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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. You can look up from the graphics from old warframe streams/tennocon events for that. 

    But it is, as you'd expect from what others already told you, not consistent. Warframe popularity spikes whenever a release comes, like a prime release or an outright patch or new warframe release.

    Curious or not, personally, 4 years in this game and i keep my nyx close.

  2. 17 hours ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:



    On 3/27/2017 at 2:36 AM, zeroichi92 said:

    Za Warudo!!

    I am so glad everyone literally though about the same.

    21 hours ago, -Icicles- said:

    I tired several colors not even white can save him. I don't know but he just look "dirty" in white. Now DE, Limbo TennoGen skin, please!

    hoping for the same.

    Love the frame.
    I love the animations.


  3. You've explained it sort of awfully, but i get it, i guess.

    It has got to do a lot with how both warframes and the game changed. The music and sounds specifically, are not as dim and serious as warframe in the beginning. 
    The players too, instead of being portrayed as murderous ominous killing machines, are being often portrayed as heroes or in the case of the war within teenagers with a tantrum. 

    This isn't bad by any means, just the product of the warframe shifting from a less personal protagonist to an: avatar of ourselves. Plus the EXTREME reduce in GORE.
    Hopefully DE brings the dark and unease feeling that warframe once had, but till then.. meh

  4. 3 minutes ago, JRMC said:

    I have already seen a few booty shots and other screenshots of the sort. Some people take offense to that, so I'd assume that they would want to ready themselves.

    Considering that the devs put the full animated version inside the game themselves, it should be alright.

    It seams ill advised to carter to whatever might or might not "offend" people. Since we sort of come in various tastes and shapes.
    But that is just my opinion nonetheless, keep up.

  5. My only critic and feedback i have over the limbo changes are really quality of live changes and whatnot.

    1. Disable enemy/ally collision when they are in a different dimension/plane (like inside or out of the rift). Maybe add an effect when they phase through you, but the point is really so that it'd would make the rift feel like an actual "different plane/dimension", as well make it less awkward when enemies try to slash you off to pieces and just stand there despite they can collide with you. This can also be an useful tool in navigating through crowds of enemies. (aesthetic change, with some utility)
    2. Keep the maneuver on the rolling animation to rift walk, i loved what you guys did and i support all the other skills. However i admittedly believe that augments should be changed to reflect the new limbo, with them also including some extra team friendly buffs. Instead of the current ones where banishing heals (Haven augment healing makes for very counter-intuitive use of banish, specially now that it hits multiple enemies. Maybe have it to simply heal allies over time while instead the rift? or/and bleed out slowly) and Rift Torrent that only buffs limbo.
    3. Maybe add an UI element when held to see the area of effect thing, like on nidus, for limbos banish skill. That would likely solve the problem with it banishing unwanted individuals to the "shadow zone". 
    4. You should be kicked out of the rift once you "die" or are in a downed state. 

    And that is all, keep up with the good work DE. This changes were much needed and if you manage to do these, i will and perhaps many other personality be very thankful once again.

  6. sometimes i wipe my butt with the cardboard of the toilet paper roll, when there is none.

    1 hour ago, BemoGuinness said:


    this is pretty much what you'd call a S#&$post or a chill thread. he just wants you to giggle a bit, over the alluring idea of having those cat high tights 

    Image result for cat highgt tights

  7. On 3/23/2017 at 8:59 AM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    I'd actually like this, the Pangolin is quite an attractive looking Sword, reminds me of a Cavalry sabre. I hope it gets primed one day, would love a version that isn't MR fodder.

    i sort of hope for it to get a catagory change into a curve sword too.

    i feel that many of the new warframe weapons are increasingly detailed and unique :/

  8. 2 hours ago, Fuzzy6682 said:

    If she's fallen, then fly back up

    she can't fly tho, because reasons.


    only jump good

    now if only they revised her passive and skills after limbo and hydroid. I still love her set, don't get me wrong, though some skills feel like they'd be better passives than skills. Much like how excalibur no longer needing super jump.

  9. i know many don't use the tonkor for the rocket jump thing, but it was honestly (pun intended) a BLAST when you did it.

    Anyway, sort of explained my feelings on self-damage on the nerf/buff thread myself


    I forgot to say this, the telos boltance nerf is also wayyy gosh darn unpractical. I'd be fine as long as they think in adding a worth while substitute, despite finding that the current one is really fun.

    Also, self damage, could just deal a smaller percentage of damage, instead of instantaneously killing players. There is no way of measuring the blast radius DE and your enemy/ally AI is just sort of special, in a way that creates pretty infuriating moments with self damaging weapons.

  10. 1 minute ago, Xsoskeleton said:

    Nope, launcher weapons were made to deal a strong as fk damage but you need to have safety measurement in order to do so or you will just kys. It has always been designed to be like that. Give and Take, capable of dealing a S#&$ ton of damage to lot of enemies but you can risk yourself getting into the aoe.

