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Posts posted by Scar.brother.help.me

  1. 1 minute ago, sunderthefirmament said:

    She doesn't really need survivability mods, though.  She has her invisibility.  She has shield gating.  I get by with those and Quick Thinking.  And there are only a few places where she struggles, and they usually have to do with status, like those nasty traps in the Kuva Fortress.  I wish I had farmed up some more arcanes during Scarlet Spear, as I bet I'd get more use out of Arcane Deflection (resist slash) than I do out of Arcane Guardian.

    I have a full anti-toxin arcane but it doesn't help against toxin auras, she still loses her energy in a blink of an eye and dies before you inderstand where it comes from.

  2. I love Ivara but I hate her 4, both mechanic and even sound. IMO Cernos Prime feels much better to use.

    But in general lots of her default stats are too low to play as default. Bubble too small, duration is a bit too short, pick-pocket too narrow, steal rate is too slow, efficiency is very low, speed and energy penalties are too crazy just for the ability to keep up invisibility uninterrupted. And when you buff all that with mods to a playable level you have no more room for survival mods or anything funny to try.

  3. 16 hours ago, Luciole77 said:

    Great idea man!

    Thanks for support!

    And btw, +300% (or at least +200%) multishot would be much more fun than some raw damage buff. This would easily allow to remove any multishot mods and get some diversity in builds.

  4. 16 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    That’s what I initially wanted the weapon exilus adapter to do instead. But then people pointed out how busted AOE weapons would be with a battery magazine.

    Well, Warframe is full of exceptions, this specific arcane could be excluded from some weapons where DE cares about ammunition and uses it as a nerf.


    I care more about headshot arcanes, the one that gives aim-glide and mostly melee-arcanes.

  5. 1 minute ago, Chewarette said:

    Well at this point, the thing that could be cool would be that the full buff for Archgun to be "All enemies drop Archgun ammo instead of normal ammo", so that you could use it for the full mission. 😄

    I'd enjoy that. A flat +300% buff wouldn't be that beneficent, as you barely use it for 1 minute every five.

    Whatever buff is fine with me. To be honest I don't use arch-guns and don't care. Just for the set.

  6. 10 hours ago, rhaiden525 said:

    So I finally got my Kuva Shildeg. Only problem is, if I have it equipped, it shows as equipped all the time. Regardless of what other weapon I'm using, it constantly is in my Warframe's hands. It shows as actively equipped on my orbiter, on relays, in fortuna, ON THE LOGIN SCREEN. SO. I posted my problem to the support page in a ticket and got a generic BS copy/paste answer to post it here where it will probably get drowned out by the hundreds of other forum posts that go up every day (and then if I want to I can go look up the warframe wiki because that sure will help me find a solution, huh?). So if any DE folks actually see this, or if others players have had this problem, an actual answer would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Is it the same as heavy blade zaw? When I choose to show it unequipped it stays in my hand (in a wierd way). 

  7. 1 hour ago, Chewarette said:

    Good idea, but I think it should be broken down for Primaries. Bows, Rifles, Shotguns... Archgun on the other hand, no. It's too situational, it's not a weapon you can have at any times.

    Companions should definitely be buffed though, their perma-death is annoying and most of the times, not something you can actively prevent.

    Arch-gun is just for the full set. Why not use it for fun from time to time during the endless mission (would be cool to have some beefy enemy by the end of rotation and use it on that mini-boss for a change)

    About companion - I only use Djinn when I go arbis just for the sake of radar and vacuum. If I could have a proposal of just one of existing companions to be either immortal or an ability to be resurected - I'd go for it. Even some kubrow is better than Djinn.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Avienas said:

    Oh hello thar, welcome to the feedback section aka the whambulance section, where we continue to air what we believe are critical elements that need to be fixed on warframe yet it gets ignored like many things. Where apparently big named content creators can point things out for years and get basically nary a peep on the fixes and yet some person can whine on social media and ruin something like universal medallion.

