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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. Why would we need bigger ships? The job of the Tenno, currently, is to get to the mission area undetected, take care of the mission, and then get out undetected, or at least make it difficult to be tailed after escape. As it is, we can clearly take down large ships by destroying the power core (ala Sabotage missions), so why would we need an assault ship?


    Why do we need dogs?  Why do we need sentinels?  Why do we even need weapons?  We can do all that stuff you said without them.


    Bro, do you even devstream?

  2. Exactly why we won't have battles.


    Totally, because it's not like we will ever be able to get our hands on bigger, more powerful ships, or even get a system where our little Liset can dock with a larger ship to give us extra features. 


    Nope, DE is just gonna make this cramped little Liset and then that's it, nothing else at all in that department, just the little escape pod Lisets and no plans of future expansion or upgrades.  


    You're using excalibur much different than I use him, because you say his tankiness needs to be worked on but... The way I use him that would be pointless. 


    First of all, I don't worry about his health, just put on life strike or rejuvination. I'm not sure about PC but on PS4, when you use Radial blind, all those kills count as stealth kills, and you can use the armor ignoring finishers on all of them plus the 4x stealth bonus. Meaning if you used life strike, that 300 hp is always instantly restored. 


    Use Redirection and shield flux and never complain about stamina again. This also requires Quick Thinking and Rage, since you'll have no shields when you block for a bit. You use this to gain energy and radial blind, attack one, get all your health back and then... KILLING SPREE.


    These next things I will suggest are optional for different builds but... I solo T4's with him like this. 

    Reflex Guard 

    Rush(HIGHLY changeable)

    Super Jump

    Blind Rage



    Reflex guard helps you not get one shotted by Heavy Gunners when you're not using your melee. Excal may be the pure melee frame but... This is by no means all you should use him for. 


    Rush to get around faster. (This is where I think he should be as fast as Loki.  HE'S THE FREAKING MELEE FRAME AND YOU CAN'T CATCH YOUR DAMN ENEMIES. WHY IS RUSH NEEDED FOR THIS, EXCAL SHOULD BE MUCH FASTER.) I switch this every now and then for Vitality if I feel like having basically infinite energy or heavy impact for conclave trolling. 


    Super Jump to get to those Bow/ Sniping positions and to by pass wall climbing.... Because that takes too damn long. 


    Blind Rage to increase the Super Jump height. (I recommend taking out Super jump and Blind rage if you're a hardcore player and switch them with duration and range mods, just because at Rank 7, blind rage makes radial blind cost 64 or so.)


    Flow to increase survivability, power usage and channeling usage. 


    This build is a very expensive build to fit everything properly. If you don't screw up and change builds or forma wrong, it takes about 8 or 9 forma. You don't die often. You only really die when you get stunlocked fifty times by heavy gunners one 2 hp or killed from behind because you can't block and defend yourself or one of those magnetic eximus sneak up on you. But magnetic eximus ruin EVERYONE'S day. 



    Everything you said is awesome on him but at the same time, it works just as well for everyone else.  With the right mods you can make even the squisher frames like Loki be able to take a beating and keep going but that doesn't necessarily mean that's the best option or something you SHOULD do.  


    If you use lifestrike, quick thinking, blind rage, rejuvenation(or energy syphon) then pretty much ANY frame can be make to be durable.


    I do agree that sprint speed should be buffed, but his overall defenses should be as well.  He is THE melee frame, or should be and as such he should NATURALLY have some pretty decent defenses or damage mitigation like so many other frames have without having to get a "specialized mod" loadout to make up for it.   I'd be glad if he gets certain buffs that only go off only when he's in "melee mode" to promote wanting to get up there and cut slice the bad guys into little pieces with your sword instead of staying back and unloading your boltor prime clip into them.


    Think of it this way.  Almost every skill he has, another frame has only they can do it better.


    Slash dash.  Zephyr has a skill similar to that in which it can cover much more ground and even go up into the air though it does do less damage. It also has no cast time and moves much faster


    Rhino has rhino charge which does MORE damage, has NO chargeup time, and even has CC to knock the enemies out of the way if they don't get mushed into paste.


    Super Jump,   Valkyr has Ripline that not only gives it more movement options but also can damage and pull enemies to it like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat.  GET OVER HERE!   


    Zephyr has one that can go much much higher, synergizes well with her version of slash dash, AND can be used with a "Super Dunk skill". Also you can get to pretty much the same places with any other frame with good parkouring and wall jumping.  It needs an improvement.


    Radial Javelin : Once again goes against "The Swordsman" theme and just launches javelins that have limited capacity, no punch through,(they can even be blocked by the grineer shield guys shields!) and does about normal damage.


    Whereas many other frames*cough Rhino*Cough* have skills that damage EVERTHING in the are, do more damage, and even have some kind of CC.


    Radial Blind is pretty much Excals best skill and I don't like using that, because even though it is SUPER EFFECTIVE, it feels a lot more of a "cheap trick" skill like Loki would use instead of a skill that would be used by "The Swordsman"


    Long story short, Excal isn't a bad frame.  I play as him and have fun with him, but when you add in the newer, shiner frames with their newer and shiner abilities, his lackluster stats, and his skills that are pretty "meh" compared to the new stuff coming out, it's not unreasonable to ask that he be taken back to the drawing board to look at ways to improve him and make him more fun to play.

  4. Other than the Dual Kama, Zoren, or Ichor I can't stand dual wielding because of the stupid dagger main hand thing.  It completely ruins the entire purpose of dual wielding, gimps your looks and range, makes no sense, and just looks ridiculous.  

