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Posts posted by (PSN)KyomaSatomi

  1. vor 46 Minuten schrieb (NSW)FlameDivinity:

    Then Nezha should be your favorite frame.

    Come, join us. It's not a trap if you buy the deluxe skin.

    As long as I can get a good build without dumping any stats, I'm interested.


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  2. vor 6 Minuten schrieb (NSW)FlameDivinity:

    You'll be fine with Wukong, Rhino, and Nezha for everything the game has to offer (bar SO and ESO). So if you use Wukong a lot, go right ahead. I use him and Nezha for arbies myself.

    I like Wukong for the same reason I like Rhino: he is pretty tanky and has a pretty well rounded kit where pretty much all abilities are useful.

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  3. vor 30 Minuten schrieb (NSW)FlameDivinity:

    Stay in the rift as Limbo, and stay in the air with your dust and thorns active at Titania. Just put aviator on Titania, or adaptation if you bought it from the market. Aerodyamic works for her as well. Adaptation works wonders for every frame, but those are both arby rewords, so you'll have to have completed one already or purchased from the market. Frost will work great, however, if you're doing it solo.

    I bought Adaptation from th market because of my Wukong. Never saw any usage for Aviator or Aerodynamic; those were rather niche mods for me, not suiting for how I play.

    I haven't used either Limbo or Titania much, even though I do like Limbo (yet, I wouldn't run him with low range)

    About Frost, I've somewhat fallen off using him as his bubbles weren't as durable for lvl 30+ defense as I had wished for (I don't use Blind Rage on him tho). And doing something like that solo doesn't really cross my mind. To me, that's begging for failure.

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  4. vor 12 Stunden schrieb (XB1)Furious Kaiser:

    Case in point with Nova, when could opt out of using Narrow Minded, you will have a reduced duration for all of her abilities, and thus her 4 will have a shorter range (albeit, it will still be quite huge in comparison to most other aoe abilities in the game) You can make that up by being more mobile (maybe with help with her 3 since its range isn't being reduced now?) Her 1's damage reduction (which is what anybody uses it for these days) scales with duration, as you get a flat 5% DR per particle and you get more particles with more duration. Checking my build and removing a maxed Narrow Minded removed 6 particles (from 16 my current slowva build has), so that is a reduction of 30% DR. Are you comfortable getting around with that? That is up to you. With my build, I don't really have a use for her 3 as I get around just fine without it. I use parkour and operator dash to get to places quickly, if I need to. But that is just me looking at ALL the tools at my disposal, and not just at mods. But you are not me, that is understandable.

    I might try and use Narrow Minded at some point, but not a fully ranked one, only as far as I can compensate with Stretch. I've heard before that people substitute her 3 with Void Dash or put on the augment to her 3, but to me that's not the main point. To me, it's more that you destroy an ability that's otherwise perfectly fine and rather useful and that's not how I roll. In my opinion, if a frame has 4 abilities, then those 4 - or at least 3 of them - should be used, not just 1 or 2. There will be a lot of people who will come and point out how certain abilities are pretty much useless and that my view is skewed, yet, it is my opinion that if the abilities are there, there should be a way to make use of them.

  5. vor 7 Stunden schrieb (NSW)FlameDivinity:

    Yeah, it's totally overthinking. I remember the first time I tried it. It was easy. Nothing different from other missions - you just can't die and have to kill the big, glowing, red, low health drones. They're just high leveled missions with drones you have to kill b4 you can damage enemies. If you can do a sortie and see big, glowing objects, then you can do arbies. Tanky frames such as Rhino, Wukong, and Nezha are best. Airborne Titania and Limbo + Frost are godly as well. Any tanky frame and decent weapon will work. You got this!

    Thanks. I'm always surprised when I get encouragement after acting like a d***.

    Tanky frames like the ones you mentioned are what I usually prefer. With Limbo or Titania, I'd always worry about survivability, especially with the way I go about modding my frames.

    In the end, it mostly that I don't feel up for this and the ways others point me at to change this clash with what I feel comfortable with doing with my frames.

    • Like 1
  6. vor 10 Stunden schrieb (XB1)Furious Kaiser:

    I like to run with kubrows set as my companion. I perfer a tanky, melee oriented playstyle and they, with the right mod setup, complement it very well. 

    I have a Kubrow (not the same breed as yours) and a Helminth Charger. Tho I've never cared that much about what they bring in in terms of synergy with my frame.

    Generally, I don't really know that much about synergies between frames and equipment. I just pick a weapon I think is good and mod according to which stats are higher from the start, then I run with it.

    I've seen a number of videos where others talk about synergies, but barely anything did stick in the end. And it feels like this is going over my head anyways (speaking like the terrible casual I am).

