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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. 1 hour ago, MPonder said:

    Yep, after some time, all you do is either grind PL or level up itens in the same boring routine.

    Every content is pure faceroll. Planet boss fights are a joke.

    Every gear (warframe, weapons and mods) is farmed by some boring gring with some RNG with no challenge instead of behind of some high difficult content.

    There  is no Linear growth like hitting lv 60, get lv 60 itens, then lv 70, get lv 70 itens. Here, you get the things you want (warframe and weapons), farm the mods, and then, you are done, if you want.

    In this case... you maybe dont like Warframe in general. I love that you can use the first weapons with the right mods in late game missions. You just get more options. Same with frames. In other game speopel run around all with the same equipment and that's so boring. You maybe want to check out other games.


    And the game is a horde grind game... and what do you expect? RNG is part of that genre.

  2. 3 hours ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

    1. Comparing replayability of a comptetitive PvP game to a PvE looter shooter is hilarious.

    2. Warframe, in its design, is based around bite-sized content. That's why most missions are short and can be completed in under 5 minutes. The whole idea is that you can play this game a little bit everyday, still achieve something and make progress, but without commiting too much time daily. You might be surprised, but this is one of the selling points of this game for me, and I am sure, many, many others. However, as a result of this, if you do try to grind it non-stop, you will get through most of this game "relatively" quickly.

    3. You say you have played for about 5 hours a day for 70 days... so let's say you have around 300 hours in this game (almost as much as one of my friends, who played it since 2015). I say it's a decent amout of entertainment, 99% of games in my library, both singlplayer and multiplayer have clocked WAY less play time (including things like Mass Effect, Dragon age, Witcher 3, Left for dead 1 and 2, Team fortress, etc), so I can say that you have got a great deal from this game for FREE. 

    Now it's time to move on, and play something else. Try division, destiny, anthem, or do something else altogether. When the next big update comes, you will most likely come back as well.

    I have quit and returned to this game several times, and I think it's absolutely normal.


    I have 800 hours... and still like it. There is a difference from player to player. Some people love to play just a few games and are not interested in playing multiple games at once. I also spend some money on F2P games and dont buy a new game every few months.

    If they play WF since 2015 and dont have about 300h in game that just says that they are not interested in the game anymore. One hype and then gone. That's fine but that's not the norm.

    Also pls dont use the Its FREE card. That is no excuse. FREE to play games need in general more content then played one to succeed and the developer need to continue that to keep up with new games.

    Besides that I agree. For people that just want a few quests the game is fast finished if you dont concentrate on other things.

  3. MR20 here after about 6 months. Also try hard and have now almost 80% of aviable prime frames. Rushed also the content pretty fast so I understand your problem.


    You have to understand that PvP and PvE are different kind of game genres. I also come from OW with about 500+ hours. In Warfarme there is no real end in general. I also dont grind for weapons and try to get my MR to 27. I dont need it. After MR16 I stoped carrying about MR and just tried to get all frames via trading or grinding.

    The game is not over after you finished all quests. You have to find your own enjoyment in the game. The fashion frame jokes are not really jokes. I love customize my Warfarmes and try different kind of builds even tho I rarely switch between them. But I get off topic.

    You have things to do. If you dont want to do them or dont care about them it's fine. Then you have nothing to do and you can check out Dota again if you want and come back after a month or so. I find enjoyment in completing randome alerts,  grinding relics and make some arbitrations. I know it's not a true endgame but if you have some frames that are really awesome but you didn't had time during missions now there is the time to play them.


    Otherwise the others are right. If you dont find your own enjoyment and just want to play quests: come back later.


    Also you have to be a PvE player. I also come from PvP games like Overwatch and Hearthstone and like PvE games now more than PvP. I just rage to often and it's pretty good to have just a positive feeling here in WF.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, White_Matter said:

    But yeah, DE pretty much screwed all the founders over by giving everyone a stronger variant, making Excal prime pretty redundant in the process.

    We normal people have no chance to get Excal Prime. They needed to do this because otherwise it would be unfair for later Excal mains to never get the good frame for there main. The other option would be to give other people a option to get Excal prime. THAT would be the only other option.

    • Like 3
  5. 34 minutes ago, Corvid said:

    Question: How far are you into the game?

    MR20 and all Quests done. Maybe I have missed some pieces. If you know more pls tell me. I love the lore. But right I have missed that. Lotus and Ballas are Orokin right? And they (the orokin) created the Grineer and Sentients. The Corpus are in my opinion humans that workship money but have their roots at the orokin empire. Infested are a weapon that backfired and the sentients more kind of warriors. Am I right so far?

    Still dont know what we tennos truly are. Are we Orokins? Or do we also where created by them to control the frames?

