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Posts posted by (PSN)KyomaSatomi

  1. vor 30 Minuten schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    I mean you have already tried that, and failed considering you admit you have problems with nova and are asking people for help. 

    At this point in time, You look like you are just going in circles, and you should either just try somebody else's advice or honestly just bugger off. 

    Really doesn't make me look good, huh?

    And I guess I'm not very popular  within the community for the way I go  about given advice.

  2. vor 18 Stunden schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    I'm not sure why you don't do that already then. People want you to try something new to fix your complaints. I really don't think warframe is the game for you if you are to shallow to try something new when you have never experienced it before.

    Aside from the whole hubbub about builds, the game is a lot of fun for me. Might be a better choice to just figure builds out all on my own.

  3. vor 10 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Hiero_Glyph:

    The game gives you plenty of options when it comes to loadouts and saved builds. It is up to you to take advantage of them though and if you really love Nova, you could easily press R3 from the Arsenal and have a few different loadouts ready to go as each saves the mod config you set for that specific loadout.

    I haven't really used her that much so far. And I don't think I need to tell you why.


    vor 11 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Hiero_Glyph:

    As with the reddit thread I wish you the best of luck in your future gaming.

    Thanks And sorry for the waste of time.

  4. vor 4 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Hiero_Glyph:

    you just setup a different load out.

    For convenience, I just use a single loadout.


    vor 5 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Hiero_Glyph:

    you can always use -30% power strength (70% total) to make a neutral (normal speed enemies, no slow) Nova and still take advantage of Overextended. This would be my suggestion, but I would still recommend keeping range at or just below 100% total.

    I would prefer to keep stats I don't need at 100. It's a personal issue.

  5. vor 1 Minute schrieb (PS4)Hiero_Glyph:

    I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you got the exact same result on reddit a month prior:

    Lets be honest, the only thing stopping you from getting what you want is yourself.

    Didn't expect anyone to connect those 2 accounts.

    But yes, I know it's mainly my own hesitation that I project outwards. Much to the annoyance of anyone else.

  6. vor 4 Minuten schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    I really don't know why people bother giving you suggestions, as you won't ever try them despite everyone being right. 

    I think you should be forced to try a nova with pure duration just so you can give an answer the question "is the range reduction all that bad?" 

    The answer would be "No, actually. I don't need it as much as I thought. Holy moly, Molecular Prime slows everything in the interception map. Its amazing."

    As I said before; this happing pretty much every time I talk about a topic related to builds. And this makes me highly hesitant to ask at all and rather resort to making my builds all by myself.

  7. vor 16 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Hiero_Glyph:

    To do what you want you need to use a lower rank of Narrow Minded and counter it with Stretch. All the rest stays the same.

    Alternatively you can use the Escape Velocity Augment since it is affected by durarion and use Wormhole to buff your movement speed. Thankfully, Escape Velocity fits into the Exilus slot so the normal build is unaffected.

    I've never used Narrow Minded (or any of those mods  for that matter), but as long as I can get range back to default, I might try it.

    THe augment sounds nice, yet if the buid involves the range being cut down, I'm likely to shy away from it.

  8. vor 15 Stunden schrieb zehne:

    I guess i'm trying to say, it shouldn't be too surprising that it's hard to build a wormhole + nullstar + Slow nova build because there are: A) not enough mod slots OR B) Power creep hasn't gotten us there yet.  If we had an umbral duration or umbral range mod you'd probably be able to get there easily.

    I guess it's a case of wanting my cake and eat it too.

  9. vor 8 Minuten schrieb zehne:

    As is with everything.  Maxxing 1 or 2 of 4 stats is easy.  Maxxing 3 is impossible and becomes a balance issue, maxxing 4 is beyond balancing, it's impossible.

    It's not about maxing all stats. It's about having slow + DR without tanking range - at least let me have the default range for the wormholes.

    (in general, I do like me a build with no stat negative)

  10. Am 3.2.2020 um 11:31 schrieb Nightwolf9:

    no offense too, but for me play tank is boring. i found myself lack of mobility and lack of fun skill while using rhino.

    THere is a certain satisfaction just standing in a doorway and pumpng bullets in a group of enemies. Or being able to take your sweet time to get a headshot on an enemy who is firing at you.

  11. vor 17 Minuten schrieb Fluff-E-Kitty:

    her 1 is alright but it is addmitadly a little lacklaster.

    however her 2 can be really useful both itself and in tandom to her ult.

    it basically takes incomin damage (up to a cap), multipys it, converts it to radiation, and then explodes. I think you can increase the radious, but the multipyer stacks with her ult.

    its really good for room cleaing lower levels, and can (or use to) deal a decent amont on higher levels. 

    youll know you have hit the cap is it gest darker. I dont think it can take crits, but a shotgun blast or two usually gets it there, plus there is one that makes it slightly bigger and absorbe stuff like nyxs ult.

