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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. With overhauls on core systems of warframe happening (such as damage 2.0 , mods 2.0 and recently melee 2.0), what do the devs think about this?

    While Lotus is the guiding light for tenno while on the heat of battle and duties, we hardly feel guided when progressing in the star map (you know that thing where we select our missions), what are the plans to improve this?


    Furthermore, why don't we just jump to the boss battle instead of battling our way to there?

    (lotus needs to explain why and guide us more)

    Mastery rank has been part of warframe for over a year now, however, as time passed it became clear than it is meaningless. Some lower rank weapons have an high rank number, while we have cases of some weapon being the very inverse case. All in all, it feels messy and discourages us to rank up after certain point (unless for sport).

    ...Are there plans to make mastery rank less "messy", more meaningful ? (like adding stances and slots tied as rewards? )


    (melee 2.0 questions)

    What are the plans for melee targeting and that "slashing while running"? 

    Why was charged melee removed and not incorporated as a combo?


    What do the devs feel about stances after being implemented ?


    Are there plans to expand the combo lists, along with more simple combos?

  2. Stances were really an bad idea.

    i'd rather have an an fun and fluid melee system.. than one that i can "customize" by switching between two mods.


    Furthermore, charge removal was really an big unnecessary change, there was nothing wrong with it, not to mention the amazing lack of different combos.

  3. Wow, you guys managed to go beyond jerks, way to ignore an whole post and follow the flame-the-OP norm.
    Because the guy actuality has an good point there

    Some of those encounters and alike enemies, can be just way too unforgiving for solo gameplay and using your top gear is not really an solution lol. (freedom of play style & not having access to the weapons)

    From the stalker perspective it kind makes sense that he hunts you when you are most vulnerable, although, there should be an line here.

    Kudos to that guy who mentioned blocking though, reverse kudos for being an sarcastic A****** though, he's frustrated, give him a break at least.

    blocking and parry is really an nice counter measure, however, there should be more.




    Regardless if you can momentary avoid being one-shot-killed, it shouldn't ever be the case of instantly killing with one shot, it doesn't really make an great and hard experience, if anything, any experience at all. (think of broken lights here guys).

    I'd suggest if enemies wouldn't ever be able to deal more of 75% of your health and shields combined. but feel free to give something else.










    And seriously, i am just kind of amazed that everyone now somewhat is alright with the fact of using cover but still wouldn't agree to have an cover system, you know, able to have a peek while in cover and stuff like that? Be cautious? 



  4. TL;DR

    Melee 2.0 brought combos, for which majority are what you could already do in Melee 1.0 : slide slash/ jump attack and etc.


    Those which are actuality new, require you do perform long and unrewarding combination of buttons, which usually are just highly impractical to do.


    The solution is to make short combos available too.

  5. No, she stayed quiet. Forever. Meaning the testing couldn't progress and I was forced to abort.

    Bugs happen, deal with it.


    They are just that unpredictable, but if there is something you can actuality do to help instead of making this kind of threads, it would be to report the bug to the rightful place.

  6. Couldn't agree more.

    I seriously think that there should be less complex combos, which are no brainers. For which, for the sake of simplicity, i am calling them "short combos", apposed to the "long combos" which we've got.


    Short combos would be like these:

    - when falling holding Es, makes an DIFFERENT areal attack, than the usual.
    - while standing up from crouch, pressing E, will make an upward slash.

    - Actually adding charge back as a short combo, it is short and effective.

    These combos would exist simply to make sword fights feel more fluid, BUT they WOULDN'T deal as much damage as long combos.



  7. Ah I see.  That's unfortunate.  The way Excalibur holds the Gram seems odd.  One might almost expect it to rest on his shoulder or something.  Or at least I would expect that.


    C'est la vie.

    Same here with Jat Kittag, it makes me feel like an goblin running with his hammer, ready to steal milk.


    ...it.. it just look awkward.

  8. While killing enemies by spamming the usual attack button (without stance), the character becomes immobilized and can't go forward or backwards(or any other direction).


    You see your character feet running, however he doesn't change position at all. Which makes it rather awkward.

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