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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. does this mean theres more than one stalker?

    No, it's just a prediction as to what kind of conversation the Stalker would have with himself when the two selves required for the conversation originate from two different points in time: "After butt-kicking" and "After Vacation".

  2. Platinum is needed for progression?


    It doesn't cost 5 plat to play a mission on Earth. Warframe slots are there for convenience, not as a progression inhibitor, since you can still get everything in the game. Just sell your old stuff. Or, and again, people will pay you plat for a Tranquil Cleave. DE gave us the option to get the more valuable in-game currency without spending a dime.


    1. Novelty? Mastery fodder? It's just something to play around with, I guess.

    5. Fairly certain that they will eventually lower the cost. When they first came out, I think it made it into Community Hot Topics, but they either forgot, or they're busy working on other stuff.

    6. I think I saw a dev say they're working on restoring ragdoll when you're not the host. It's a latency issue.

    7. Doors go both ways.

  3. I think having the ability to make powers over powered is fine. But Blessing was a OP power in the first place, before the corrupted mods. 

    Well, I've died in the time it takes to actually activate Blessing, so I wouldn't say it's completely OP if you can suffer an ironic and shameful death while trying to use it.


    I think just adding some extra time to the activation would be a good way to decrease it's easy-mode-ness. Though it probably wouldn't work out too well.


    We can always ask DE to change Blessing into a maelstrom of expired medical alcohol that deals toxic/corrosive damage.

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