  5. Tanky, Bruiser, is practically Rhino, What Else? Uhhhh, Wings? Interesting Concept, removing Rhino AND Zephyr, *Slow clap* hmmmm, design seen before, I'm sure he has a GREAT personality, and why would he be involving himself now? Things aren't exactly tipping one way or the other, and if they hadn't revealed themselves to help while Tenno weren't around, why would he come out now? Makes no sense good sir, and is a mismatch of two warframes, *Slow Claps again* thank you for a warframe which is "Original" this way nubs will work to get this frame and laugh at people who scoff at it's "Originality", it looks cool, and if they decide to make it, more power to you, but I won't be surprised if they don't


    *Plus* OP AS Death himself, Literally? Indomitable? that thing would have to last a half second if it has any USEFUL regen capabilities, His First ability blows Zephyr STRAIGHT out of the water(air?) with having an apparently RIDICULOUS time in the air, Not To mention his Ulti is an OP and glorified Tailwind, nerfing his abilities the slightest bit would completely topple it, and while that's a good attempt at making sure they can't nerf him, it seriously gives them the reason to NOT make him at all.

    Zephyrs abilities blow exval out of the water as does rhinos. Mirages hall of mirrors destroys lokis decoy. And yet DE made them anyways. Also no one cares about your negative nancy opinion. And by the way almost all frames have a crazy PP ability or two. But thanks for the free bump.

  6. IF this gets put in game. I'm going to demand Dual Tomahawk so we don't get that dumped on us after investing in the first.


    OR make it huge like in the last of the mohicans :




    That's plain badass.


    Edit: If it were the heavy tomahawk (the big one) version, this could be the first Heavy Thrown Melee weapon. Like the Glaive or Kestrel, but hits harder and slower and multiple targets? So normal melee swings, but then charged you do an overheard throw of the Tomahawk?

    Thats a gunstock warclub. Not a tomahawk

  7. How are you parrying attacks? You need to hold block, wait for the enemies melee animation, begin CHANNELING, and then attack. Provided that you follow all the steps, it should pretty much be a guaranteed thing that you do. 

    I will agree with the damage no being that great. I'd rather attack normally then be locked into a finisher animation.

    Its still RNG as you dont parry everytime. And you should have to parry to do so. Plus doing all that for low damage is useless when I can just kill eberything on my screen with my boltor prime

  8. I'd like to see some updates.  The newer frames are getting more and more detailed and Excal pretty much has a wetsuit.  It'd also be cool for some tweaks.  In U14 his slash dash was updated to use an energy sword.  It would be cool if he could get a mode similar to Valkyrs hysteria in which he gets strong buffs in defense and uses his energy sword and has his own combos and stances.

  9. They aren't straw men, they are pointing how how weapons are made for a certain style of fighting and how ridiculous it is to use them for a different one. The best example is the Katana which people hold up as the epitome of swords even though it has very limited use and easily breaks.


    If you tried to use that like any other sword it would shatter.


    There are also different blades, some meant for slashing, others meant for piercing, but the point is weapons have their own unique fighting style with little variation. 


    Too bad this is game with space ninjas so realism goes out the window.  I like this idea because it has options.  Why can't we use the normal swords with a machete stance, or the machete type weapons in the normal sword stance.  The Nami Solo really isn't all that different from the other swords and I don't see why it can't be used with the other sword stances, or why the other swords can't be used with the machete stance.


    So long as things don't get too crazy, such as a hammer flying around with a glaive stance, then this could work out wonderfully.

  10. I'm pretty sure that with close to 1000 upvotes, dragon frame is not happening. Hate to be that guy but this concept has been a thing, literally forever. If DE has not said yes yet, that means someone has to have said no.

    It has been a concept for literally forever? As in before the earth and before the big bang and all that other stuff the dragon concept was around? For over billions and billions of years? sorry but you cant even use literally right. Your incorrect negative nellie opinion has no value here.

  11. The majority of the dual wield weapons.  The ones that have the sword in the off hand and the stupid dagger thing in the main hand.  It makes no sense, looks like crap, ruins your attack range, costs more stamina, is unrealistic, and ruins the whole "symmetry" which is the main reason to dual wield in the first place.

  12. OP is right. I've been barking up this tree ever since melee 2.0 was first released.  The use of "pauses" and "holds" is a terrible system, as is the lack of the ability to animation cancel.  We really need a new button for the attack and the reload button "R" is perfect as it's right next to E and doesn't have any use when in melee mode.


    The R key can be used for slightly slower but heavier attacks and the combos can just be linked together.  A good example of a game series is the Dynasty Warriors series.  All the combos are quick, easy, and flashy looking.  DE should have tried to base the new melee mode off of that system instead of trying(and failing) to go for the "Devil May Cry" look.

  13. I want dual galatine prime.

    Nunchaku have been suggested over and over and the new Tonga weapons being developed have blades on them so the forearm blade thing is covered

    Now what I REALLY want is a European style Longwood with a halfswording stance

  14. I'm just waiting for a release of primed chamber.


    I wanna get one and sell it for 6k plat before everyone realizes it's not so super rare anymore huehuehue

  15. You know I don't think Vor would electrocute/execute a superior commanding officer for just being disrespectful to him, Vor is too loyal to the Grineers to do that. I don't think the guy in the trailer is the person the Queen mentioned.


    Yeah, I'm thinking the guy in the trailer is just some standard no name commander.  I personally thought it was Boyle, and I'm guessing he's going to be a new Grineer boss

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