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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. 13 hours ago, ArchangelusAlpharius said:

    Excalibur's survivability and damage endgame is laughable unless you are a very, very good player with arcanes. Meanwhile valkyr can cheese far past lvl 1k without sweating it as long as she gets finishers in. You are over reacting.

    But he has a point. But not the point that he think I would think he would make. 😉

     Would see it as a "Valkyr and Wukong needs buffs" kind of thread. In this case he is right. Valkyrs claws, her 3 and her 1 needs something. For the claws I would think a small tweak would do it. The damage is fine but also get some movement speed because the augment is less than meh.


  2. 8 minutes ago, veloSylraptor said:

    It deprives me the option of using what is supposed to be in that slot; most importantly, all the weapons I equip are part of the style, being forced to use other weapon breaks the style, and that is unacceptable.

     You don't get to decide what other people find acceptable, you don't get to decide that not being able to use the same dozen weapons and frames for the entirety of my playtime is not a travesty. 

    Dont expect you wear it longer than one or two games. There is hydron for that kind of people. Also you dont HAVE to increase your MR. You can do all kind of things with MR 6 or so. If you want to unlock new weapons  then yes. It's a lot better than other level systems.

  3. "Oh God I have to try out new things and frames"

    In other games you just run missions over and over again. Experience is not just a number that pops out of an enemy it's in Warframe really "experience". Yes it is a grind and if you have found your favorite weapon and frame you dont enjoy it as much but thats the point. You have a little but to work to increase to the next MR even if this means run hydron 20 times for the just XP farmer it's still more interactive than other game level systems.

  4. 5 hours ago, zAdrenaline said:

    Thanks for clarifying, I'm considering making one just for Chroma since while playing sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything and forget about timer, but don't want to get banned for it 🙄

    Its bannable if it takes the player out of the action and your skript would do that. But as an example making a makro for faster fiering for semi automatic weapons are allowed.

  5. 5 hours ago, StiviRibar said:

    Nobody logs in into Warframe with the mindset of "Boy oh boy I can't wait to play some PvP". 

    Because it's a loot PvE game. There are some great PvP games out there. The devs should not try fix PvP and should fix other things instead like Vauban or Amber. Or how about the enemy AI and spawn problems.

  6. I think it's another of "gimmick with no impact" kind of things that should not be further be worked on. They have so much great stuff in the works I would rather want that they make the new stuff great I stead of focusing on a semi PvP gammode.

  7. 1 hour ago, Xzorn said:


    That's the thing about scaling enemies. It's relative.

    I mean a player can get into Sorties 2 weeks after starting. It's not "actual" high level and hasn't been in a very very long time. That's not meant to sound boasting or anything. It's legit criticism. We were doing lvl 100 enemies 5 years ago with like 19k DPS. Now we're doing 120k DPS. That's 5 years of Power Creep. Scaling enemies are used to combat that sorta thing and when done well they also increase the difficulty of the game. Enemies have to scale AND have new dangerous abilities.

    I see a lot of post in players helping players that would lead me to believe the scaling for Starmap enemies is actually pretty decent. A lot of new players get a rude awakening in the old T4 Void section that shouldn't really exist ( RIP T3 Void Survival ). Yea, there's a big eHP gap between frames and it's gotten worse over time but on the other side "most" of the frames with low end eHP can do some crazy stuff.

    I made a topic not long ago criticizing DE over their recent trend of immune enemies and eHP / DPS forced meta because those squishy frames rely heavily on their abilities and when you make enemies who ignore them completely you render that frame useless in that content.

    Thats also a problem. I joined the game a half year ago (1000h now :P) so I dont remember the time before that. I have the feeling that the only good frames that are invisible, tanky or nukes. All other frames are "bad". Bad is relative because they can do the most content (but that dont mean much). Also the starchart is to ez. Its a grind game for a reason and you almost get everything without much effort. I just feel that the people are just to lazy to do something or try other option to archive the goal.

    In my opinion DE needs to visit ALL frames and enemy again and balance the game from scratch. No more 90% damage reduction, no more infinite damage attacks, no more permanent invisible frames. I know that they dont do that but thats just how I feel. The game is to ez for me. I really love it but when you go into a mission and have to wait for 30 min to start having a little bit of a challenge or you just cant lose... its really is a problem.

  8. Also my notification are messed up so NOW I see all the comments. I know that this is not the solution. I know that there a a lot of flaws in it.

    It's also clear that we need a new AI that is not so... stupid?

    What i also hate is the talk about power fantasy because it's not a I win simulator. Yes we can be powerful but not so strong that we JUST CANT LOSE.

