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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. I've experienced a good bunch of different online communities and how our devs handled us. 


    For an game company that initially had no experience in online F2P games, they ended up being among the best i have ever seen. And continue to impress me to a point that it is mind blowing.

  2. This.


    Also, there's always a chance DE might give out some sort of server wide prize if we win the whole thing. Not saying they WILL (Don't make rumors) but there's a chance.


    Either way, APB does not deserve to win. I was in its beta, and since then it went straight up p2w. When I realized this I was just...so depressed. Was really into that game.

    It goes deeper than that. And actuality, P2W isn't the problem anymore. It is pretty much the relation they have with the players and actual state of the game. It has gone from bad to actuality worse.

    The game getting actuality performance wise worse, is something that by itself should be case for alert, yet after a year and such.. nothing was done.


    The disregard for the community itself, broken promises and the gradually worse lag/ quality have made the game so depressingly bad, that the community around it has started to die too, becoming something else but great.



    Warframe on the other hand, has only shown immense dedication and a frighten non stop improvement and growth. I will vote for warframe for this very reason.

    Even though gameplay wise, i like APB more, the nearly limitless customization, let alone, makes the game for me. But the gameplay actuality keeps me entertained. Which is something warframe still fails at, despite the vaste content.

  3. I agree with the fact that it shouldn't be possible to switch at the last second, it should be substituted with some other mechanic which can not be abused to grief or something alike.


    However, i am not in any of the sides, not sided with the OP and not sided with the team that did that to you. 

    I believe that each squad/team that is deployed to an certain mission, should act as such, an team. Not individual a**h**les.

  4. It is an shared opinion OP. I too think that DE are among the best of the best developers. 

    But also, while i may not be one of those who helped warframe much, i am very proud of the players and the community itself i am from. They supported, they gave amazing feedback and most of them are still around.


    Warframe has got a long way to go though, but still much better than what I've experienced has an player.

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