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Posts posted by Radagosh

  1. vor 7 Minuten schrieb kuciol:

    And i dont. The game was trash back in the days, the only reason you felt it was better is because you were new. It was always casual but you just sucked, you didnt have most toys, you still had something to work towards to but now you have it and you see things as they really are. And please dont make "forums" argument. Most people that come here are whiners and there isnt so many if you bother to check names, its always the same people circle jerking. 

    I can only speak for myself, but I was always at the apex of mr. rank, obtained content, overformad builds, etc. Well, at least since U13 or 14 but that's like forever by now.
    What kept me playing was the old void, alliance conflicts, raids, bimonthly community driven events, big updates every 3 months and tiny ones every week. This obviously changed. but i don't think it happened with PoE I think it started before that, during the Wait Within and the removal of old endurance runs in the void.

    And maybe I'm retarded but I don't see how bringing back endgame content for wf is hard. Embrace the screwed up damage scaling mechanic, start the endurance game mode around lvl 150-200 and don't spawn nullies (so we can use frames with abilities and cc, instead of just going Inaros and melee spin). Now put in rewards like Kuva, veiled rivens, weapon skins, primed mods, and hey how about vaulted prime parts. There you go vets will play the game again, because they can test out their 12 forma trash frame against challenging enemies (bullet sponges).

    Now, i don't want to respond to each of the numerous responds I'll be getting telling me that bullet sponges aren't challenging, they're tedious so I'm gonna add this. While I'll partly agree, the problem I see with that statement is that it shoots down the only solution to the endgame question I personally see. I'm all for designing more enemies like Nox or the Helmet dudes that disable your abilities, but instead of those amazing enemies we are getting Kuva drones and Nullies, that take object damage, are tiny targets, and force you into melee.

    And this idea of a "vet" mode could be adapted to all the new modes they've released ever since the rework of the acquisition of prime parts. Infested salvage, defection, onslaught, excavation, disruption could all have fixed nodes and tiles to be played on. This would also fix my main issue with arbitration, if it's not Excavation or Survival I'm not interested, if it's against Nullies and wants me to go Inaros I'm not interested. Or to bring in some science of motivation, give the players more autonomy to choose what they want to play, instead of forcing them to play that one game mode they don't like against a faction they don't like.

  2. I'd prefer the good old conclave rating over mr rank to judge players by, any day. Then again in current warframe there is no real need to judge players anymore eitherway.

    However, the idea of having a limited cc rating for tactical events was something that made some of them especially fun. So maybe we could build on that idea and add some sortie or nightwave challenges that limit your cc rating, which certainly would be more challenging (and to me more fun) than just doing 5 boring bounties in the plaines or fishing some fish.

    Still, having big numbers under your name, always made me feel proud of my overformad builds, even though in the end they were just slightly better than what my teammates had. I'm also really wondering how far my rating has increased since those days without primed and umbral mods, am I sitting at around 3.5k? 4k?

  3. vor 20 Stunden schrieb bluejello:

    You are aware that new war is coming christmas 2019, according to the trailer on the playwarframe youtube channel, and The Empyrean reveal recap article has " as the New War looms" as the final sentence to the squad link entry, which certainly makes it sound like railjack is coming between now and new war, so sept-oct is a decent guess from all the information I have seen.

    just add 1-3 months to every release date DE gives you and you'll have the actual release date for mainline updates. It's been like this since the war within and every time they give us an ETA it's going to be delayed and the forums are going to be lit up by people crying about the delay. By not trusting DE and calculating this delay in, you don't get upset and can laugh at all the people crying about the delay, while you're crying on the inside because you too have nothing to do. Welcome to being a veteran of warframe, it's a fun experience trust me.

    Also on topic, railjack looks like AW did when they teased it. It looks like a promising, fun and dope game mode with space battles. Hopefully it won't repeat the mistakes AW did with not enough mission and tile diversity, junky controls, new ressources that needed to be grinded in the new gamemode exclussively (Tellurium at launch of AW) and very slow gameplay.

    • Like 2

    vor 2 Stunden schrieb Lutesque:

    Here's an idea.... Idea.... instead randomly guessing a bunch of stupid S#&$.... why don't just ask whatever it is you want to know....


    vor 12 Stunden schrieb Radagosh:

    Now, I hope one of these 2 hypothesis fits you, as I don't know how much Nightwave you did, what you've spent your credits on, etc. But maybe I hit the bullseye and gave you some input that might be helpful.

    Hope you didnt stop reading after i gave you those 2 inputs. Instead of getting mad at me would you mind giving me more information then? 🙂

    What did you waste your credits on?

    What's your average time playing during a week?

    Do you complete everything of Nightwave?

    Have you actually played before Nightwave and can compare before and after?

    Are you able to read this fully without going apeS#&$?



