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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. I once read 100 threads saying "this game is too easy"


    I think infested  are great fun, yes... you can't mindlessly afk at odd now, but I like it the way it is now.


    Making subtle changes to make the game more challenging and straight out buffing every enemies to ridiculous levels are two very different things.  These changes don't make the infested more "challenging", they just make them infuriating and cheap.  I was fine with them before, but will never do any node with them now unless it's a special occasion like a "Gift from the Lotus" until things get balanced out.

  2. Didnt DE say that odds are the frames after Vauban wont get primes this includes Nova. So here are the frames that arent primed yet that will get primed eventually.

    Trinity, Saryn , Banshee, Nyx, Volt, Ash and Vauban


    Every time someone spews out this BS, I want to punch them through my monitor.  It has been stated over and over again that ALL frames can get Primed.  However, the ones up to Vauban will get first priority because they are the "originals".

  3. How do we know that the Tenno aren't so genetically advanced that they have learned how to live without food, therefore, not needing to take a S#&$?


    Maybe they can just go in their warframes.  Even the old astronaut suits were designed so that they can just go right in them so I'm pretty sure that thousands of years from now the advanced power armor will have even more advanced waste disposal features.

  4. In fact in greek mythology, aegis had the head of medusa on it (the one who stared people to stone) & terrified ennemies so much they fled as soon as they saw it. Sounds pretty offensive to me


    I don't think that was so much the shield itself, but that when people saw it they realized "Holy crap, this b@stard killed freggin Medusa!  Screw this! I'm gonna GTFO I never signed up for this!"


    They would also have the same reaction if they were going off to fight and they saw Kratos in the enemy army running right towards them with his Blades of Athena.


    As far as I understand, we have the larger ship. The stealth one separates from the ship with your foundry and such for missions.




    I think that was the planned bridge area for the ships, but then they changed it to the claustrophobic area we have now.  I like the big area and hope we have a chance to upgrade in the future.  But do add in a fancy captain's chair.  

  6. You mean the Dual Skanas....?


    Dual skanas would be nice, but we just have the stupid dagger thing in the main hand like in most other dual wield weapons.  It's unrealistic, ruins the flow, is aesthetically unpleasing, looks weird when you do all the slashing, jumping, flipping combos, and just plainly speaking, looks like crap.  Chuck the damn dagger things and give me SWORDS!



  7. Gotta always spread this around due to idiots.


    Indeed.  It's honestly infuriating me nowadays how there's always some artard that wants to go and spread misinformation about Prime frames when it has been stated over and over that all frames can be primed.  


    The ones up to Vauban are just getting first priority because they're the "originals".

  8. A larger bridge area like when the ships were first shown instead of the claustrophobic cabinet we have now.  


    A bedroom, similar to what you get in the Normandy.  With a bed and desk and computer consoles and everything, not just a crappy cryopod.


    A private meditation chamber, because I like to meditate.  


    And an observation deck, so I can better see the pretty planets and stars and stuff.  Maybe make this and the meditation chamber all in one.

  9. I believe that if you don't like the weapon you have, don't complain about getting it changed. If you don't like it, get another weapon that you do like. It is only mastery holding you back...


    Edit: Sorry if that was a bit harsh. It sounded not as bad in my head and in the comment box.

    We do that and that is why everyone is running around with pentas and boltor primes

  10. Lore is being introduced very slowly.  I'm mixed on this.  On the one hand, every little snippet I learn is exciting.  On the other, I've been waiting so loooong for answers :)


    But they have said before that it will come.


    It's like they're pulling a G.R.R.M on us and delaying every update and every bit or lore longer and longer and the things we do give us lead to more questions than answers.

  11. As much as kids love to argue, i highly doubt it. Stalker and Ash only share the idle animation, nothing else. 


    So, Stalker uses Excalibur, Nyx and Ash's powers that makes them his students?


    If anything HE would be the student as his lore states that he was a "low guardian" and that was all we got about his backstory other than watching the Tenno betrayal.  We don't know what they mean by "low guardian".  It could mean he was an Orokin Bodyguard, or just a soldier stationed at the home base for defense, he could be a "Tenno in training" and was being trained by the other tenno to control his powers, or he could have just been the mall security guard who walked over to check out the big ceremony during his lunch break.   

  12. What about in pvp, where there are mods for auto-block and damage reflect.  No stamina for blocking, and one of those guys with 58 billion damage decides to be elitist all up on you, and you reflect even a fraction of that back, it's going to put them in their place real fast.  To the point you start to see people running around with block held down the same way you see people coptering through missions.