    But seriously, tis is not the first time i have seen people complain about fissures and i have been one of the many who have voiced all the issues present in fissures and likely some additional details that i believe some do not point out but is also just as much of a flaw. But just to sum a few:

    1. Yes, the refining system on fissures is utter garbage, its either go clean on the relic or go full on polished, No point to use the middles and at this point, it only exists for a poor system of `deep farming` endless content, which we already got things like Heists, elite sanctuary onslaught and many others if we wanted to skip having to use traces on relics to get radiant relics. On that note...
    2. SO many things about the void trace functionality of the fissure system is just as much of a garbage heap, No scaling on traces based on relic tier, relic refinement, no GENERAL boost based on party size for trace gain, just a random bonus amount of people pick your relics. A rather useless waiting till the 3rd rotation then going a full 5 rotation before you can do another 3 outta 5 rotation to hit mini boosters, which barely amount to any due to the wild variance on void traces itself, which it should be tightening the minimum trace value & boosting the maximum value PER wave, not on the 3rd round then every 5th round after that. Plain and simple, This is probably one of the most retarded elements of the fissure system that needs to be amongst the top three or atleast the first of the three elements that D.E. needs to address as part of a upcoming QoL patch to FROCKING, FIX, THE. GAME. Instead of dolling out content that can honestly be written as another glorified survival/exterminate/etc. game mode again.
    3. Lets not even get started on the fact that the approach to get reactants is flawed in itself since it requires you to wait for enemies to become corrupted which is a slap in the face on efficient strats to clear missions and can end up throttling regular patterns for several minutes just to have enough enemies get corrupted. Kind of why it would just be WAY easier if D.E. just replaced all the enemies with corrupted from the start, just like how invasions, kuva lich nodes and many others have been doing for a while. That way people can play like how they normally would on any other mission, the NORMAL way, with a different faction, that could be more difficult for the average player.
    4. The fact we do not have a real end-game type of element for fissures like being able to do a high level version of fissure where we can open multiple relics at the same time per wave or something similar, preferably having no tier restriction anymore, call it a elitism card, but i rather enjoy it when a game allows a method to maximize the reward of a particular element by letting me take on a higher difficulty, while sticking with what said system is about.
    5. The fact relic fissure tiers rely on a spotty random as EFF mission randomizer when rng-sus elements like that can make us either have to wait hours for a decent fissure to be able to farm to show up, enjoy a good farm or try to suffer thru extremely tedious fissure farming nodes like mobile defense, interception(when you cant get a full group) and a few others i honestly cant recall. Would just be nice if they kept them in the VOID, like how void keys did it and the void could of kept its special reason(s) for existing, such as how it was basically one of the more difficult pieces of content back in the day, especially with enemies having i believe a +200% dmg bonus compared to normal on those void node. Now its just a typical ez mode farm just like the rest of the solar map missions. 
    6. Oh here`s one more i almost forgot to state: They need to remove the relic sharing b.s. fiasco. Let each player equip WHATEVER relic they want, they get 3 rolls on every relic they open regardless of party size, maybe give them a 4th roll on their own relic if the party size is 3 or 4 people, but otherwise its only on ROLLS for your own relic and no one elses. Current version on this tidbit just makes people rely on running the exact same relic to maximize drop rates on a specific part more and yet seems to just promote people not caring about bringing a stock of them, which leads to annoying farming cycles, especially on new primes, Plus lets not get started when newer players have to get certain primes, but because its not the NEWEST prime, they get to have a bit more frustration on trying to get those parts, especially if they do not want to spend platinum, but have difficulty on finding people to run with the same relic, just to hope they get the parts on a drop sooner, then having to spend days just to get one or two parts or an entire set.

    Anyway i could keep going on and on but i think i put the point out that the entire Fissure system needs a revamp for more ways then one.

    If I saw your thread I'd just support you instead of making this.

    • Like 2
  9. I like the pull idea the most. The more magnetic procs, the wider pull to that enemy.


    Damage type could be +75% to globes (null/freeze) and no alloy resistance.


    And for as long as toxin ignores shields - who cares about magnetic doing something to it? Better chance to pop the bubbles instead.