  5. vor 3 Minuten schrieb Melanholic7:

    they can just send everyone message to mail. Like when Baro comes. Or Ghouls. or w/e. 

    pls no more spam. I'd disable ghouls, plague star and baro if I could.

    I'm all All for an easily visible timer on top of the Nightwave rank

  6. I"ve got around 150 Nitain from Nightwave 1 and the Intermission. I bought at least 4 Alternative Helmets and some potatoes (as I stockpiled 65 each over the last 6 years and don't really need many extra ones).

    Now, in my mind, there's two options on what youre doing wrong. If you haven't spent anything on fashion, but got all the credits, you probably must have wasted most of your credits on shiny potatoes and forgot about Nitain. A simple mistake that can be averted in Nightwave 2.

    The other one would be that you haven't done enough of Nightwave and couldn't afford to buy Nitain. Looking at this one, people might think it's your fault for not actually completing all of Nightwave. The problem here is that you get most of the Nightwave credits from prestiging, something a casual player would never do. Even with the catch up mechanic now added, I doubt any casual will ever go abovce rank 30 (I myself stopped after realising it's a waste of my time) and thus will keep complaining about not getting enough credits. I personally believe there to be an easy fix for this, make it so the special enemies in Nightwave drop 2-5 credits for each capture (not affected by boosters).

    Now, I hope one of these 2 hypothesis fits you, as I don't know how much Nightwave you did, what you've spent your credits on, etc. But maybe I hit the bullseye and gave you some input that might be helpful.

    Also add forma to the ever green reward table, tyvm DE.

  7. vor einer Stunde schrieb prodi1600:

    tbh I wish nightwave to be extended for one additional week..

    I really love to have that eidolon ephemera 

    i really hope you didnt know about the catch up mechanic they added in the intermission. Because it should not be possible (unless u play for less than 4 hours in a month) to miss out on anything with how it is set up now.

    Anywho, not giving us prestige meant I didn't have to do any tasks after week 3 and just went back to the real endgame of warframe, log in, do sortie, log out.

    • Like 1
  8. Even w/o maiming strike or rivens with +cc on slide you oneshot the whole content in the game with any decent zaw. Removing the effect would not fix anything. Melee3.0 might change something but i'm highly critical of that as well, since they can't just nerf melee without making everyone complain (as seen in the damage3.0 show case).

    Power creep has been growing for 6 years, enemy scaling hasn't, this lead to the current game being hardly challenging. Hopefully a difficulty option, as mentioned in one of the latest dev streams, will help fight this problem. As I personally don't see them having enough ressources to rework the scaling, armor and damage of the whole game at all.

    In conclusion, Maiming strike is just part of a way broader problem that isn't fixable by just removing a mod, that hardly matters.


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  9. The 50% mark seems reasonable, depending how they balance the event. In the last case it was around 15-30minutes of playtime and seemed more than fine for an active clan. However, the ressource cost to place that damn statue is aweful.This is probably due to hexa being a new ressource we don't yet have stockpiled, but seeing as the game mode is lackluster and there's no reason to play it I don't see myself ever stockpiling a decent amount of it.

    • Like 1
  10. vor 1 Stunde schrieb Helch0rn:

    if someone goes fishing during a bounty I go after them and start shooting into the water to scare their fish away.

    it wastes my time, but it also wastes theirs and as an added bonus it pisses them off

    dont forget to shoot the animal when they're hunting. I literally had someone go on a swear tirade for like 5 minutes once, which I then reported through support. Was fun #*!%ing that leech over.

    • Like 1
  11. If you're leveling a weapon you don't want to kill with your warframe, as the experience goes to the warframe and not the gun. Thus making it better to let others kill for you when you're lvling a weapon, that can't kill by itself.
    Now, if you know that you'll at least bring a support frame like speedva or trin to help your team kill faster. What I'd call a leech is someone that brings both unranked weapons and useless frames (lvl 0, Limbo, Inaros, Rhino), hides and let's you do all the work.

    I certainly have a problem with that, but does the whole community? Well, I dont know and neither do you, so how about we find out.

    Give us a kickvote that can only be started by the host once per game and needs 3/4 players agreeing with it and we'll find out if people truely have an issue with leeches. To prevent abuse, DE should also make it so when the kickvote gets accepted the kicked player host transfers into their own session and has the opportunity to complete it by themselves.

  12. vor 21 Minuten schrieb (PS4)guzmantt1977:

    Yeah that would be the real question, if we pretend to be totally ignorant of what happened during the first, which required extensive reworks to be made. Or maybe if we were to pretend that coding games is something that happens when someone has an idea, and presses a single button and *poof* magically it appears fully formed and bug free. Or if we pretend that the there's nothing else being worked on. 


    Which of those are you doing? 

