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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. 23 hours ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:

    That is the problem that some people dont understand.


    23 hours ago, ViS4GE said:

    But.....you were playing the game while farming. It took me 2 hours to farm all nekros/galatine/tigris parts and then I logged off.


    22 hours ago, John89brensen said:

    That after a certain point there is nothing to do in the game? and nowhere to test your 6 forma world ending weapon?

    Call me insane, but do you folks think that maybe the problem might not have to do with the void at all, but the nature of warframe itself?

  2. 5 minutes ago, ranks21 said:


    if you wanna be politically correct then I should have stated or said "raid" instead of survival. though there were tac alerts with this mech/ mode  its been so long ago I cant remember the names.. U10.5 (gradvius) was an overhaul and implementation of this mode. that doesn't mean the savvy or quick witted couldn't use sab or capture as a way of a hacked survival ( complete the objective and stayed running in rooms to rooms and trigger spawns... sigh why do I even bother.

    Thanks for taking the time though, but i sort of didn't meant to annoy. Anyway that is still incorrect information too: At the time, the missions were extremely straight forward, except for the defense missions. And even the defense missions used to not be endless at all.
    Raid was literally going into a room and taking a thing and going home.

    Honestly, i feel like the old warframe was more atmospheric, kinda why i joined the game too. Been here since closed beta, the staff was so responsive back then. 
    Nostalgia again, i guess. (and off-topic, so we should stop)

  3. I figured i'd bring my feedback here instead of helping derailing my own thread on the general discussions, but here is my cup of tea.

    The void 2.0 does something amazing: adds a more meaningful involvement with the ENTIRE warframe world and not just inside of a pocket universe of sorts.
    You folks even managed to do an awesome job with the rewards and i am really serious about this, however everything else is not fine at all:


    But the problem with void 2.0 is how much it pretty much resembles an exclusive "vip" alert system, where the only change might be that enemies from the old void spawn and current enemies get a yellow glow to them with a power up .... they get super saiyan.
    It is unimaginative and tedious, to say the least, it requires you do the following over and over again on some random mission:

    Check for the alert (if it is on) > select relic AGAIN> kill some monsters till the end of the mission, while collecting yellow things on the ground for some reason* > Get out and do the same all over again.

    It takes way too many steps, with many being unnecessary, while at the same time the void influence being not much of a big deal to the current mission.

    *orbs have magical influence over rifts, making them secondary objectives. This breaks the flow of the game and i genuinely think traces should drop as some sort of resource randomly from ALL void/ void corrupted enemies. Not just rift guys. that is not how you make a fun void experience guys. Stop please.

    To make it easier to digest, i colored red what shouldn't be on the steps to be begin with.
    Hopefully it was clear. :/

  4. 29 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

    survival was what attracted me to this game since U3 and I used to pop in and out of maps in the solar and the void<< it was a true test of powers smarts  modding and everything in between which was fun for  me  and a lot of people.  It made the game felt grown up ( you gotta know your stuff). now its just meh, more annoying than enjoyable ( relics) and the feeling is empty/shallow (tried the update once, hisses teeth  and never logged on again) it felt empty and unsatisfying like it took leap of faith to its doom/ step backwards.

    Right, right. 
    Ignoring the fact that during update 3(U3) there wasn't a survival mode to begin with, here is the thing:

    If you take a step back and look at it, the reason you liked warframe was because there was "something to know", but now you "know all the stuff you got to know".
    So, even if you bring back the old void or fix the current one, warframe will still be as boring as you see today and that is not alright. The game itself, shouldn't be just void and that is what DE realized.

    If your fun only came from doing void endless missions, then perhaps all those boss changes and new "maps" on the other planets were for nothing. You would be better off calling warframe : Void the glitter collecting game. 

    Anyway, i also think they should let us stay inside the void "relic" missions for extra loot. It is kinda dumb that we have to enter another mission for another chance.

    5 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

    Meh, DE is just busy in building more grindwalls.

    well yeah, but if we just keep our mouths shut, they will think it is ok to have grind walls and we don't mind.

  5. 57 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

    they say a lot of things that takes more than a year  to be implemented too<< patience is not one of my better traits.

    after 14 hrs standing and cooking in a kitchen  and looking forward to unwind sometimes for an hr or 2 in my fav survival in the void ( don't really care about primes)  or my favored maps in the solar, what's left of the game has no attraction for me.. the relic systems is just too juvenile.


    1 hour ago, TennoPain said:

    Actually if u refering to endless they are already working on it + i think they will alos do something with void ''since its worth nothing atp it would be stupid to erase it.

    So yeah endless is coming 100% its in the work :) they said it in devstream .)

    Just food for thought, what do you folks think players did before the void exactly?

  6. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

    We can toggle channeling on console as well.

    But the current system still eats up three inputs from a limited field of inputs.

    sounds extremely awful. Is there a rebinding system on the console? I assume not, but i am asking anyway.
    This might be a bit out of place, but maybe having the a single button to switch weapons and having it hold when the player wants to change to melee would be a better idea? 

