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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. Being the fast placed game warframe is.. Things like snipers and marksman mode, are unviable.


    I get that bows, on contrast, have an travel and charge time.


    But seriously, i really think that snipers should have an insane Punch Through also. Since killing from an long range doesn't really work well in the warframe world and well, because of its high calibur nature.


    Long story short, i agree.

  2. From what i remember, the reasoning behind "retiring" weapons was for multiple reasons and among them, if i remember corrently, it was something along the lines of : "there are too many weapons, it is a mess and confusing to new players".


    So i guess you could try also working around that with your feedback, maybe making it possible to know which weapons are available for our mastery rank and which are locked.

  3. The performance drops you mention are something that, until now, i really thought it was related to new tittle sets becoming "more complex", instead of loading differently like you had said.


    This is an "nekro" for the already discontinued thread, but i really feel that this should be brought more than ever, specially when i am experiencing new performance drops on maps that previously weren't this bad.


    You've got my support on this, i can't really believe that this was ignored.

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