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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. This is a topic for the general section and not for feedback.

    Besides that I think its connected to the wolf of Saturn. Maybe she gives us the missions? Or we get rid of the fake lotus and finally get a new announcer for missions and so on 🙂

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Skyward_Knight said:

    how do they cater to new players? yes, the new open world updates have been released at lower levels, but each one has experienced the problem that newer players either aren't ready for something like the Plains or the Orb Vallis, or they get too overloaded with things to do from these two and lose track of the star chart progression. One of my points is that new players are given too much too quickly, and these two are examples of that.

    The thing is that players always want to play on the highest levels. They need to realize that the high level bounties are for people that completed the star chart. Not for some MR5 players. They just need a better tutorial. Nothing more.

    Also even if they just do Orb or the Plains. If they have fun then let it. If not they just can do the missions. Its management and new people need to learn also that.

  3. There is only one reason for relics: get prime parts or forma out of it. Also you can get a rare prime part from even a normal relic it is just like the word said rare.

    We also dont need more void tracers. People already get stuff to ez and that would make a lot of things even easier to get.

    I really dont like this idea as a hole. The relics are fine. Maybe it should be a little bit more interesting to open them instead of doing a normal missions with a few orokins. 

  4. Crossplay would be nice but I also think that it's just to difficult and would take to much time.

    And item sharing is not really needed. We can trade and the things that we cant trade are not worth it or it has a reason.

    For the Prime Access: it's expensive and it will always be. It's the thing where they get reliable money from people. There is no other way for them because plat is ez to farm and often just to expensive without a discount.

  5. I think they cater enough to new players. It a grind game. You have to grind for it and if people dont like it ok but that's not DEs fault. They also said that they working on a new tutorial and will explain a few things better.

    There is no need to give new players even more content they have a huge amount. They just need a better tutorial and they are working on it.

  6. I dont think that this system needs a tweak. If you really want to farm focus there are methods to do so. There is also no reason to get faster focus. It's nothing that is game changing. Focus on one thing and slowing work for it.

  7. 8 hours ago, Celthric317 said:

    For the future of Warframe DE, please don't lock weapons and frames behind standing gates. 

    You play a grinding game and expect not ti GRIND a frame or weapon? Even if you dont want it: buy it with plat. You can open relics getn something like a chroma prime set at a day and have half the plat for the frame or the plat for a weapon. There are other ways.

  8. 1 hour ago, torint_man said:

    Any sort of scaling should not be infinite. If you want an example of scaling that DE finds acceptable, look at endless fissures. You get +25% boosters of each type every 5 minutes and a refined relic every 25 minutes. However, the boosters stop at +100%, and the refined relic reward doesn't go beyond a single radiant relic.

    THAT is a thing that I can get behing. I just wish they would remove the credit and mod rewards later and would gave us better relics instread and more endo. Sure a max point where the scaling ends is needed.But toget nothing out of it is pretty bad also.

    • Like 1
  9. All I am reading here is: "I dont want that others with more time than me should be rewarded more. I like getting rewards with no effort! Dont let others that stay longer get more than me."

    Its not like all people would say: "We do 3 hour missions now or I troll".


    I am surprised by this tbh. I thought that better rewards by fighting stronger enmys would be a good thing.

    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

    TBH my thoughts on hacking are that it should be removed from the game, period. It doesn't fit the high paced nature of the game.

    And adding non-skippable hacking as difficulty is laughable (looking at sorties or nightmare missions), as if that was actually in any way hard. It's just annoying when you have to stand still for 2 seconds pressing random buttons or mashing space.

    Warframe is a shooter not a puzzle game. If I wanted to play connect the dots I'd go to play some flash version of it on the web.

    "OMG I have to think a little bit and not just afk though the hole game. But I want to win all missions to 100%!"


    In my opinion they should make more things like the hacking games. Spy missions are my favorite because it's not just look at anything and they die and you win.


    It's really a shame that Warframe is so easy... and people still refuse to make some parts harder. And that "skill" is a thing that you laugh about here. That is the only thing I hate about Warframe.

  11. 2 minutes ago, rune_me said:

    It's not going to happen. DE has already addressed this several times and said they don't want scaling rewards. The only thing they did say was that they might remove some of the filler in the drop tables the longer you stayed, so the rewards will always be the same for everyone, but the odds of getting a good drop increases for each rotation. But that was forever ago and nothing has changed, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

    Just because they said this at some point in the past that sont mean that it could not happen in the future. Nothing is set in stone. But alone that they remove filler would be a good thing. And the point of rewards is also an important one because right now we get nothing but crap in 70% of the time.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

    So, in essence: Scalling Rewards Thread... again.

    No, DE will not do that. If there is a scaleability in those missions players will feel obligated to go further and further and they do not want their players to stay in 1 mission wasting themselves away, that leads to burnout and players dropping the game, sometimes permanently.


    2 hours ago, rune_me said:

    Players should not be punished for not wanting to spend 2 hours in a mission.


    That is not the point. We need scaling rewards for endless missions. The people that want can go but the people that stay should be rewarded for taking the risk. It is not fair in the moment. Per 20 min / waves there should be 2x the rewards and after 40 min 3x times the reward and so on.

    What is so hard to understand that simple scaling rewards would make the game better? It does not mean scale the rewards down for the 20 min player.

    Fighting higher enemys = getting higher rewards.

    It's simple as that. Just because some people dont want to stay in a mission for a long time why should people that like it should not be rewarded for it?

    No one forces you to stay above 20 min or waves but some people might want that.


    Sometimes I dont understand some people...

    • Like 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    I have just one thing to say.

      Reveal hidden contents


    DE pls ❤️

    There is one with grass.


    I also would like some aura mods and more footprints. PoE gives a lot of good examples.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

    I for one await the meta tryhards screeching about how "bad" she is because they can't figure her out.

    In the moment she is a tanky CC frame or just a CC frame... is Nyx good? Is Vauban good? Is any other CC frame good right now?

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