  6. I still think they have nothing to do with the orokin. The orokin are a mix of the infested (healers). corpus (shipman) and grineer (gunners). This kind of creatures look different so I would assume that they are not connected with the orokin or even the enemy of them in the past.

  7. Even tho some people are really angry... they are still important. They dont want to hear all day "such a great game" and "you are doing great guys" or "one of the best games I have ever played!". This is the forum. You come here to speak about a topic what is not perfect in your opinion and than you hear other people opinion about it. Threads like this that dont cover a topic in the game are not very useful for the devs. They want feedback to make the game even better. Even if some people dont provide solutions and just rant about the problems: they still point out whats maybe wrong. Threads like this on the other hand dont contribute anything to the game. I love DE. I love WF. But this thread is not something they need.

    • Like 1
  8. On 2019-01-17 at 12:27 PM, Momaw said:

    Players keep asking for more power and refuse to allow nerfs to any of the game-breaking stuff, and we're left with a game that is, in an overwhelming majority of cases, only as hard as you want it to be. So any concept of rewarding players for "trying hard" must include either harsh rebalances or new systems that don't permit you to use the lazy mode stuff that trivializes the game.  Arbitrations is an experiment in solving that, by offering high value rewards while preventing auto-nukes and permanent crowd control from working, but look at how many people hate it. 

    Thank you. We need some changes to scaling damage/armor etc for warframes and enemies in the game. I would gladly take a few huge nerfs to weapons and frames and a change to the enemy scaling over just new stuff. Because it dosent matter. We will one shot everything in the game untill the point where we get killed with one hit. And both things are just boring. We need some serous changes. Thats also a reason why we cant get better weapons and rewards because: we are already OP. For new players that not a problem we should stop thinking about NEW players and start about thinking about OLD players.

    • Like 1
  9. Zephyr is one of the mediocre frames...

    1. Only good in Open Worlds (because of endless archwing its not a big deal anymore)

    2. Completely useless

    3. "I can survive!"

    4. Mediocre at best... she should get a new ult or the tornadoes should be useful... in either state (lots of them and many or just 4 normal ones) her 4 is trash. Why would you use it? To shoot with weapons into it to apply stats effects and THEN you can kill them? Pls...

  10. 1 hour ago, spyroxion said:

    You know, I wish I could try my best, but if alert doesn't pop up after my working hours what can I do? Like that's the point - you can't really do much about if you're playing healthy gaming hours (admit it, playing more than 3 hours every day is a bit unhealthy), there is no way to farm, to buy or anything. besides caches from void sabotage but even that is like what? 1% or something? 

    I also work about 8 to 10 hours daily... it's ok if you just play a few hours a day and ignore all chats but then dont come to the forums and cry that you cant build a frame that requires a lot of time investment!

  11. Baruuk at first... he is just ugly.. I hope some tennos make a good skin for him..

    Then Ivara... good the head is so ugly! Is she a cyclops? Good we have some good skins for her...

    Kohra... yes. I hope really fast for a new helmet because that alone destroys my enjoyment with her... she looks like my grandma with the helmet!

  12. 7 minutes ago, spyroxion said:

    "common knowledge", well excuse me that up until MR13 I didn't bump into building something that needs Nitains in quantity, it is my first real encounter that needs more than 1 so how can I have this "common knowledge" if it's not said ANYWHERE in the game that this specific material is pain to get and you will need it? I don't check what materials I need because I'm stocked with most of materials and worst case scenario I need couple of runs somewhere to reach needed amount. 

    It is... even in chats there are people that scream "finally nitain!" Or if you have a clan they will that also tell you. It surprises me that you reached MR13 without needing Nitain so much. It is really your fault. If you dont inform you before you build something what the requirements are and where to get them. It's ok. You fuuued up and now you have a problem. Happens to all casual player at some point. But there is no reason to blame others because you need one material that is hard to get... get over it and try your best.

  13. A lot of people don’t like that but... 


    Cap weapon bonus damage at 300%

    Crit at 100%

    Warframe power at 250 or 200

    Duration at 250 

    range at 200 or 250


    and so on... because we don’t have caps we can blow everything up and reach absurd powerlevels with frames. DE should give us caps and THEN you could see an increase in challenge and so on without hurting anyone because all missions are ez even with a basic build... we don’t need to be godlike in every game...

  14. 32 minutes ago, TheFinalEpic said:

    Warframe is a shooter with abilities.

    Overwatch is a shooter with abilities

    Warframe is a horde loot shooter.

    Overwatch is a teambased arena shooter.


    besides the part that they are shooters they have nothing in common.

    and that comes from a player with a few hundred hours on OW.

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