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Posts posted by (PSN)KyomaSatomi

  1. vor 16 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    Molecular fission (augment) is useful to keep your 1st ability particles up 


    vor 16 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    consider throwing cunning drift in the exilus


    vor 16 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    escape velocity is also a good choice


    vor 17 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    for arcanes, I would recommend having arcane guardian as one of them

    Needs some time to get all that stuff tho. Since I'm pretty undersupplied with any of  them.


    vor 18 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    spamming energy pizza

    That's something I'd rather avoid. I don't like sitting around those discs for 30 seconds that frequently.


    vor 20 Minuten schrieb Leyers_of_facade:

    Nova works, you just have to build her with more effort.

    I'm probably not that good in putting in the work or the thought to come up with such builds.

    (and given my track record so far, I've largely stayed off of asking others for help with that)

  2. vor 30 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Silverback73:

    I’ll do you one better.

    How about OP uses Void Dash, Mods,  Arcanes, and Focus school versatility to counter the shortcomings of both “A” and “B”?

    I mean, OP, I get it.  Super-optimized builds are costly, but still.

    I’d like my Volt to have 700 base armor and 1.2 base speed, but not gonna happen...frames exist with strengths and weaknesses.

    I have to say that as of now,  I am rather short on both arcanes and focus abilities. I'm currently levelling up both, energizing dash and energy spike from Zenurik, but I'm far from having them on max. As for the arcanes, I haven't done that many Eidolon hunts so far, and only Teralyst at that and I'm often rather short on plat for buying them (because I mostly buy equipment slots or cosmetics instead).

    And with Void Dash, I have to admit that I barely use operator mode simply because I haven't really gotten used to do so. So far, I've done the main part of my time with the game without access to transference.

  3. vor 35 Minuten schrieb Methanoid:

    if you can play rhino and not miss something like novas portals why is there an issue having a tanky/molecular prime build nova with low range?

    Also a happy medium build thats "ok" in all aspects is still perfectly fine, something similar to this:  https://tennoware.com/warframes/nova/12011330000f305p405p710k505m6100a10w805c005w605c90300000000

    The range on the above is only 54m but its still pretty acceptable given MP is not degraded and you still get 16 null stars.

    I have to say, that looks pretty good.

    I think I'll bookmark that.

    • Like 1
  4. vor 2 Stunden schrieb taiiat:

    this group is Warframes that don't have DR Abilities or Damage bypassing Abilities they can just put on like a shirt essentially for the entire Mission. they'll usually have other tools like CC of various types whether that be preventing Enemies from attacking, slowing them dramatically, making them miss, or even full incapacitation and so preventing them from attacking (mostly).

    or some odd ones that do belong in this category such as Warframes that have Healing Abilities that aren't instant Heals as regenerating Health is not the same as taking less Damage, despite them seeming similar.
    for example, Renewal on its own (Oberon) does not increase your real EHP by much of anything, even if you had 300% Power Strength your EHP doesn't really change all that much. you'll be protected against chip Damage most certainly, but a more Spike Damage type Enemy could still easily oneshot you, since the Regen can't respond to Spike Damage.the Armor Bonus he can apply to himself helps mitigate that a bit, though it's just Armor and Armor is mediocre.
    as another example, Wisp is in a similar boat - the Health Regen is very so-so, the effect that actually makes Wisp more durable is the Health Bonus. being able to add up to about 1000 extra Health to ones' self is a lot of extra EHP for most Warframes (so uh, all but Inaros or Grendel). that Health Bonus adds quite a bit to your EHP, and the Health Regen lets it be useful for more than about 5-10 seconds.
    even Garuda, who currently holds the position for the strongest Healing Ability in the game, since it's still a Regen over time, means that your EHP only increases just so much. since it's a Percent based Heal effect it's massively stronger than other forms of Health Regen so it's affected by this much less than other Abiiltes, but you could still get oneshot or Killed very quickly while standing in Blood Altar.

    Out of those, the one I've used the most is Oberon. I recently revisited him to use him for Defection. Clearing the last 2 nodes I haven't done yet and grinding  for Harrow systems..

    Might as well put Excal here since he has no DR too, but some CC with his blind/howl.

  5. vor 5 Minuten schrieb kwlingo:

    Any other than tank frames.