    7 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

    In my opinion, a level slider or stat slider will be rarely used by the players unless DE gives them an incentive to use them like better resource drops, no credits on rotation rewards, Radiant Relics, etc

    I play Anthem aswell and I believe DE can learn a thing or two from Anthem’s difficulty and enemies like Scar Enforcer whose has a thick body armor but you can hit it’s fuel tank for increased damage thus forcing players to manuver around him. DE can implement this to a special unit so that they don’t instantly die to an Arca Plasmor head on.


    Amen. I also want new enemys that have weak points. It's pretty cool have have outmaneuver the enemy to kill it.


    8 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    A Level slider is not exactly what we need but it's good enough.

    Problem I see is they will probably only let it go to some dumb number like lvl 40.

    They should tie it to MR. If I can test against lvl 160 enemies in the Simulacrum then I should be able to jump into those levels.

    Players say scaling is broken but never quite have a good argument on how. I often think this is because they're not used to cooperating with other team members which is what's required at those higher levels in order to "un-break" scaling. We have all the tools needed to deal with scaling. We can approach the problem in multiple ways. It just requires four players who care about what each other are bringing to the mission and play off each other's picks. Teamwork I think it's called.

    I enjoy the idea of one revive. The game is far too forgiving but there also needs to be Risk Vs Reward and I have doubts that will ever happen.

    I also like high levels. But the scaling is broken in that way that you can do almost every enemy in the game with one shot of a Hek with a maxed point blank untill level 40 or 50. And then it gets funny. Low level enemys are to easy. The scaling need fixing. Even a Newby can kill a Sedna level enemy like an earth one. There is no increase in low level so 1 to 50 but then it starts getting extremely interesting from 70 to 120. Scalong is broken in that it makes the game to easy for the first 80 level and that is almost the hole game.

  9. I am glad to see that some people joined this thread. Thank you all.

    Yes I know tgat Trin exist. My idea was to make it mandatory to have a support frame. In almost every other game it's common to use a support. I almost never have seen a trin except for low levels.

    I also understand that weaken invis frame could make them irrelevant. I love playing Ivara but invis is almost God mode. It's a shame that there are no enemys that bypasses stealth.

    And yes it is true that it will be always a way to cheese it but that's not the point. Even when you play "normal" frames without nukes or God mode you dont feel challenged. I just wish to change that.

    At this points it's pretty clear that we are to strong because we can even deal with the highest level possible with ease.

    I could make a thread in the future that changes his ultimate aka 4 work. I think its needed to balance the game. The 4 is often just to spammy and dint feel like adult. I would like such a mechanic like Baruuk has got all frames but that's another topic.

    Thank you guys for commenting. It's really helpfull. Have you guys any idea how to implement a difficultly that is challenging?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Linkee said:

    So... if my Excal gets a corrosive proc on a target, and he only deals corrosive, that means I will only get 60% dmg increase on a target, or will it get higher every time a new corrosive proc takes place up to a maximum?

    And, can combined elements, eg corrosive, proc electricity and toxin separately?

    Just one time for every element. But they can also be effected with impact, slash and puncture projects that also triggers CO. Also keep in mind that 2 status effects dont deal 60+60% damage. It is multipicative and with that a hole lot stronger! A good zaw with 100% status chance is godlike. That's the reason why the plague star zaw with build in viral damage are considered the best melees in the game. They can have up to 6 status effect types and that with CO will kill anything.

  11. So first off: I played Anthem in the last few days (don’t kill me) and also Diablo 3. In Anthem I loved the challenge in hard mode. It’s so enjoyable that I would like to implement it in Warframe as well because we need some challenge ingame.

    In my opinion a level slider would do nothing for Warframe because the scaling is broken. As an example: you can kill with a maxed pointblank mod and a hek a level 1 lancer and also a level 45 lancer in one shot. Maybe a bad example but you see where I coming from. 44 level difference but no effect for something that a new player can get in a day. But if you talk about level 90 to 100… that’s a huge deal. It goes from “you can oneshot them” to “they can oneshot you”. So because scaling is a problem there is in my opinion other things needed to make it a challenge. And yes: this is for getting a challenge. Not for new players or for people that are not ready. So just let me explain how the stages should be balanced. In that kind of difficulties it should be normal to have at least one support frame like trin or harrow to be able to survive. Bonus rewards are nice but nothing that you really need to have a good time. Also the following stages are just templates and just a direction where I want them to go. They also tackle our OPness with removal of pizza usages, seeing invisible frames and removal of energy and health orb drops so that we rely on our teammates or weapons to get energy or health back:




    -        Current state

    -        No drop/ bonus

    -        No effects on gameplay




    +25% XP for killing enemies, +25% more item drops, no credit and mod rewards in reward tables

    -        Normal Enemies deal 50% more damage and have 50% more health

    -        2x chance for eximus units to spawn

    -        2x chance for Elite Units to spawn (Gunners etc)

    -        Elite and Eximus units deal 50% more damage, have 50% more health and receive 25% less damage

    -        Half the chance for energy orbs to drop

    -        Half the chance for health orbs to drop

    -        No usage of energy and health pizzas

    -        Just 3 revives instead of 4



    +50% XP for killing enemies, +50% more item drops, no credit and mod rewards in reward tables

    -        Normal Enemies deal 75% more damage and have 75% more health

    -        3x chance for eximus units to spawn

    -        3x chance for Elite Units to spawn (Gunners etc)

    -        Elite and Eximus units deal 50% more damage, have 50% more health and receive 50% less damage

    -        No energy orb drops (not even with Nekros)

    -        No health orb drop (not even with Nekros)

    -        No usage of energy and health pizzas

    -        Just 2 revives instead of 4

    -        Eximus units can see invisible frames and prioritizes them

    -        Eximus units are immune to stuns and knock downs




    +100% XP for killing enemies, +100% more item drops, no credit and mod rewards in reward tables

    -        Normal Enemies deal 125% more damage and have 125% more health

    -        5x chance for eximus units to spawn

    -        5x chance for Elite Units to spawn (Gunners etc)

    -        Elite and Eximus units deal 50% more damage, have 50% more health and receive 75% less damage

    -        No energy orb drops (not even with Nekros)

    -        No health orb drop (not even with Nekros)

    -        No usage of energy and health pizzas

    -        Just 1 revive instead of 4

    -        Eximus and Elite units can see invisible frames and prioritizes them

    Eximus and Elite units are immune to stuns and knock downs



    Even if you dont like some things: please post your suggestion how to make it better. Pls help me to make some great changes so that DE maybe could use some ideas out of this so that the people that want a challenge can get one without nerfing themselves.


    Thank you

  12. 31 minutes ago, (NSW)Gregory said:

    Look, dude. It not okay. It never gonna be okay. You hear me? Just cuz’ you don’t curr don’ mean the rest of us gotta let it go, you feel me?

    Item sharing is nothing short of an absolute necessity, cuz’ no customer deserves to be disrespected that way. Just cuz’ you fine getting screwed over don’t mean you can come in here shouting “it all good”. It ain’t.

    It has nothing to do with disrespect dude. Calm down. You bought the cosmetics for that one account. End of the story. If you want them at another place: you have buy them again. Thats the negative part when you having more than one account. You have to deal with it. And item sharing is not a topic that is important for the most people.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Polkadog said:

    So would a mix of Option 1 and 2 be something that would sound good?

        Option 4 (A mix of different playstyles)

                No changes

                Same as Opt. 1

                Same as opt 2.

                No changes


    This would keep the AFK playstyle, but add viability for Resonator and Metronome making Octavia more suitable for other mission types.

    The hope is that this a rework that would change Octavia as Limbo changed in his own rework. Making him more viable in other mission types.

    Sure that would be fine. But still I dont think it is good to make DE revisit Octavia because she really is pretty OP 😛

  14. 20 minutes ago, Polkadog said:

    Absolutely she's powerful, but the fact that I can just throw Mallet and Amp to the ground and do some dance emotes to win 20 rounds in Hydron without a stretch is boring. To have some activity but the same output to a game is what I'd like from a rework; not a buff nor a nerf. 

    The point is that I like that kind of styles. Yes she is kind of an AFK frame but still. No need for a rework because she is boring for some people.

  15. I also love fashion frame BUT just because of that we dont need item sharing. If you spend your money on cosmetics on PC dont expect to have them on other accounts as well. I also buy more than other people in warframe so I understand you but still. Fashion frame in a personal thing. It's not a main part of the game regardless of the fashion frame memes.

  16. STOP!

    Ocatavia dont need any changes. Period. She is one of the most strongest frames in the game and you can use all of her abilities without that one is to bad to use. As an Octavia player I really want yo say: she dont needs anything. Dont bring her on DEs radar. If she gets on it she will be nerfed for sure. A rework is not needed. If you find her boring than play another frame. She is totally fine. The only thing is the problem with metronome the acting in time if you are not the host but that's it.

    Dont try to fix something that is not broken!

  17. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Fairfied said:

    I think energy dash is pretty game changing, particularly fir new players.  

    Thanks for the comment

    True but it's the second skill in zenurik. It's not like you have to grind it or something. I also gained it within two days without farming focus.

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