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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. <hater non-founder spawns>


    What is this? An exclusive suggestion, that only benefits an group of individuals who happen be able to pay an decent amount of money at a certain time?


    I  ought to disagree! Sounds more like to have an higher increase in benefits, than what you actuality paid for! Bad OP! You have an different opinion than mines, away you go now.. Go walk in the path of shame!




    No seriously.

    Are we really going through with this? Punishing everyone else who hadn't bought even further? What about those who paid the prime access, or even something during the founder access? They supported Warframe too.

  2. This is something i might have said before, or maybe never.

    But at first sight, at the time when i assigned to play the closed beta of warframe, i remember seeing this banner of warframe and thinking:


    "Woah! This mmorpg sure knows how to make cool banners, too bad the game will never be like this or at least run at my millennium old computer without imploding!"


    - MEANWHILE after weeks? Days? Actuality got invited as an VIP closed beta tester - 

    (i honestly think it was because i invited every little person on my email to play)


    - thinks that it is an awesome website - 



    The point is.

    The game ended up being something that i couldn't ever expect.


    The graphics ended up being what i never expected (exactly like the banner, if i didn't give it away), it was an online Third person shooter game and... Other than the extremely amazing download speed* that almost blew my mind, the game actuality ran, WITHOUT losing even frames without lags.


    *i finished downloading at a blink of a eye (literally), although it could be because it was that early. Without the content we've got today.






    Now days, after countless of updates and being around on the forums, I've really came to really respect the staff at DE. 
    Sure they aren't perfect like some white knights praise them, or imperfect like some "dark knights" make them be. But they really DO deserve an huge thumbs up, there really aren't these many where the staff is actuality active, helpful and friendly.


    Most I've been: either are huge scu-- meanies or avoid their community at all costs or both. 

  3. i will miss charge moves on melee.

    Despite DE seeing it as something useless, i found it kind of accurate. 


    Your melee would do an move set which wouldn't needlessly let you vulnerable while the animation was happening. This helped a lot when you simply didn't felt like poking with your sword uncontrollably. 

  4. Apart from the glaive and the throwing melee categories. Melee is really just to close combat.


    If the problem you are talking about is actuality switching to melee, then, yeah, there should be more key-bindings to help equip melee. 



    Pressing "Q" to switch right into your melee

  5. I highly doubt that your friend was wrongly banned. It is not uncommon to lie at all.


    But either way, contact support. We can't "help you".


    Still it blows my mind how you try to justify "your friends" innocence with the fact that he bought platinum, therefore he shouldn't ever be banned or would ever hack.

    Are you really that naive?

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