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(XBOX)Flarefox Ravina

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Everything posted by (XBOX)Flarefox Ravina

  1. Amalgam mods have been in the game for a while at this point and I’ve heard most players aren’t using them. The reason for this being most amalgam mods are an upgrade version of a mod that can only be applied to a single specific weapon. Since when is anyone using the Furax or the Daikyu? One of the mods that isn’t exclusive is Amalgam Barrel Diffusion, but that is competing with the superior Galvanized Diffusion. If either were changed to be an alternate version to lethal Torent we would have another viable option for modding. overall, amalgam mods came and quickly went. They are gimmicks the majority of players don’t use but could be using. These mods just need to no longer be exclusive at the very least.
  2. I still have no idea how that bug has persisted for years at this point. There is also a similar bug just like it that still kinda lets you move… you can’t do anything else though.
  3. One of the things in my suggested Redline changes was that it would require one fewer button presses and would recast faster. Admittedly, yeah, the “fast frame” has a really long casting animation that can get really annoying. I’ve played Gauss a lot and I still hate this.
  4. I have been maining Gauss before I heard he was S tier. Hell, I started playing Gauss before he was first tweaked. And with Gauss Prime on the horizon I wanted to bring up what I feel could make Gauss better without necessarily making him more powerful. passive: applies to companions or allies within X range (maybe at diminished return), think Citrine. kinetic plating: amazing ability with just one flaw. Increasing your strength doesn’t really provide any meaningful benefit at higher levels. Max out your battery, stand still a bit, and max energy. Positive strength barely impacts this but any negative strength will make Gauss unplayable. My suggestion is making the energy restore a flat rate and removing strength interaction. Additionally, it would be nice if while active, I could reactivate with one button press instead of two like Xaku’s Vast Untime. redline: Gauss’ main buffer does just about everything. The casting time increases was a very nice change. My only suggestion would be to have this casting buff apply to a recast as well as a similar change to kinetic plating; that being recasting with one button press instead of two. Overall these suggested changes add very little actual power to Gauss’ kit but adds a bit team support to his passive and QoL to his two and four. Tell me what you think.
  5. So is it even worth it to run Topaz blast for shields now. I’m glad the overshield bug was fixed, but the shard can’t give overshields and it can’t restore during shield gate. High level enemies will one-shot my shields. Blast is already not very desirable and I made a good build around it. The effect doesn’t really seem all too appealing anymore. edit: at least violet functions similarly to equilibrium now. On frames and companions that can generate a lot of orbs, you have essentially been given an energy generator. From my testing you don’t always need the full mod. One shard either on Nekros or any other frame utilizing a diriga/panzer/hound should be set.
  6. The nuclear frame. Frame has no shields. Passive: abilities unlock safety restraints and charge risk. When risk reaches 110% enter a bleed out. When bleeding out, ability effects double, kill enemies to self resurrect. 1st ability, Adrenaline Rush: Unlock to increase movement speed, fire rate, reload, and movement speed by x%. 2nd ability, Sunspot: Unlock to damage nearby enemies with radiation. Enemies have decreased armor by x%, and increased movement speed by x%. 3rd ability, Power Surge: Unlock to increase damage, multishot, and combo chance by x% for you and nearby allies. 4th ability, Megaton: Ability consumes x% of risk to throw x number of irradiated explosives that deal damage based on risk%. Fission throwing knives: Throwing knives that fire explosive bolts from the fists. When used by frame, gain ammo efficiently based on risk%.
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