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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. I also joined a big clan and it's ok but I maybe will also start a small clan in the future. I sitting on a few million resources and besides the forma I could do a lot. I also have the most weapons that are aviable from the dojo (Like the Hema... dont like it) and if I leveled all weapons that are aviable I think I will start a new clan. Just for the fun and the satisfaction. Maybe alone or with some randome people that could help. But I think I would need a few formal for that... so maybe at the start if the next plague star event.

  2. Sorties are sometimes a pain... excavators should scale with the enemy's. Because I just kohra for excavation missions they where no problem for me but when I was not after 10 sec at one they did blow up... sometimes if they have bonus damage it is just a stupid gammeode where you have to use the best frame for that that you have or you lose. Its funny when you think that normal sorties are a joke normaly.

  3. If you want? Its definitely more satisfying to see your clan grow and unlocking all things with your clan than joining one and getting all things for free basically. If you have a high MR and you are through the game it could be an idea otherwise it could be very hard, because things like Amprex and Ignis and other good things are just available with a good clan.

  4. 2 hours ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

    White knight? No, grow up. 

    Yes. Thats what your OP post was about. Nothing how to improve the game just saying that other should shut up because "DE is trying all they can". YOU need to understand the reasons why forums exists. Its not to hat pet the devs... You can google what white knighting is and THEN read your posts. I just get angry when people say "its fine" when a lot of things need to improve and all know it... but they STILL defend the devs even when the devs also see the problems... its not healthy and dont bring anything new for the players or information for the devs.

    That is the thing that I really dont understand...


    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, White_Matter said:

    By making Excal Prime redundant because there is a stronger variant out there which is accessible by everyone.  there is no incentive to play Excal Prime anymore for someone who has access to both.

    There should be no incentive besides pride and showing others that you supported the game since the beginning. Thats it. It has meaningful purpose and not to 100% a playable bonus... which other players never will reach.

    • Like 3
  6. Just now, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    I’m not talking about what he said in that specific video. I’m talking about in general. Look at ANY on his video title and you can immediately tell that it’s clickbait. Mentioning him in anyway to try and prove a point is a sure fire way to discredit yourself.

    God could we pls stop hating on youtubers? You know what clickbait even is? It's like: WARFRAME IS DEAD? And then talking about a few snipers or so. The title has nothing to do with the topic... THAT is clickbait... and not phrasing fitting titles that cover the topic and let the topic look interesting.

    • Like 3
  7. 14 hours ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

    Please keep in mind, I admit I could be wrong about some thing's, or even all of this, but this is simply what I have observed and what I have pondered about.


    Let's face it. Take a moment, detach yourself from the game and it's all-consuming powers, and think objectively.

    The fanbase (here comes the hate, I can feel it now) has fostered a new sense of content greed. (The first I've seen, anyway)

    What do I mean? I'm glad you maybe asked!

    We have a lot of content already. DE has been enormously gracious to keep shelling out content for us.

    Yet we never stop asking for more.


    More, more, GIVE US MORE DE!!!! *foams at the mouth*

    I've noticed some connections.....this "more" we all ask for, could actually be hindering the game and it's progress in ways, which is why we've suffered many obstacles in the road maps for this game.

    I could elaborate more, but I don't want to put my full spiel out there, as I want people to remain as open-minded as possible about this.

    Hey, stop throwing things at me! Put out that fire! I'm only making a post!


    I think if we all exercise some patience, greater thing's will come.

    Please keep in mind, I admit I could be wrong about some thing's, or even all of this, but this is simply what I have observed and what I have pondered about.

    Warframe is the gift that keeps on giving - this shiny new toy that is more or less "new" to us, so we get carried away, always expecting more...more....FFS DE WE WANT MORE GET TO IT PRONTO OR WE WIL- *user died of content greed rabies*

    But seriously, we should back up and ease off DE a little bit, give them some room to breathe. It's like we threw them in a defection mission, deleted the Med Boosters, and Sit-Emote on a wall somewhere watching them suffer. Lol.


    Anyway, thank you DE, for everything ❤️


    Please keep in mind, I admit I could be wrong about some thing's, or even all of this, but this is simply what I have observed and what I have pondered about.

    Just stop white knighting DE. That kind of posts are extremely bad because with that attitude Warfarme will never evolve. There is a difference between hate and critique. It's a fact that the endgame, challenge and good rewards dont exist right now. As a veteran we dont have a game mode where we just could hop in and have some fun. Like with a randome of our frames and weapons  in a randome mission where we should have to adapt to the situation in a level area 80-100 that keeps rising if we go on and some bosses sprinkled in. Just some kuva, endo and arcanes as rewards. Dont even need to have a high drop rate. Or some cosmetics. In that case we just could experiment with some things and get some things that we all need no matter how long we play.

    But this kind of ideas cant be implemented if white knights say "it's fine" or "thanks for existing". DE know that we love them... no need to protect them for ideas. That's the reason for a forum btw...

    • Like 6
  8. So ok I read the complete description and have to say it sounds like a ability for Vauban... like I already said often times it's just not worth it but that could differ from person to person. I would like just another acrobatic attack instead of some traps.