    I would find that quite hilarious and prefer that over boltor prime penta and ogris spamming

  13. I tried with a warriors grip mod , but it still drains insanely crazy . I supose removing stamina drain would make this weapon op and nonsensical , but atleast a reduction of that drain would be nice


    Removing the stamina drain wouldn't make the weapon OP and sensical at all.  Hell the same could be said for ANY melee weapon, at least for as long as guns are king and by the time you block all the shots from the bad guy and are up in his face to hit him with your sword and shield your buddy with his Boltor Prime already killed every baddie in the room.

  14. I read the rest of your post but this is what caught my attention.  Where was this said?


    Well to be honest, I kind of misspoke.  Most people know exactly why the older players are leaving.  A lot of people have been here for a long time but they're sick of the grind and repetition, lack of lore, and RNG.  It has been going on ever since Warframe came out and even though many people have given good ideas to improve these areas and make the game a lot more fun DE still stubbornly insists on merely artificially lengthening the game by locking everything behind grindwalls and RNG.  "Oh you want this invasion reward? Run the same exact mission with the same exact enemies over and over and over again."  


    "Oh you want this awesome new Prime frame and weapon we just released?  Well into the void you go and have fun with the dilluted drop tables.  Oh and BTW that one piece you need only appears in round 3 of survival missions and there's a lot of other rewards in the pot for that round too so you probably aren't going to get it unless you run a lot of 45 minute T4 survivals so good luck!"



    Also it's kind of common knowledge that a lot of the older players are leaving, or at least taking extended breaks from the game and then popping in later to check how things are.  I did that myself when I left for about 2 or 3 months during the winter, came back in, played for a couple of weeks, got bored, left for another month and then came back and have been pretty active since, though I may take a break again soon.


    How would you like it if you had people consistently whining when you don't tailor your creative endeavor to their needs?




    Well to be honest, if these people were paying customers and if I really think that they would take their hard earned money elsewhere because they don't like what I did with my "creative endeavor" I would try to tweak it to make them happy.


    Personally I never really exploited the infinite wall run thing though I did mess with it a few times and thought it was pretty fun(note as in tested, not used in game to my advantage)  and I can see the appeal to it and why people would be upset.  I'm not personally upset about it because I never used all that much but when DE makes decisions like nerf stamina, but say they won't use a cover system because they want to keep the game "fast paced" where meanwhile Arcane Vanguard Rhinos and Lokis are running way ahead of everyone blowing things up while Frost is lagging behind like the fat kid on the playground or when they remove an "exploit like this" because reasons, but then don't nerf coptering because they "love it, and it's here to stay", then I get some concerns over their decision making process.   If DE doesn't like exploits then they should remove them all or find some way to PROPERLY incorporate them into the game instead of "picking and choosing" what exploits and loopholes stay in and which ones get fixed.

  16. I used one sentinel. The shade and that's it.

    I prefer kubrows, mainly because I love them. I am a dog person so when my kubrow is sleeping on my ship I feel all cuddly inside. With that said, yeah there are differences between them but that doesn't mean either side sucks. 


    A sentinel is a tool. Designed for a primary purpose




    1. Understandable, at th emoment they are difficult to get.

    2. Well to someone who loves kubrows, it's just another thing that makes them not care for them (in terms of upkeep, which btw it's just 100,000 creds. Go do a sechura run 4 or 5 times in 5 waves with a group and you get that in a flash).

    3. I think rebecca said it best: The ones who work on the core fixes and other features WERE NOT designated to the kubrow development team.



    If you love em and want to use them then go ahead, I won't think any less of you, but I and many others are sick and tired of DE getting stuck in this mindset that every new and cool thing has to be behind more and more levels of grindwalls and RNG.  It's getting ridiculous, and everyone wonders why a lot of the older players are leaving.  Warframe needs less and less RNG and Grindwalls and more ways of getting and using our cool stuff that is fun and intereactive.  Such as more quests, more lore, more immersive missions.  Ok so we have to get this data mass to reroute the ship, but WHERE are we rerouting the ship to and why?  Does it have valuable cargo?  Is there important data on board?  Are we going to convert it for our own use later on?  What's the deal here?  