    I personally see the catch up mechanic as the hardest part to code in. We have that in the intermission alongside with tweaks to numbers. So why is the second Nightwave not out yet? Most likely because of the story elements, voice lines and rewards not being done yet, which in my eyes is a mistake on their part. As they should have known that players would expect a short downtime (not 1.5months) between their first two seasons and planned for it. While this might be forgiveable during their first seasons I hope this is not going to be another reoccuring problem with the game.


    vor 17 Minuten schrieb Loza03:

    Most people against Nightwave are so for subjective reasons, not objective ones. Even the Nitain debacle is, since how much Nitain you could get was based on how much time you personally could spend on Warframe.

    I'm not against Nightwave at all, I personally see it as one of the most interesting ideas DE has implemented in the last 2 years. However, Alerts and Nightwave could have coexisted. This would have reduced a lot of the problems people had once the first season ended and would have given DE enough time to further develop the next season.


    vor 4 Minuten schrieb FlusteredFerret:

    Note the key word "monetisation". Nightwave is not monetised in any way. Your interpretation means the old Alert system is / was another battle pass event.

    Just because you don't have to pay for it, it's still following the system and rules of a battle pass. So how about we call it a free battle pass to find some consensus and move on.

    vor 1 Minute schrieb IntheCoconut:

    I don't think many people understand how much work goes into new assets. Or they just don't care to, which is fine, not everyone shares my fascination with game development. I personally can't believe we got the Jovian Concord (which includes a reworked tileset in and of itself) and we'll likely be getting New War / Railjack all in the same year. DE really must have lost their heads. That kind of work from their studio is impressive.

    Gonna add you as well, as you put it perfectly. I personally don't care about how things look. I much rather play them.In the case of tile sets, I'll see them when the quest hits and during sorties. Still I'm looking forward to seeing that 3-dimensional playing ground they showcased during their Devstream, even though I'm most likely just gonna void dash through it and never revisit it just like the Kuva-Fortress and now the new Jupiter tile.

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  13. vor 16 Minuten schrieb Loza03:

    Because it's not a full Nightwave?

    The real question should be why the full one hasn't launched, as it seems quite logical for that one to be fully developped before the first one finishes. But maybe DE didn't quite understand how Battlepasses are supposed to work, when they designed theirs. Further illustrating how the removal of Alerts in favour of Nightwave was a giant mistake on their end, which they are now trying to fix with this more than mediocre intermission.

    Also on another note, anyone else remembering how they mentioned the New War would be here before TennoCon, can we start complaining about that too, please?

    • Like 1
  14. vor 9 Stunden schrieb peterc3:

    What content? Things get superseded and others just don't pan out. Expecting them to support literally every piece of content they have in the game at once, in perpetuity, is lunacy.

    While I understand where you're coming from I'd say it's time for them to look at endless gamemodes and give them the fissure treatment. The last update to survival and defense was in 2015. Infested salvage & defection are already not being played, the newest game mode will join soon, why is that? Because these game modes aren't rewarding. Arbitrations have been critizized for having rotations that are too long since they've launched in mid 2018, DE just adressed this with a soon. ESO is an alternative focus grind, once you've maxed it you level your weapons in there for 2 rotations.

    Focus hasn't been expanded or been touched in 1.5 years. I have spare 3.5 Million Focus on 4/5 trees and probably 400+ Eidolon shards, I haven't hunted Eidolons in over a year. There is no reason to revisit the open worlds once you've gotten all their goodies (just add Relic packs to their vendors and people would farm bounties).

    Those are the current issues I personally see and they are, in my humble opinion, not hard to fix. Add rewarding rewards to the game modes and they will be played. Credit Caches, Relics, Hornet Strikes, even Endo to an extend are neither rewarding nor useful. I really just want DE to go over the drop tables and remove the junk that's in there since update 9 and instead put in kuva, primed mods, prisma weapon parts, veiled rivens, etc.

    And now to my favourite subject. Raids and Alliance Conflicts, removing content from the game that kept people interested and promising it to come back soon. I'd love to see DE not ever going down that route ever again. The problem I personally see with DE's development is the "we have to do it all in one go" mentality. Look at damage3.0 compared to melee3.0, at least we have something to show for the latter one. Fixing issues in steps would be appreciated instead of them saying they're going to fix something just to not adress it ever again.

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  15. Removing "required mods" will mean DE has to rebalance every single weapon and frame in the game. This alone should give you an idea why it is a stupid idea. But hey that's not all, removing the mods will also most likely go along with removing mod slots, take ability mods for frames as an example. So in the end you'd most likely have the very same builds with 4 modslots instead of 8.

    Even if they changed it so this would not occur, us players would again find the best in slot and stop using anything else. Here we can look at drift mods and the exilus slot. Before their introduction we used firewalker, rush and the intended parkour mods. Once we got our hands on the lua mods noone interested in minmaxing was using anything but power or cunning drift.

    So in conclusion removing or reworking "required mods" is a worthless effort that won't lead to any real change, but takes insane amounts of work hours out of a schedule that's already plagued by months of content droughts.

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