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Posts posted by nickelshark

  1. What's the"solo problem"? I play solo a vast majority of the time and never have thought to myself, "Geez, sure wish I had a fifth ability of my choosing!".

    Use the tools you have available to you effectively and you should be fine.

  2. Exploit:

    make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource)

    I think to call it an exploit would be appropriate. They are in fact taking full advantage of Chroma's abilities. However, if you stand right next to the Chroma, you too can get the insane damage boost.

  3. 33 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    They are affected by our loadouts powers and weapons just like any other unit.   And if you fail to do so before they can use their own power on you, that 2 sec stun lock is the price of failure.    Being put into a bad situation and having to recover is indeed a challenge.   That is their power, that is their single advantage over us.    Which, odds are still tilted pretty heavily in our favor.

    There is no specific load-out that can avoid this. If you are telling me that it is possible to avoid these sons of guns in a crowd of grineer then I would love to have you show me. How does one expect to recover from being surrounded by level 50+ enemies for 2 seconds with no way to escape? Play a super tank frame like chroma or rhino? If so that is a horrible solution as that pretty much limits player choice and viability for frames that are built like tissue paper.

  4. 30 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    Commanders, Nullifiers, Corpus Skater Boys and Girls, I like them.    They are different and are, to me, an interesting twist.   Enemies that are actually legitimate threats are always welcome.   We develop better and better ways to kill them.   Makes sense they are in turn doing the same against us. 

    Wait wall on Wing Launchers?    After your initial build, its 50 every 30m.    If you are using more than 50 Wing Launchers in 30m you are doing something very wrong, or intentionally wasting them.

    Occasional fishing of Mortis and Khut's will give you plenty of Fish Oil.

    And Mastery Tests monchrome coloring, its just different, neither bad nor good to me.   The 24 hour cool down is the price of failure.   When I was a kid and failed my first attempt at my drivers license.   Had to wait to take it again.    Couldn't just get back in line and give it another go.   No different.

    Vacuum I think they should just add it, along with a toggle to shut it off for players that do not want it.



    I wouldn't even group commanders with those enemies. They can be countered and their abilities disabled. Commanders on the other hand offer no such thing. If you are within their line of sight, you are going to lose complete control of your character for 2ish seconds. How can that be challenging when you have zero chance to counter or recover from a potentially bad situation? Flameblades are far more interesting and a better enemy. Teleporting around and behind you, potentially catching you off guard,but still giving you a fair chance to react.

  5. Stasis is my biggest gripe with limbo. Rift doesn't bother me much since I can leave it whenever, but with cataclysm and stasis, that effectively either forces me to use melee, or forces me to not play in an entire area. Especially if I want to use guns or certain builds like masochist Trinity.

    I think the simple solution suggested above would be best. Just have stasis not effect allies.

    Stasis is certainly useful, but can be incredibly disruptive and intrusive to others play style.

  6. Then fight. As a Trinity player, I despise EV trin as it's a waste of her abilities. Try different builds. I love jumping into a mission as trin and walking out with top damage. Go with a melee build, or the very fun masochist trin build and wipe entire waves of enemies in seconds.

    Don't ever let others dictate the way you play.

    That being said though, if you do agree to play a EV Trinity, you better make sure to do your job or else the other players will get upset.

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