  7. vor 1 Stunde schrieb (XB1)Furious Kaiser:

    You will have to ask yourself, what is the point of your build?


    vor 1 Stunde schrieb (XB1)Furious Kaiser:

    Certain frames, when focused on a portion of what they have to offer, can push limits a heck of a lot better then mod setups that focus another aspect of the kit, or setups that favor a more broad spectrum of skills & abilities,

    My goal with my builds is to make use of as much of a frame's kit as possible because otherwise, it feels like I'd waste a tool that might come in handy at some point.

    Like with Nova. You and others might give up on her 3 in favor of other things, but I don't wanna  throw away a possibly useful mobility tool.

    I also want a "one for all build", a build where I don't have to shift mods around or switch to a different tab every time I go into a different mission. I know that you can't really have one build for ALL occasions, but I would like to have one for all occasions I would use a certain frame.

  8. vor 40 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Furious Kaiser:

    Band aids gotta come off at some point. Better to pull it off, learn what there is to learn, heal, and move on, then it is to let it sit and fester.

    Alright. If it helps in this situation *deep breath*

    I don't like corrupted mods because of their stat penalty. And because of this, I have a hard  time getting grips with "high level" or "pro builds", because most of the time, those builds make use of those mods and also have 1 or 2 stats going way down following  that.

    And thos "dump stats" are another issue that I tend to put together with the other because both are directly related to each other.

    To me, it never feels good to run a build with a stat below default, I'm always uncomfortble when thinkking about that. To me, it feels like the whole thing has some big weakspotbecause  of this, a weakspot that'll blow up in my face at some point.

    I thought of using those mods when I can compensate for the downside, yet that would also mean sacrificing one or more mod slots to solve a problem, one mod has caused.

    Like with Nova. To get max DR with her 1, you have to sacrifice range by using Narrow minded, which kills her 3. And I don't wanna loose her 3, neither do I wanna loose her 1 or 4.


    Now that you know about my core issue, you may or may not come out with arguments why I still should try those mods and builds and why I'm worried over nothing.

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  9. vor 6 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Furious Kaiser:

    If you don't want to talk about it, then why bring it up? If you have an issue with something, then there is a problem. Figure out a solution to your problem. If you don't want to talk about your problem, then this thread is 100% useless and you are wasting my time.

    I am more then willing to sit and give answers. But I have to know the problem at hand.

    I did talk about it directly in my posts in the past, but each time, it ended so frustrating for everyone involved that I moved it to private conversations as a form of damage control.

  10. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Fellas92:



    I got so burned by what was happening each time I talked about that particular topic, I didn't want to say anything about it anymore at some point.

  11. vor 10 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Furious Kaiser:

    You are allowed to make mistakes and have fun doing it

    If you are able to find fun in failure.


    vor 11 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Furious Kaiser:

    Make a plan of where you want to be, and commit to it. You don't want to be carried? Then what you need is power, survivability, and skill. You will get there with practice, patience, and time. Pick a frame, weapon, and companion setup. Hit the wiki. Learn everything that a mod, frame, weapon, or ability that you like does. If the wiki can't answer a question you might have, run some tests in a solo mission, or the simulacrum. Or ask on the forums or in game chats. Learn your limits, your strengths and weaknesses. Play to your strengths while covering your weaknesses with modifications to your kit. Hate being left behind in missions? Learn and practice your parkour techniques. Having good parkour practices will put you leagues ahead in being able to keep up and, eventually, leading the pack.

    Well, my main issue, the one I don't want to talk about, is about mods (a certain type of mods) and I've gone throught the wiki and talked to other players many times, but I couldn't move forward in any way, not from that issue. Instead, the more I talked about it, the more frustrated everyone involved got because things went in circles at some point.

    Parkour isn't the ssue here; that was not how "left behind" was meant here.

    When I get my hands on a new frame or weapon, I do test it out in low level solo missions (I'm not really one for using Simulacrum because I never had a reason to).

  12. vor 2 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Furious Kaiser:

    I have seen some good tips offered in this thread, but each time, your reply seems like you are unwilling to change much. You yourself said you feel like you aren't getting anywhere with what have, that you get "dragged along". If that is the case, and you don't like it, then something has to change. Make a plan, commit. Only you can change you. Find out what you want, and do it. (insert Shia Ledouche memes here). 

    There are people who make builds, and those that copy builds.

    There are people that carry, and those that get carried.

    There are people that push their limits, and those that don't.

    Which are you?

    There is nothing wrong about being on either side of that fence with this game. But you have to figure out where you are, and where you want to be.

    This is Kaiser, and thanks for listening to my TEDTalk.

