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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. So, i step into an corpus mission on Jupiter and found something that i had not noticed.


    At first i though it was a bug with the map itself, having an control panel inside one of those moa capsules, but as you might have figured out, it isn't.


    Basically you hack one of these moa capsules things:


    And you've got yourself a friendly moa fighting by your side =D (they even do shock waves c: )



    Seriously! Thumbs up from me for it. I is great to see hacking have a more present use, other than unlocking doors.

    I wish i could also control those cameras too ... *wink wink*

  2. Honestly,
    I hate these posts.


    You annoying pricks are so freaking vague, asking for either "buffs" or "nerfs" like it was some kind of wish list, for then when it occurs, for you to whine about how hard it is.


    Give some effort in your Feedback and provide better information on what you think is wrong. 

  3. It still bears one of the most awful melee swing animations. Even if they were to rise the stats, i would never use that thing.

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