    I've also tried Nidus (accidentally stayed longer than expected in a Kuva survival because it was pretty easy to hold my own that I forgot the time), Valkyr (initially got her build wrong so I had to redo that iron kitty) and Wukong (my newest tank and maybe my best bet for the Temple of Profit).

  6. vor 4 Minuten schrieb kwlingo:

    Slow Nova builds make all content easy. With high duration/ Adaption works also. Squishy frame benefit lots from Quick Thinking and Primed Flow.

    I actually meant recommendations for those "skill required frames"

  7. vor 3 Minuten schrieb kwlingo:

    Most players who use Rhino/Inaros main's don't learn how to play Warframe effectively, my own testament. I became use to taking all damage without learning how to move and shot simultaneously or even did I care to avoid damage because I knew I couldn't die from any level 70 or lower enemy attacks. When I started using other frames who couldn't tank everything in the game they felt useless because of the condition of my previous unsinkable tank frames. The only recommendation is to avoid using those Lazy frames and learn how to play with skill required frames.

    Any recommendations?

  8. vor 3 Minuten schrieb (PS4)slova77:

    I would try narrow minded and stretch then to see if that helps. But also just try as many different warframes as you can get your hands on. You'll find your favorite and it'll feel natural to ya.

    My current main is Rhino. He is really tanky and his kit feels so well rounded, especially if you use the augment to his 1.

    I've also spent some time with Nidus and Valkyr. And I thought of doing more with Wukong.

  9. vor 40 Minuten schrieb taiiat:

    don't use a fully Ranked Narrowminded then. realistically you'll never actually have the full DR from Null Star 90% of the time anyways, so just crank it back some Ranks so that the Range is still decent.

    I wasn't actually planning  to fully rank it when i get it. I did consider to make use of those mods instead of downright refusing to, but I still wanna get some compensation for their stat decreases.


    vor 45 Minuten schrieb taiiat:

    the higher Range isn't much of a problem for Null Star either if you're using Molecular Fission. (which you should be using at all times if you ever Cast Null Star)

    I'll see that I get my hands on her augments.

  10. vor 16 Minuten schrieb (PS4)slova77:

    I'm more of a solo player so I feel you. I'm about 2400hr in mission time now and 45% of that is with nova prime, 17% was with nova, so I'm a little biased, but here's a cheaper version of my favorite build at the moment if you ever do want to try it out.

    Aura: Energy Siphon/Corrosive Projection (doesn't matter really)

    Exilus: Power Drift

    Continuity (Primed Continuity if you can get it, very worth it)

    Narrow Minded (if you're that set against negative range add constitution or auger message, or keep NM and substitute streamline or neutron star for stretch)

    Vitality or Quick Thinking if you use Flow

    Streamline or Flow (or Primed Flow also very worth it)


    Molecular Fission 

    Neutron Star or Escape Velocity (or a range mod, efficiency, constitution, auger message, etc) Neutron star paired with streamline is great crowd control and allows you to recast when the number of null star particles is low.

    If you have 740 health or energy with adaptation, 75% vs 90% damage reduction isn't going to make a huge difference. 145% strength equals max slow (idk if someone mentioned that already). Less range also mean your nullstar particles won't target enemies far away, but range doesn't affect neutron star's range when you recast to knockdown enemies so you can always knockdown enemies in a 15m(?) radius.

    You can ignore all of this too and just do you, I just felt like sharing lol


    Most of those are already in my build. Tho I don't have Narrow Minded and I recently swapped Quick Thinking for Adaptation.

  11. vor einer Stunde schrieb (PS4)slova77:

    testing different builds

    Might be easier for me if I was more experimental. But my aversion against anything that even faintly looks like fail keeps me from doing that. I mostly play things safe.


    vor einer Stunde schrieb (PS4)slova77:

    And 34% range on wormhole can launch you across any mission tile set

    I've always been one to believe that you can cover more ground with more range, requiring less portals to go further. That's why I want her portals to have at least default range.


    vor 1 Stunde schrieb (PS4)slova77:

    And always feel free to ask for suggestions on builds and what not.

    I have been. But there have been some things I haven't been comfortable with and it always came down to arguing  about those and me catching heat. That's why I grew reluctant to even ask; relying more on myself to figure out what builds to use.

  12. vor 4 Minuten schrieb da_blok_is_hot:

    It'll be a change and like all change you have to get used to it.

    Yeah, that's about right. I haven't really been comfortable with that stuff.

    I am wanting to dip my toes into the matter recently tho.