    I'm certainly not one to copy builds (because of *redacted*), but I feel I'm more often than not the one who gets carried, simply because the others  in the squad do a much better job than I do; and I am someone who would rather play things safe than taking a risk and possibly fail.

    It is frustrating that I have to rely on getting carried, but that also has to do with an issue I am stuck on for quite a while now. And every time I've talked to someone about it, the conversation gets stuck at some point as well, leading to mutual frustration.

    It's probably that fear of failure that makes me so unwilling to "jump over my own shadow".

  13. vor 31 Minuten schrieb Fellas92:

    Dude, how about you solve your problems in game via dms then ? Ask in region chat or something, because this thread is pointless. You "didn't ask" for support, yet you're dragging on the conversation, talking about the same thing over and over again.

    I get what's the issue. I am so hesitant and afraid of failing that I keep brushing aside any help and rather go in circles. Add in my refusal to talk about certain stuff and you have a pretty frustrating partner for a conversation.

  14. vor 6 Minuten schrieb (PS4)CoronelXupomoses:

    don't be so concerned.. just get your best loadout and get in there! matchmake, and you last as much as you last. there is no punishment for failing too soon besides not getting far in. you just go there and see if you can handle that and have fun... I myself do not have fun playing the same thing for an hour... so 40 min max for me on those.. I do that and that's it. if I get what I get.. I get it.. if I don't.. I don't. do not overthink or push yourself into it if you can't have fun in there. I myself don't do sorties when there is spy or defection involved.. also don't do arbitrations when it is defense. it's a metter of preference.

     guess it is overthinking. Tho I do have this fear of failure and putting in all the work for pretty much nothing.

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  15. vor 1 Minute schrieb (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu:

    Revenant, Nezha or basically any tank frame. I say those 2 because they're the easier of the rest in my opinion. I honestly havent used Inaros much and feel like he'd definitely be squishy unless you had a lot invested in him. 

    I've had a 30k nezha shield go down pretty fast in higher levels so I dont know how other people do it.

    Although this was before I had health conversion.

    I have some special conditions concerning builds and if those conditions can't be met, I'm unlikely to pick up the frame (Nova is an example for that).

    If y want to go deeper, better ask for info in DM since I don't really wanna talk about this here.

  16. vor 9 Minuten schrieb Kaizal:

    Yeah im not a fun of the loki pick, if youre with pubs, theyll get you killed, and if youre alone, a single mistake will cost you the mission. Have you tryed any of the braindead op frames? Like gara for example? Shes got, dmg, cc, dmg resistance, basically all you need.

    I haven't really given her a try yet.

    As I mentioned before, I have used Rhino, Nidus, Valkyr or Wukong. Tho I'm always interested in trying another tanky frame. (tho there are some things for me to consider with builds for those frames)

  17. vor 1 Minute schrieb zakaryx:

    Use loki

    I've said it before, to me, Loki is good for spy, but for endless missions a bit too squishy. I they manage to get me, I'm dead. With a more durable frame, I can take a few hits until that happens.

  18. vor 12 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Hyperion Rexx:

    They're 2 of the strongest mods in game!  With condition overload u have the holy trinity of scaling damage.

    Don't get hung up on just having the biggest numbers possible on your stat screen.   Learn the best damage types to use.  What status and crit actually mean.   What your combo counter means.   

    I've been focusing on direct stats because it's more tangible.

    It's more "If I take this, my weapon packs a bigger punch and I can see it already in my stats. for me instead of "If I use this, this happens when I do that other thing." It does feel like I'd hoping for some randomm stuff to happen without really being able to fathom if it'll work out (that's the benefi of larger numbers for me).

    I also haven't changed any of my weapon builds since the melee rework

  19. vor 4 Minuten schrieb zakaryx:

    Blood rush and weeping wounds are even better than they used to be after the status and armor changes. Slap on condition overload and you shouldn't have any issues in arbs.

    Until I get 2-shotted before I can take the enemy down...

  20. vor 3 Minuten schrieb zakaryx:

    Just slap on weeping wounds and bloodrush to basically any melee weapon with 15% or higher status/crit. Build viral and go hit E while using condition overload. That will carry you through 99% of the content in the game.

    For some weird reason, I've never really considered those mods in any of my builds tho.

  21. vor 6 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Hyperion Rexx:

    ou can do a slowva build but that depends on if you want to slow everything down to a crawl - generally not appreciated in most pub missions unless for something like interception.   Definitely don't use a slowva in survival or defence lol.

    I've mainly used her for Interception. That was the reason why I made a loadout with her in the first place. For anything else, the build I feel best running on her is just too squishy, especially on those higher levels.

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