    Her ult is good, but I actually use 2 far more offten. 

    For me, it hard to get value out of her 2 because it's hard to aim as it moves so slowly.

    And yes, I am that bad of a shot that I can't hit that thing before it explodes.

  12. vor 9 Stunden schrieb (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA:

    No offense but what do you really need the portals for? I've never felt like I needed them.

    Mobility. Traversing the map, getting yourself out of trouble, going from on point in Interception to the other in an instant.

  13. vor 7 Stunden schrieb Nightwolf9:

    then just go with a tank Inaros gara etc that have DR. look mesa, her shattered Shield give 95% DR and she is not Tank .

    Like i said, if you can't give up your tank heart you won't be able to feel the fun of versatile frame.

    no offense dude, but i seen and meet a lot people who main a Rhino and dying often after switch to Other frame.

    no offense too, but for me play tank is boring. i found myself lack of mobility and lack of fun skill while using rhino. Saryn and Mesa is my most play frame.

    My problem is that if I use a frame that has no DR, I'm pretty often running out of health.

    You may say I could dodge enemy fire, tho most of the time, it feels like I'm spending all mission doing that instead of doing what the mission actually is about.

    I have no idea if that'll change  when I go  more for other frames than Rhino.

    As for Gara or Inaros, I only used them when I've maxed them. I've never gotten used to Inaros' abilities in general.

  14. vor 7 Stunden schrieb kwlingo:

    If you have Wisp try her electric motes with a 280% range to slow down enemy movements, along Infested Impedance for Defection runs. If 4 players run Infested Impedance your team will cause a 72% slow. It will be a walk in the park.

    Well, I chose Oberon before Wisp came out. And I have no real benefit from stuff that happens when 4 players do it. Because pretty much no one is running those nodes. Means I'm all on my own there.

  15. vor 11 Minuten schrieb Fluff-E-Kitty:

    Nova is my most played and fav frame.

    I do paly other stuff a lot, but I like going back

    no love for her 2 or 1? I use the portals a lot too, but depends on the mpa and the day


    Her 2 is the ability I haven't been able to make use of so far. The rest is pretty neat.

  16. vor 7 Minuten schrieb Nightwolf9:

    i suggest make umbra Excalibur/Excalibur stronger (some forma, Orokin reaktor).. it's really good and cheap for starter frame for taxi you to all star chart

    put Chromatic blade augment and Healing return in your exalted and melee waepon, make sure you get decent strength to get 100% status chance from exalted blade. and get some efficiency mod for infinity Excalted blade. exalted blade doesn't scale with range mod so you don't need put range mod on him

    It's actually super strong frame for starter if you mod it right

    It was my starter. But over time, I got more and more into frames like Rhino or Nidus.

  17. vor 41 Minuten schrieb Nightwolf9:

    You're just point out your playstyle by just write "i like tanky frame" 🤷🏻‍♂️

    If you want use nova, just give up your tank heart and learn about versatile frame and There is healing return or arcana grace to heal you.. Playing Rhino destroyed your sense of avoiding damage and Awareness of HP

    if you can't give up your tanky heart, just keep play your rhino or inaros and problem solved. because i or some people here who play dps role or Versatile frame never get dying just by using 300 HP frame or Some squishy frame like mesa who died on bombard Missile if not avoiding it 🤷🏻‍♂️

    and there is mod called "rolling guard" and it's design to keep squishy frame alive and i think it will useless if you play as rhino player play style because you never know how to evade the damage 

    I presonally like being able to facetank, because I find it hard to adapt to a more mobility-based playstyle; one that is more about avoiding damage than just standing my ground and pump damage into the enemy (tho I did play a similar style in other games I played).

    Having a versatile frame sounds nice tho.

    Yet, with a more squishy frame that has no dmg reduction, I always have the problem that I get shot down because I get into crossfire or get swarmed (a reason why I'm not running Speed Nova as well).

    ROlling Guard is one of those Arbitration mods. I have no access to the mode yet and looking at my build, I'm certainly not made for them either. You can buy it from other players, sure. But I guess it's not that cheap.

  18. vor 16 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    Molecular fission (augment) is useful to keep your 1st ability particles up 


    vor 16 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    consider throwing cunning drift in the exilus


    vor 16 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    escape velocity is also a good choice


    vor 17 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    for arcanes, I would recommend having arcane guardian as one of them

    Needs some time to get all that stuff tho. Since I'm pretty undersupplied with any of  them.


    vor 18 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    spamming energy pizza

    That's something I'd rather avoid. I don't like sitting around those discs for 30 seconds that frequently.


    vor 20 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    Nova works, you just have to build her with more effort.

    I'm probably not that good in putting in the work or the thought to come up with such builds.

    (and given my track record so far, I've largely stayed off of asking others for help with that)

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