    Good point!

    Except launcher weapons are not the only ones that cause self damage. Plus some of them having stronger rivaling weapons that don't even deal self-damage at all.

    IMO: The least they could do is change it in a way that would still deal quite a substantial amount of damage, but not one shot us.

  11. All good for me except a few:

    Not really feeling that telos boltance nerf, while i understand the need to complicate everything, i can't stop to feel that the simplicity of it are what made it a fun weapon to slide around with.

    Another one would be self-damage as a WHOLE, not just the tonkor (though the weapon had well deserved nerfs), but in general. It feels counterintuitive in a fun co-op game for me. It leads often to unpredictable and undeserving deaths, considering that we have no way to really measure if we are within blast radius and how sometimes enemies can make the most heroic sacrifices for their comrades and stand right up in front of the player suddenly. 


    Can we just remove self damage as a whole? At least as a test run, to see how fun it would be? 

  12. 1 minute ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Because I don't want more broken stuff! It drives me freaking nuts because...

    Do you know how many issues this game has on the Art department? It's terrible! The pipeline is so full they hardly have any time to do anything about it. Cloth physics, Channeling Effects, Compression Artifacts, bad Tint Channel issues (no that they're wrong, that they are badly painted or so), seams. And then there's the whole PBR stuff which is bollocks because it's hardly able to be adressed. And then there's the top priority which is the usual new Update stuff that's needed.

    And then there's the whole working "on top of", which creates the effect I described to Slaviar earlier about the tints.

    I'm uploading an album to imgur which should help you guys understand why, hold on a second.

    But that is just the whole point, your issue is entirely unrelated.

    The way they prioritize their work, has got nothing to do with this, far as you may know the priority might be on something entirely different and this suggestion on the other end.
    There is just no reason to say no to it. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    It is about you wanting to mix different sets of different thematics and expecting them to work the same way. That is not consistency in my book.

    Lack of consistency is when you have an armor set that goes with a Syandana and both pieces use different channels, no when something that is meant to go together doesn't mix up well with something else.

    Whatever, though. I doubt they'll change it given the effort that has to go into it and the negatives it can present. And I should know -- I requested tint changing to Excalibur Prime and the guy still keeps suffering from it.

    Being consistent doesn't require the set of colors or armor pieces to be exactly equal and matching. Although that be great, there is no point and i very much enjoy the diversity in warframes and other diverse cosmetic items.

    The whole point of this topic, as you'd likely know, is about keeping the metal pieces, or at least majority of them within accent
    Whether or not it is something worth the hassle or not, it is like I've said before, an good quality of life change, it removes the hassle of having to reconfigure the metal pieces to fit whichever color you want it to match with your warframe.


    Why you are making a huge deal out of it, is beyond me though.

  14. 36 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    I'm going to say it like this, because I feel I'm going to end up bursting.

    Not everyone uses Primes. Not all Warframe who have metallics have them on Accents. Sometimes it's nice to have a different set up. Primes do use the tinting on Accents because all the Warframes use it on Tint 4, so when copied or reset to default you don't have to be changing stuff all around (something that still needs to be done because, surprise, not all Prime Warframes and Accessories follow the rules of their own tinting anyways).

    The reason the tints are called "Primary", "Secondary", "Tertiary" and "Accents" is because the Art team has a way of working where it follows the logic: Primary is usually the one that covers most space, then secondary, then tertiary then accents being the small detaisl like Excalibur red lines. Of course there's a few weird exceptions (I'm looking at you my pretty Chroma), but usually that's how they've worked to set up Warframes.

    So when you see non-Prime accessory items not having the items work by the same rule as Primes, it's because of that above, because there's different people working on the teams that bring us such designs. In the case of Gazal, it holds true.

    "Accents" being gold became a thing due the necessities of PBR, and to be honest, only the Prime line up should have a different coloring spectrum that bypasses those rules because they usually follow a monochromatic theme for (White and black) with some "stripes". A thing they DON'T DO and it's already troublesome enough (sure, Vauban will look great on Targis Prime, but Valkyr has inverted colors. Maybe Excalibur doesn't follow same rules, why is my Trinity unable to equip three different pieces of Prime armor sets and a Syandana!? etc).

    Also trust me, changing the Tint Channels can cause some ugly things to happen: Badly painted spots, changing of Channeling channel, etc.

    It is about consistency not about whatever it is a prime or not.

    And i do agree, with the suggestion and wholeheartedly agree that it would be a nice quality of life change. There is NO POINT, in defending something impractical just because "not all warframes or a/e have it".

    Edit: I mean in which case and occasion is even having a different set up great? it feels like you are defending it just for sake of not wanting change, because change is bad and everything associated with it is bad.

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