  13. vor 1 Minute schrieb da_blok_is_hot:

    Try her Augment "Escape Velocity.

    I'll probably do. I gotta get all of her augments and see what I can do with them.

    Like if I still do a range build, the one for her 4 will probably come in handy.

  14. vor 7 Minuten schrieb da_blok_is_hot:

    Where are you needing a massive wormhole range? Are you using her in the plains? Fortuna?

    I initially got her for Interception. And here, her portals make for a quick way to traverse between the towers. And I generally see it as a good tool to traverse maps and reach points of interest like in Mobile Defense or Sabotage.

  15. vor 11 Minuten schrieb da_blok_is_hot:

    Yea dude after knowing this and giving you my input on how I play Nova just fine even with lvl 110's, you gotta take some of this info into consideration. I legit never use Null Star and still dominate with ease with Nova, with all the extra goodies of course. After finding out that Null Star can give up to 90% dmg reduction.... OMG lmfao. There should be no complaints from you. You just have to soak up the info and put it to work. It's all here on how you can alsoo dominate with her.... With Null Star. I cant believe I didnt know this. 

    Well, you've possibly been doing way better than me in pretty much any regard.

    As with Nova, I think, I like range on her portals too much to really lean into the 90% DR.

  16. vor 8 Minuten schrieb da_blok_is_hot:

    Thanks to this post I learned something new. I've been playing for a long time and never noticed that Null Star gives damage reduction. lol wow. When did this become a thing? That makes me want to use Nova even more. 

    Someone sent me a vid showing how Nova was tanking fire from a Heavy Gunner above lvl 100 just using Null Star.

  17. vor 2 Minuten schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    So Im going to give you the best advice on giving a frame survivability.
    >-Multiple instances of damage reduction that overlap-<

     Nidus with a fully leveled armor mod comes with 70% damage reduction. His parasitic link gives him 90% damage reduction. Those two combined give him a 97% damage reduction. An attack that would normally do 10,000 damage, only do 300 to him. 

    Adaption stacks with any frame that has armor, and damage reduction for a massive boost to Effective health. 

    As I said before; I feel like I'm a rookie in terms of builds.

    I feel that more and more.

  18. I do wonder if DE would agree to a collaboration with Capcom. I'm speaking of a crossover between Warframe and Monster Hunter.

    It might sound odd at first, but I think it also could be pretty nice.

    Like having Warframe themed armor/layered armor obtainable in MH and bringing some of the more iconic weapons over too. There could be a special even quest featuring something like Phorid to fight and to obtain what's needed to craft the new stuff.

    In reverse, you could get MH themed armor or warframe and weapon skins. And as well some special quests that let you get all of this - or at least BPs for it.

    And honestly, I think it would be a good match.

    • Like 1
  19. vor 8 Minuten schrieb CopperBezel:

    And to be fair, there are other frames that play similarly to Nova that would be worth trying if you haven't. New Ember is like a weird middle point between Nova and Saryn, lacking mass CC but coming with mass debuff, DR, and a lot of boom, as well as a couple of handy augments. Wisp has a mass stun that effectively doubles damage received, very Molecular Prime, and the weird mix of mobility and stationary area control that Nova has. Both of them also have an ability kit you can use three or four abilities from on the same build instead of leaning hard on one or two.

    I haven't used either since maxing  them out. Tho it really might be worth giving it a look. Thanks.

  20. vor 1 Stunde schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    In my eyes, you are still a beginner on warframe.

    If it was playtime alone, I might be somewhat experienced, but yes, in terms of builds, I agree that I'm a mere rookie.

  21. vor 1 Minute schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    If you could see what a Rhino could do with 250% power duration and power strength? Rhino Roar giving you +120% damage on a minute time while your iron skin keeps you immortal against level 120+ enemies? 

    For Rhino, I'd go for lots of strength with average range and duration (range mainly to get a decent area for his stomp). Efficiency is a bonus.

  22. vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    The obvious choice is for you to try something out of your comfort zone and see what it's like to try a different Nova build then you are accustomed too, or pick a different warframe and zip it. 

    Yeah. My approach isn't really fitting here. I can't expect something that might work on a frame like Rhino, Nidus or Wukong to work on her.

  23. vor 1 Stunde schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    You are sounding more and more like a broken record dude.

    When I look at the reactions to this post, people seem to think of it as a joke or otherwise amusing. Probably the best I can get under those circumstances.

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