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  10.  Warframe +300% power is a very good buff and I have a few builds for my frames ready for it. But when it comes to weapon +300% damage - I ignore it most of the time and here is the reason: there are much more weapons than warframes and there is little to no chance to hit any useful one.

    My suggestion is to randomly buff one of each:

    Primary (+300% multishot)

    Secondary (+300% multishot)

    Melee (i.e. +30s combo duration/+60 initial combo as we already have CO for big damage)

    Companion (i.e. Djinn-like resurection or something for survival)

    Arch-gun (+300% multishot)

    That way I'll gladly make most of my favorite weapons an arbitration build and keep an eye on arbitration bonuses.




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  11. There is no point to use any levels in between when we open relics.

    When we need a common drop - we use intact

    When we need uncommon or rare - we use radiant relics

    There is no better way to get uncommon drop than from a radiant relic. What is the point of the exceptional and flawless?

    Flawless could be buffed in a way that Uncommon drop chance was equal to radiant but no buff to rare item chance. 

    Exceptional - this could be removed completely or stay as it is (who cares).


    • Like 5
  12. Hello, fellow Tenno and DE!

    I'll go straight to the point. Kavat's Grace, Aero Vantage, Motus Signal, Proton Pulse, Mobilize (and it's variations), Patagium, Endurance drift, Maglev in some way (may be some more) - are nice and funny ninja mods, but they are cool when equipped all at once or at least a few at the same time. Unfortunately there is just one exilus slot and no way I can sacrifice a mod like Vitality or Primed Continuty for some cool ninja moves. And since DE had "NO" replies to more exilus slots, my proposal is to turn these into companion mods like Odomefic, Anti-grav Array (at least we have some space for modding diversity there).


    The other proposal is to extend/change slide-condition mods to aim-glide (the ones that give -recoil/-spread) and give it a buff or primed versions.


    Another thing about slides - check out a game called Vanquish - it looks similar to Warframe in terms of ninja-moves but it has awesome long jet-boosted slides. It could be implemented in Warframe.


    One more is wall-latching - it is very inconsistent. It can be improved to be useful. Right now it is pretty hard to know if you can latch to some wall or not. Most of the time you just slide down because the wall is slightly more/less than 90° to the floor. Wall-running is even worse, needs a revisit.


    And one more thing - please, add some effects to double-jump and bullet-jump in mid air. Some energy effect to indicate that warframe is not a character from Nintendo 8 bit that makes a double jump from the invisible floor but some jet is used to push further.

  13. If Nightwave had no limits to the number of recovered challenges that you've missed (let you scroll through all of them and choose to do the ones you want to do and skip the ones you don't like) - that would be a good way to play it. I and many players like me could just ignore it for a few weeks/months and then do the whole thing within a few days of hard NW farming all the way from 1 to 30.

  14. On 2020-06-10 at 4:38 PM, Nichivo said:

    I hope they ignore this, and bring back real prosecutors, manics, ancients, feral kubrow, comba, scrambus, wolf, stalker, orb vallis, railjack enemies, and a few absolutely ominous deadly things yet to be seen. While they are at it bring back self damage, give all the aoe weapons some more aoe range, and crank the amp up to 11(joke reference).😈

    I hope for all that and much more serious enemies, but not annoying ones to strip your buffs or burn your energy. 

  15. On 2020-06-10 at 3:58 PM, ES-Flinter said:


    Every other game "kills" you if you fall down from the map. In warframe you lose only your buffs. And it's not like that falling from the map happens random right?

    I'll also keep saying that losing buffs is as bad as dying. The difference is that you also lose some gained affinity and your lives are not unlimited (but how often you run out of lives in warframe? And do you even count how much of them you have left?)