    I think i might just make a suggestion for that on the feedback forums.

  7. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

    I think the melee channeling system needs another look.  I shouldn't need to press three buttons on my controller to get things rolling (one press to equip melee, press a different button to channel, press a different button to attack).  I don't believe the current melee system is horrible, but it definitely needs to be refined down to two buttons, maybe even one.  How about adding an option to make channeling always on?  Or how about removing the "equip melee weapon" option and just make the equipped stance the default quick attack?

    However it's done, there's room for improvement in the system.

    on Pc, we have a way to toggle channeling instead, even though that the majority of the community don't even care about channeling beyond self healing.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

    Lol I giggled at this. XD "Just a bunch of icons that don't say much" and no one knows what they do. I've been looking into this lately, trying to figure out what I'd been hit with and why,  and pretty much no one knows what all these icons mean anymore. Kavats for instance, going off of the duration to figure out which ability is active? That's no good.

    It's simply VERY complicated. They need a different system for all these buffs and debuffs triggering. You've got my vote on your idea. 

    Yeah, the icon system is vague. It sort of reminds me the old energy bar for warframe, where it was just this blue thing that went up and down when i used a skill.

    13 minutes ago, Ankoku_no_Hime said:

    Fair enough, but i suppose that title is a little click-baity then.

    A lot of threads revolve in bashing new systems, maybe because the players themselves hate change, but this was my input in why maybe that change might be awful to some and not others.
    Generally speaking the more time you've spent in the warframe community, the more new changes don't appeal to you. Aka, i am being ironic a bit.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Ankoku_no_Hime said:

    We just have to adapt to the changes and hope they learn from this as we give them feedback. After all in the dev streams they mention that they do know that some changes were bad, and they will either take another look at the things that need change or will do a better job when revamping.

    Yeah, it is kind of why i am making the thread, hopefully to bring up underrated issues and how much valuable they really are. There is just no way of them knowing everything going on with the game, if it does help, there is no reason to not do it, right?

    Everyone on the forums is preoccupied with either what is the next big thing, what is the next nerf. I wanted to try somethin' different of sorts, if it makes sense?

  10. Or just something that needed more time be fleshed out just right.

    Warframe is the sort of game that has been upgrading nonstop, with each update arguably better than the last.
    I feel however with the pace of how things are speeding up, some quality of life changes and other great aspects of the old systems (like the UI in this example for the market) get forgotten resulting in either a worse or better experience.

    The market is something i sort of think is a great example of this and i think it is the easiest to understand. Addressing the elephant on the room, as an example, you cannot see the price tag for items you want to buy on the market without clicking on the item. Which depending on who you ask, it is an huge oversight, which i have no idea why nobody there at DE even noticed it. Assuming you were going for a more convenient and easy to browse market place.

    Another one you guys might already know is the loadout selection, which arguably should have got a better solution than what we had got after the changes. 


    Or hell? Since we're at it: 

    • Why can't i hover on buffs (while paused) to know what the hell i was buffed/debuffed with? (extremely noticeable issue with Titania) 
    • Why can't i hover on items on the market for a quick explaination on what they do?
    • Can i choose to close the void rift, instead of having to run the same mission again (maybe with the difficulty escalating)?
    • Instead of retiring (non-prime) weapons, couldn't you folks just make a filter to show only weapons unlocked by current mastery rank?
    • Why does the pox cost platinum significantly less than the akbolto, if the pox far superior?
    • What was the point of locking almost more than half of the FIRST and classic color pallet and charge the same price for the same price as any other color pallet?
    • Couldn't you folks give a way to display the cooldown timer, second by second, of the focus power?
    • etc.. 


    I really am trying not to sound condescending or a nit-pick here, i know it isn't a big deal, but some small changes can hurt the experience of playing warframe a lot: by making it unreasonably annoying and inconvenient for no reason, while being something that may or may not be easy to fix. Like imagine having to hold the middle mouse button, each time you needed to do something in warframe.


    TLDR; I end up being a bit nit-picking, but the point i am trying to convey is that many small ideas are ignored because they are put at the end of list, in favor of great ones. Some of the stuff from old 1.0 systems were fine and didn't need to be "changed", instead should have been carried along to the new version.

  11. 13 hours ago, DzeraDragonbane said:

    Kind of hard to feel fear when your warframe looks like a badass and kills anything that even gets 5 meters near you.

    Suspense creates fear.

    Your warframe isn't immortal either. The old infested, had something i honestly had a hate/love relation: they could stunlock you. It was just not wise to melee them at all and seeing many in groups was literally panic inducing.

    And well.. ancients were more of tanks than they are now and which led to huge panic moments. (and exciting too)

  12. Well, you know, it is far more engaging killing than controlling. The majority of players prefer something easy and strong, which is why often the majority favors warframes like Ash or whatever the meta is now.

    Don't take them seriously, they are not worth the time.

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