  9. But the question is: do mirage really need CC? As we all know you build her for duration and strength. Some bombs that also give you some movement would more fitting for her and I have never seen the benefit of the 2 in any game I played mirage or saw someone. She is a DPS monster and do t really need CC. She needs movement and more protection.

    But you would like to see such an augment for eclipse?

    I will read some more about the 2 and come back but I don't think that even in the best case it would compliment mirage.

  10. Hey there,

    a few weeks ago we got list of the top 10 of uderplayed Frames in Warframe. I know that this is not to 100% a bad sigh because not every frame can be played equal. But what surprised me was to see Mirage down there and after some thinking about it I realized that they are right.

    She has insane damage output and very creative abilities. I think after playing the last days with her I know what she lacks of and maybe someone will read it.


    1. I would create an "Half Eclipse" Augement: both effects of eclipse apply to mirage the hole time at 20/30/40/50% of their strength. That would help her to survive longer but still would not be another 90% damage resistance while still giving a good damage buff. The abilitie is good but unreliable often times and that would help to fix it.

    2. The only other thing I want to change is her 2. I dont think that in the current situation it is used in any scenario. I would replace it with a ability called "Surprise!" where mirage drops a bomb (or 5 with hall of mirrors) and make then a back flip backwards. Area of the explosion and the range of the back flip should be increased with ability range. Tat would give her another fun toy to play around that also would fit her perfectly. Dont have other real stats for this but I think it should be inline with a full charged ember fireball with a blast proc (the augment could blind the enemys to 100% and knock them around while halving the damage and double the bombs from her). It could also be used as an escape tool.


    In my option that would not make her OP but fixing some problems with her.

    Thank you for reading. 🙂

  11. On 2019-01-09 at 9:40 AM, punipunichen said:

    so... memorizing timing.. is part of skill? sad... Im too busy guns and blazing to keep Vex Armor up all time... and when I missed the recast... it screws up my day... I jsut think it's a pain to consider that part of "skill" ... AFK check... ? yet people DO still use Macro for their game, and it is allowed...

    The game is already ez as hell (with some sortie exceptions)... we dont need an auto mode.

  12. Let me try it with the classic classes:


    Druid: Oberon, Nidus

    Mage: Ember, Frost, Volt, Zephyr, Octavia, Limbo, Gara, Mag, Nova, Mirage, Vauban

    Priest: Trinity, Harrow

    Warrior: Atlas, Rhino, Valkyr, Chroma, Excalibur, Inaros, Wukong

    Hunter: Ivara, Mesa, Banshee, Kohra, Titania

    Rouge: Ashe, Loki

    Warlock: Garuda, Equinox, Hydroid, Nyx, Revenant, Saryn

    Paladin: Nezha

    Shaman: -


  13. 15 hours ago, Serafinia said:

    I don't need any new stuff at the moment cause I still have a lot to do. I play mainly for fun so not really care to get any new item instant or farm weeks for it. I simply just pass my time in game and do something else. 

    And others dont. So why is this even an argument?


    10 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    They complain when nothing happens...and when something does happen, they find things to criticise anyway. 

    Different people with different reasons. They are not the same people so thats fine. And a discussion over the new content is better than over no content at all.


    8 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    If you're not finding anything fun to do in the game, take a breather and come back when you feel there's something fun to do.

    Stop whiteknighting DE... they dont need it. That does not help anyone.

    • Like 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    So why are you even here then, if the content is so bad? There must be other games out there you could be playing instead.

    To leave the game is not an option if its your only game you play or want to play. Also he just asks. No need to play the Whiteknight for DE. He is right the last drop is over a month ago. Its not bad to ask if this game gets content more than normal. Calm down.

    • Like 3
  15. 5 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    This community doesn't really want "content". That's too broad of a generalization, even though it's the buzzword everyone throws around. The community (excluding YouTubers, for a reason) want more items, with rewards as the main type of item. YouTubers want something new that they can show off and talk about, so they prefer new game modes that they can make videos on for months to come to keep and draw in subscribers.

    Did your forgot a /s behind that or do you really believe in that? o.O

    How about a gamemode with randomized warframe, mod and weapon load outs in different mission types so you have to adapt? That would be fun and give us some things to do. Rewards maybe Kuva, Endo and some Arcanes. In that way we would get some rewards that dont suck and could play a gamemode that could be challenging and fun for I think the most part.

  16. Apart from the problem that Rubys Synth is a little bit to big in the picture: sure.

    -A new gunsynthe (ruby),

    -dual swords with movement bonus (blake),

    -hysterix like rapier (weis) 

    -gunfists (yang)

    -yellow, red, black, grey/white color pallet


    That could be a thing I would not mind.

    • Like 1
  17. On 2019-01-21 at 5:23 AM, (PS4)Silverback73 said:


    It is true... I sell syn weapons for 30 to 40 plat. Just place a order in 1 min at warframe market and wait untill someone message you ingame. Trade and finished. Farm a complete set and sell it for 20-200p. Dude you miss a chance. I also dont use the trade chat. To see it as a second job to place or find a item in inter 1 minute is just... If you are lazy then dont complain.

    At the topic I like them. Besides baruuk I like the new system how to get frames. Baruuk is just grinding boring missions over and over again and is locked behind a time gate. Used plat for him.

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