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Posts posted by (PSN)KyomaSatomi

  1. vor 5 Stunden schrieb blimsoon:

    operators are worthless,


    vor 5 Stunden schrieb blimsoon:

    I assume you don't like to use the operator because you still don't know how to?
    If you know how to combine operator powers with your warframes.They will become much more powerful.

    Sounds like my question kicked some hornet's nest.

  2. vor einer Stunde schrieb gordon1219:

    Operator has pretty broad usages on normal gameplay: 

    Most Magus/Operator arcanes are useful, for example Magus Elevate can restore 200 health on your warframe everytime you enter back to your warframe which is quite useful especially when yours doesn't have any healing. You won't rely on health orb to heal your warframe anymore, just spam operators till your warframe is full health.

    You can also do plenty of stuffs with different focus school. With a Zenurik school operator, you can get free energy with energizing dash, gather enemies using void singularity, slow down and zap enemies with void blast or just provide your warframe heavy attack efficiency.

    Also ducking in operator enters void mode, in which you can't take any damage. It is extremely useful when you want to interact with object like reviving/hacking/activating life support when you are surrounded by enemies.


    Plus there are some contents which you might interested in that required operator.

    Ropalolyst and Eidolons are both sentient fraction, they both have a purple shield that can only be damaged by operators' amp.

    Profit taker also has a sentient shield that are immune to all types of damage but one, which can be changed with void damage.


    Of course, you'll be fine if you don't want to touch operator at all, you can still enjoy warframe, it would just make your life much easier. Tho it's weird to say "I don't use it so it must be useless". 

    So far, the only stuff I've used my operator for is the parts you need void beam (sentients, Eidolons) or the mastery from amps (got me the lvl 2 parts from Cetus). As for Arcanes, I have some Magus Vigor, but that's it so far.

  3. vor 1 Stunde schrieb Gabranth2:

    I'd rather buy it for 20 plat

    I'm notoriously short on plat. And I normally don't use it to buy stuff I can earn in-game too; which means I mostly use it to buy equipment slots or cosmetics.

    I also don't need a fully build Gyromag, I rather need the Gyromag Systems

  4. vor 3 Minuten schrieb PurrrningBoop:

    Farm Profit Taker bounty stage 2 in Fortuna. If you've reached the Rank of Hand with Vox Solaris - 1000 standing from Little Duck.

    I just get above neutral with Little Duck.

    And I should have prefaced it that I run either solo or with randoms most of the time and that I don't run lootframes.

  5. Disclaimer: this post is meant to vent, not as a serious question or request


    Over the weekend, I was trying those Gift of the Lotus alerts, but I kept failing the 2nd one, the Disruption (secondary only). After my squad failed one conduit, people started to drop out - all the time - until I was all alone. And I don't know about others, but I personally don't solo endless missions on that level.

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  6. vor 10 Minuten schrieb (PS4)robotwars7:

    stop pugging. stop it. no. stop. get some help. STAHP!

    sounds like you need to join a new clan or something, try and talk to people, and you just might find someone friendly enough to respond. 

    I don't really interact with other clan members other than putting ressources into research.

    Most of the time, I'm off to do my own thing.

    I use matchmake because it's easier than to wait around until someone from recruit chat  responds or a clanmate has time to go on a mission.

  7. vor 11 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Lucas Jameson:

    It was, but that was mostly years ago. Now it's mostly just me, but I get by. Haven't had to go public for anything but levelling, and it's hard to mess that up

    I've never really had friends to play with from the start. I hada few people I played together with, but that usually was short-lived.

    I mainly play alone too, tho for endless missions or stuff like SO/ESO, bounties or sorties, I go public and entrust myself to the matchmaking system.

    So in the end, I'm mostly a solo Tenno too. Tho with increasing levels, this can spell failure for me (the details on that are a totally different can of worms)

  8. vor 1 Minute schrieb LoneWolveYoutube:

    Well, you can always just flame them verbally.  Using the in-game text/voice chat might get you beaned.  

    I only have normal headphones tho. My last headset broke a few months ago. THe neighbors also don't take too kindly to me yelling my lungs out.

  9. I don't know how many other players do experience this, but I find myself growing increasingly frustrated about other players screwing up missions, leaving unexpectedly or bugs that cause missions to fail. I feel like I'm getting more and more thin skinned on that.

    Does anyone else feel that way too?

    And if you do, how do you combat this feeling?

    I'm asking because I think this is eating up the fun I have with the game.

  10. Am 7.2.2020 um 00:35 schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    I'm not sure why you don't do that already then. People want you to try something new to fix your complaints. I really don't think warframe is the game for you if you are to shallow to try something new when you have never experienced it before.

    Another point of contention that has nothing to do with builds is those bugs that make me get an empty rewards screen. Like recently on PoE where I got booted out of the menu back to Cetus right when I came back to the gates.

  11. vor 20 Stunden schrieb DarkSkysz:

    Maybe...you can replace nova with gauss. He can reach 100% damage reduction on some elements and can use a 'wormhole' kinda of ability, well he can run so fast that feels like a teleport sometimes.


    vor 20 Stunden schrieb IIDMOII:

    Sounds like nova isn't your jam.

    If you need durability AND movement, try wukong. He doesn't die and he can fly while healing. Or Nezha.

    Seems I have something for the next 3 loadout slots to unlock.

  12. vor 48 Minuten schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    I was lucky. First Kuva I fought gave me a brakk. 

    I've had a brakk ever since the Grustrag three spawned in the raids, so seeing a brakk 2.0 with perfect stats and having a riven for it was the dream. 

    My kuva brakk is probably my favorite secondary weapon, and the only secondary weapon i have used since i got it.

    It took me a while to get the normal Brakk.

    My favorite secondary  sso far is the Tombfinger

  13. vor 1 Minute schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    I've killed 3 today. My fourth will be fore the bramma, the ultimate weapon 😄 

    My 1st Lich gave me a Kuva Karak. Quite the ordeal, I have to say. Especially since I got all the way up to lvl 5

  14. vor 20 Minuten schrieb DarkSkysz:

    Maybe...you can replace nova with gauss. He can reach 100% damage reduction on some elements and can use a 'wormhole' kinda of ability, well he can run so fast that feels like a teleport sometimes.

    I need to try him in Interception.


  15. vor 13 Minuten schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    Cause you are afraid when there is literally no reason to be afraid. 

    Like whatever reason, You are so afraid of failure, that you are willing to lost and struggle more on your nova then try something different in hopes it will be better.

    I probably must look like an idiot to you, or maybe rather pityful - probably both.

  16. vor 7 Minuten schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    I've been farming Kuva lich all day today. Im on my third one today as Im trying to get the Kuva Bramma.

    Nice. I'm on my 2nd Lich overall, with a Kuva Ayanga. And as you might guess, it's not easy for me.

  17. vor 3 Minuten schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    and that's why I offered to show you, or to help teach you. Cause you are afraid when there is literally no reason to be afraid.

    I think there needs to be more than words if this  has to work.

    But as I said before; being forced to use a frame with a tanked stat would most likely be a way to get me off the game for quite a while


  18. vor 2 Minuten schrieb IIDMOII:

    Sounds like nova isn't your jam.

    If you need durability AND movement, try wukong. He doesn't die and he can fly while healing. Or Nezha.

    I did take a liking on  Wukong.

    And Nezha was fun to play too.

    Gotta go back to them. Especially with Wukong for farming Toroids.

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