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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. Cause space dawgs, and they do things like run around, and you can pet them.  And they parkour and they bite things.  And reasons.


    Really they're not worth it and I honestly think they are just a huge disappointment.  They're a complete pain in the &#! to get too.  I don't get why people want to though all the RNG and Grindwalls just to MAYBE get a kind that they'd like and then go though the pain in the &#! ordeal of raising and maintaining the things.  


    With sentinels you know what you're getting, you can customize it how you want it, and there is zero upkeep involved.  


    It's even more frustrating when you consider how much DE hyped these kubrows up to be so great and awesome and how they are "The most advanced and complicated thing in Warframe to date", and instead what we get are ridiculously expensive and time consuming tamagatchi pets that we can't even get in the first place unless we jump though all the RNG hoops, and climb all the grindwalls.   OR pay plat.  I love the game and appreciate what DE is trying to do, but I just can't help be think about what other awesome features we're missing out on and what core fixes could have been made instead with all the time and effort that went into making these damn space dogs.

  2. Well considering that Lotus helped me out when Vor was planning to do experiments on me, alerts me on paying missions, and is confirmed by DE to be "good" while A****** Stalker appears and attacks my low level frames I'm gonna have to go with Lotus for now.


    Of course if Stalker ever decides to come out to talk and "use words" instead of attempting to dispell and instagib me with Dread then I'll hear him out.  




    You know.. Guys... I just recovered from not sleeping the whole freaking night thanks to paranoid thoughts of this thing really existing.. somewhere.. out there.. in the depths of space..

    I don't even know WHY I came back here to check on this thread.

    And now this. Great. 

    If I die because of lack of sleep. I blame it on this forum.

    Oh btw...


    god damn it I can never visit a church again in my life....




    Just do what I do and smash every statue you see with a mace.  Sure it won't kill them because the weeping angels are too strong to be killed with a mace.  But when you smash up the normal statues you will have peace of mind that they were just normal statues, and if you come across a statue that you CAN'T smash up no matter how many times you hit it, then you know to GTFO.


    The only downside is that many people and organizations frown on smashing their statues so you should sneak out and do it at night.

  4. I have a slight problem. I keep throwing money at my screen, but it's not taking it.


    Why am I unable to play this? I don't see this in the market. This should have been in the game already. I want a dragon ~


    Seriously though. Much applause. This looks OUTSTANDING. I hope it makes it into the game!


    I'm getting the same thing too.  Perhaps we should make a thread in the bug reports section.

  5. Please don't post unless you have a clue what you're talking about. If U14 was in cert we would have been told.

    Sony cert takes roughly a week, maybe a week and a couple days. The rest of the 1-2 MONTHS we have to wait is all on DE.

    I'm fine with waiting for this, and I'm not hating for the wait, I'm just tired of people thinking none of the fault is on then and that Sony is the only thing holding them back from having synchronized updates.



    Depending on the update size cert can take from one to two weeks.  A huge one like this will take even longer.  True DE doesn't have as much manpower on the PS4 version as they do on the PC, but it's far easier to get things done and updated on a powerful open source rig vs the weaker, closed source console.   And if the update fails the cert process, then it's going to be even longer.   And regardless of the reasoning for the delays, holding back finished PC updates just so PS4 can get theirs at the same time is just going to piss off the PC players and drive most of them away from the game.  Most of the times, it's the consoles that get the first updates and the games designed around them while the PCs get the S#&$.  It's nice to be on the different side of things for a change.


    Now kindly take your own advice and don't post if you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

  6. I completely agree with the OP on this one. All the excitement is gone by the time we get the update, I don't care if it is full of bugs or not honestly I just need something new to do. 


    You need to pay attention to things.  The updates are delayed on PS4 because of Sony's lengthy cert process.  U14 is done for PS4 but it has to be reviewed by Sony and that takes time.  If you want it faster talk to them and see what they can do, though I highly doubt you will get anywhere.  If you want it at the same time as PC then the only way to do that would be to piss a lot of PC players off and drive most of them away from the game completely.

  7. It's not that big of a deal. All it would do would push back the updates another week or so. If they were in the console players shoes, they'd want the same thing.


    Yes, it is that big a deal.  There's already been a pretty big thread on this.  Warframe was designed ON the PC FOR the PC, and then ported out to PS4 and later on will be ported to Xbone.  When the PS4 was announced, us PC Gamers were worried that this would also mess with the PC versions and delay updates, but DE promised us that they wouldn't hold up things for the PC just to get them out at the same time for the PS4.


    The main hold up is Sony.  When DE gets an update done for the PC it gets sent right out the door, but when one is made for PS4 it has to go through all of Sony's R & D and testing to make sure it's compatible, safe and all kinds of other things which can take a few weeks.  DE has promised that they're not gonna withhold a ready update from the PC base just because Sony has to jack around with the PS4 version because of their rules.  If you don't like it, then upgrade from your console to the PC.


    Besides PC has been screwed over in almost all other games in favor of the consoles.  Most games are designed for the far inferior and console hardware and software and then S#&$tily imported to the PC even though the PC has the best hardware that upgrades all the time vs only getting major upgrades every 5 to 8 years on the consoles when the new, overpriced brick comes out that is really just a stripped down PC with less features and worse hardware.  


    It's nice that PC players get the good end and the console players get the shaft for a change.  And like I said, if you don't like it then go get a PC.  You can make a great gaming PC for around 500 bucks, and then upgrade it over the years to keep up with technology.

  8. I get a similar problem.  When I try to enter the dojo, my screen freezes on the "please wait" message.  I can't back out or do anything and it will never load.  I have to ctrl alt delete and force close my client.  

  9. Got another idea for super jump.  If you're up in the air, you can target an area and slam/slash down to it.  I'm thinking something like a similar ability to Zephyr's nose dive.  I know you can slash dash, but slash dash is straight horizontal.  What if you can target an area and stun everyone around it?  


    I guess another example would be Aatrox's dive skill in LoL.

  10. Like the title says, when I can't enter the dojo.  When I go to enter the dojo the game says "Please Wait" and just gets stuck there.  I can't exit back, it won't load up, and I can only get out by ctrl alt delete.  This just started happening today.

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