  16. Bramma is still very good and fits perfectly to this content (horde shooting). I can still use it fine with carrier and ammo exilus mod, but Lenz, Ogris, Penta, Angstom (such an elegant mr-fodder), secondary fire explosions etc are very much behind and it would be nice to have a very good buff to them so that not only Bramma and a bit Acceltra and even less Tonkor are widely used (they are all crit-based).
    A good move would be also to have a look at interactions between [Firestorm]/[Fulmination] with [Amalgam Furrax Body Count] (it still works with selected older weapons as [Firestorm] used to) - and please make it [Amalgam Body Count] for any melee weapon. And may be a similar change as it was made with melee range mods - from +X% to +Xm?

    • Like 1
  17. I'd like to have primed/prisma/wraith/vandal color palettes  where you can override the material effect by using color on it whether it should become shiny, metallic, mat, etc. 

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  18. On 2020-05-24 at 4:22 PM, Steel_Rook said:

    Nullifiers shouldn't instantly strip buffs. They already don't do that universally. Warframes like Atlas, Nidus, Gauss, Grendel and a few others don't lose some of their buffs in Nullifier fields. Rather, those buffs begin draining rapidly. I'm of the opinion that the same should happen to all player buffs. If the buff is on a timer, run the clock on it much faster inside a Nullifier field. Say 3 seconds per second. If the buff has health, begin draining health off it inside a Nullifier field. I's say 5-10% health per second. This means Rhino's Iron Skin and frost's Snow Globe would drop in 10-20 seconds inside a Nullifier field. Or maybe do a hybrid - 500 DPS or 10% DPS, whichever is higher.

    I am glad that people like you agree that buff stripping is a crappy, lazy and mega-annoying mechanic (reminds me of Lineage II - a Korean MMORPG where you need to have around 20 buffs to be fine and some classes just have an ability to CANCEL your buffs in PvP, making you helpless).

     to DE:  I'll keep on saying that the best change in Nullifiers - replace buff stripping to buff muting/shutting down while inside the bubble and full recovery when out of it as if nothing happened. Just so I won't be scared to be touched by the edge of the bubble and then hide somewhere around the corner rebuffing my stuff as well as I won't have to worry about cataclysm/frost globe/wisp reservoirs/Ivara's dashwire and cloak bubble/etc be randomly wiped by corrupted nullifier spawning nearby during an endless relic mission. It is fine when things get shut down while under the influence of Nullifier's field, just let it come back after the field is gone. Keep the danger and the challenge - remove the annoying part, and u can make Nullifiers much stronger and thicker as a unit.

    P.S:"same about losing buffs after falling/out of bounds - this is just as annoying, and there is no consistency in it anyway since part of the buffs don't disappear after this"

  19. Kuva Defence should be equal to kuva survival. I'd choose defence over survival just because I don't like running around too much, and 1 hour+ of kuva requiem survival is very exhausting, besides I can't use my "stationary" long missions builds when I need to run to a new location every minute. 

  20. Kuva fortress defense is the defence I almost never go, if that defence target was extracting kuva - I'd go there, especially when requiem relic is there. (I just did one and only was able to get 1200 kuva as a reward and then it bugged - mission failed with full hp of the defence objective)

    • Like 1
  21. 16 hours ago, --Brandt-- said:


    This isn't a problem and there's nothing to fix.

    you are wrong and need to think a bit more before posting

    this is a problem and it needs a fix, even if you don't care about QoL changes in the game you like then at least host migration is a well known problem and needs fixing (no matter how much you want to defend every flaw of Warframe)

    if your message is "just accept these flaws and carry on" - well thanks captn Obvious, we do it every time we play this game but should we stop complaining about issues that spoil the experience of such a nice game? (especially when some issue gets enough attention it eventually gets fixed, not all the time, but it works, as long as you keep silence and try to silent others by saying that there is no problem, DE thinks everything works great!)

    About endless missions - I wish it was possible to see every squad in a given node and at least see their mission progress time (if not the wave/round, etc), number of group members, their gear, at least frames and be able to join any time, any wave, drop in - drop out and be able to choose which squad to join. And be able to use recruit chat for new members and invite them when someone needs to go. And most important for me (and I am sure lots of other players) is the ability to choose either to be a host only and wait for others to join or never host or both.

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