    Hyping up something this much and then floundering hard on the delivery with grindwalls and RNG galore is like giving us the middle finger.  HERE ARE THE AWZIM KUBROWS WE HYPED UP ALL YEAR!, BUT YOU CAN'T GET THEM YET CAUSE YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH TONS OF RNG AND GRIND AND EVEN THEN ITS ALL STILL A CRAPSHOOT!  TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLO


    or you can spend plat


    and even if you spend plat there are still no guarantees


    And I'm tired of people saying "It's only 100k credits".  How's about this?  All of you give me $10 a week,  I'll give you my paypal email and you can just gift it to me every week.  It's only $10 so you won't miss it.  Just put in some overtime at work, sell some crap you don't need, borrow from a fiend, or even steal something and sell it.  It's no biggie right?


    And yes I know the kubrow team are not the same people who work on the "core fixes" but I'm still concerned that so much time and manpower went into making this(and to be honest it wasn't even done right)  when there are tons of other features or additions that could have been released instead of these damn space dogs.


    And also if you have a game that's supposed to be about these really cool space ninjas running around with cool space battle suits with cool space combat abilities with cool space guns and cool space swords fighting cool space bad guys and the "most complicated and advanced things" are the damn space dogs, then that's a problem.


    Like I said before, if you like the kubrows, then more power to you, I sincerely hope you enjoy them for a long time, but I and many others are not going to bother with going though all the hoops and grindwalls and RNG for this mess.  Or at least not until things get fixed.


    I don't want to sound like a spiteful basher and I do love DE and respect all the hard work they put into the game and have bought the Grandmaster package and the Rhino Prime access, but to be honest with each and each update I see the game starting to go in directions that I and many other players really don't agree with nor want and until things change I'm not going to spend another cent on this game.  


    Now with that being said,  if some awesome improvements are made then I'll whip out my wallet and start throwing my money at the screen.


    If you can level 'em up enough, they turn into killing machines. 9l Lasers annihilate them, but yeah. Other than that; they will destroy things once they get out of their early rough patch.


    Yes, that's great and so do the sentinels and I don't have to go through increasingly greater levels of grindwalls and RNG for those, nor do I have to put forth the time and effort into maintaining them which is quite hard thanks to a busy schedule of work, family, friends, my upcoming wedding, and frequent out of town trips.


    Also to be honest I intentionally have my sentinel's weapon very lightly modded as I don't want it to do tons of damage and destroy things because then the damn thing always KSes me.   I like it because it picks stuff up, slows down enemies, and alerts me to danger, while I can focus on killing things.

  17. PVP is the worst thing on this game 

    just stop doing conflicts


    PvP is kind of needed.  Sure this is meant to be a PvE game but eventually people are going to get bored of killing the same grineer clones, corpus guns on legs, and Halo Flood knock offs.  The best way to solve that is to let the players fight each other.  When you're in a match fighting against other thinking players who each have their own strategy, plans, preferences, and play style, thinks can be a lot different and a lot more exciting vs fighting a horde of AI controlled Grineer who go into "attack formation bravo" which from what I've seen is "stand out in the open and get killed".



    Of course the balance is going to be a pain in the &#! but the best way would be to follow my suggestion posted above.

  18. To be honest the only way to really properly balance the game in both PvE and PvP would be to nerf (almost) ALL the guns.  And I mean both Tenno and enemy guns.  Put more emphasis on melee, make the guns require skill and aim to use.  When I was leveling weapons like my Burston Prime or even my MK-1 Braton, I actually had a lot of fun playing in the lower level missions with the weaker guns because they could still get the job done, but you had to actually aim instead of just "spraying and praying" to kill every bad guy in front of you.  I quite enjoyed aiming at some grineer's head, firing a controlled burst and watching him drop before moving on to the next target.  



    And like I said to make this possible ALL the guns would have to be nerfed, ESPECIALLY the enemy's weapons in high level void missions so that can't one shot you.  Instead of increasing difficulty by upping the damage and health of enemies or giving them incredibly cheap skills *COUGH COUGH Stalker Dispell!*COUGH COUGH* Infested Ancient Pull!* COUGH COUGH*  excuse me there had some mucus, DE is going to have to increase the challenge by making them SMARTER.   As in they dive for cover, aim better, work together, come up with actual plans, maybe even use the environment.   This would have to be done so then we could still have success on these high level void missions with all the guns nerfed.



    As you can imagine this is no easy task.  Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go pwn some noobs with my ArcaneVanguardRhinoPrime and Boltor Prime.

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