galatine Prime when I'm doing difficult 'stuffs.' I always get crappy rivens, so no real reason to use anything else.

    I don't want anymore zaws, or at least don't make it that they're needed for mastery, because they eat up weapon slots and I already have too many melee weapons.

    I think more polearm stances :(
    Also anything strong with status can utilize condition overload extremely well and can stand up to the galatine prime no problem (we do not talk about the god slaying whip or the red number mod). GalatineP is also wonky without pfury + berserker and the strongest combo is really boring. Because of its single-target range (sorta) nature, dagger zaws with fast attack speed and stinging thorn, covert lethality can surpass it in term of TTK no problem (just walk around one shotting everyone). I think my 1.25 dagger can open a finisher sub-2 second (with a normal fury :o)

    Also kinda funny that probably 75% of what brought me to mr14 (exclude frames) are swords and dual swords xD

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