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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. whats the big deal with teno ships. i somehow fail to see how this enchance the gameplay.. no, seriously what can we do with this?


    I plan to join a rebellion and do a harrowing and exciting Death Star Trench run to blow up some Corpus or Grineer super weapon by shooting a proton torpedo down the exhaust port without aid of a targeting computer because it's too tough of a shot for the computer to make so I have to trust in the force instead.  

  2. I checked it out and IMO, it looks kind of lame.  At least on Rhino and Excalibur.  Especially the "chest piece".  That's not armor, that's just an oversized flight wing symbol that pilots wear.   And you can't even cover both shoulders and legs(unless that got changed).  When first announced it piqued my curiosity, but after finally seeing the armor, I am not impressed.


    If someone here thinks otherwise then I will happily check out any pics and screenies you post.

  3. Because without crewmen, the Corpus enemies would just literally be guns on legs, or guns on wings.  I mean they're not even droids or mechs like in Star Wars, or Mass Effect. just guns with legs or wings on them.  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  4. The majority of the corrupted mods.  It's one thing to have a negative effect when you use a powerful mod but in these cases the negative effect usually cancels out the benefit unless you're playing a very specialized build.  


    Like one gives you a bigger magazine but longer reload time.   WHY!?

  5. If you're using weapons you dislike because other people tell you they're more powerful you're not having as much fun as I am.


    Looks are nice but at the end of the day it comes down to whether or not the weapon can get the job done.  I can guarantee that I'll have S#&$ ton of more fun with a weapon that looks like a turd that actually has good stats and can kill things over the prettiest weapon ever designed that does no damage and has terrible accuracy.  

  6. I think the machete should be on the same grounds for the longsword stance mods and vice versa on the machete mods being for the longsword type melee weapons as well. Both are longswords to me.


    The bo staff is basically a staff. It's meant to disable, bludgeon, injure/wound, possibly fracture/break a couple bones/limbs, but not cut or necessarily kill.


    The orthos and the prime variant are polearms. They have blades at the end of their "staffs". These are meant to impale, slash/cut, and kill.


    As for more variants of enemies dropping the same mods? Yes, it would definitely bring the grind down, But as DE as said.... the stances are something to be gained overtime.... (We all know how that one will go; "-donkey- that! I'd rather have it now than get it 'eventually'. I'ma farm the -donkey- out of these things to get my stances!")




    The orthos prime just has fishhooks.  It should be renamed to "Bo Prime" and then DE should make a REAL Orthos Prime that doesn't look like crap.

  7. So I read this...and laugh a little because I actually am ambidextrous. My personal favourite weapon I can think of to use in RL would be twin long swords, perhaps more like twin rapiers or katanas. Though I would like them double-edged, so I can reverse grip easily.


    I've done martial arts(including weapons training) for over 16 years and personally one of my favorite fighting styles is dual wield reverse grip swords.  Think Starkiller from Force Unleashed 2. That's what I want here in Warframe

  8. Maybe we should just play with then and not advertise them, I think they just want to be left alone and play their game in peace :\


    If that was the case then they probably wouldn't put a [DE] in front of their name advertising that they work at DE.  I remembered I played with a [DE] Wes and it was a lot of fun.  


    We played a cpl games together back when the interception missions first came out for the Fomorian Fleet event and in one match the other 2 players dropped out and it was just me and him trying to capture and hold all the nodes we could.  We were both running around everywhere blasting everthing in sight and won by the skin of our teeth.  It's cool to see the people who work on the game actually play it as well.   

  9. I'd like for someone to figure out a way to improve wallrun attacks.  They can only be used in the most situational of situations, and you have to be in the perfect position to even hit anything.  In fact I don't think I have ever actually seriously used a wall run attack on an enemy AT ALL in all my time of playing.

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