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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. It isn't the same as healing or banishing the target. 

    Try as an example casting speed with a rescue target around. You'd expect the rescue target to also run at higher speeds, which isn't the case.
    It also applies to some augment buffs. 

    Can't remember or confirm right now on that rhino roar. 


    It could also be the case that it depends on what type of targets they are. I don't think you can even heal an mind controlled target at all. (as an example that is)

  2. it was hinted in livestreams that they'd eventually replace it with endo toys.

    Personally i feel like they should just move endo as secondary rewards, that would be rewarded paired with other sortie rewards. (and rivens too, but that is an different convo entirely. Specially because rivens are always different and make for good persistent rewards.)

  3. 15 minutes ago, Oxstarz said:

    Hey if that's what they like to work towards then let them do so unmolested yeah? It's very important to have goals and something to look forward to. If there is negative consequence to it then ir's theirs to suffer and ours to learn from.

    And that is exactly my point, sort of.
    I am basically suggesting for a thread that doesn't boil down to " why didn't i get this thing, instead of this thing i have always disliked ". 

    Hell, it doesn't necessary mean that they can't farm anymore, but that the experience can be enchanted while doing so. Maybe valuing the experience over rewards? 

    7 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    Short version - (primed) regen buff was a long time needed (2+ years), finally here but it only band-aids the problem.  Sentinels themselves need a proper buff, stats overhaul and/or ways to heal themselves and/or reconstruct them after they are destroyed.  Regen invul buff may help but I'm hoping it isn't the final solution to a long standing problem.

    pretty much on the same boat. 

  4. 27 minutes ago, Littlerift said:


    If Baro came with something new every two weeks I'm willing to bet a lot of the frustration wouldn't exist, the issue is that people feel that they wait a long time for Baro to arrive and then he brings a mod/item that's felt to be sub-par.

    Also, perhaps avoid telling people that their way of playing a game is "shallow" in the future if you want to actually have a conversation and not a S#&$-slinging match.

    But the thing is, i am not offending anyone, i am for the lack of a better term, screaming as hard as i can for you guys to get that there is something inherently wrong with how warframe is right now. Seriously.

    Yeah, no sh*t. People are happy if they are given what they want the most. Who knew. However everything about this discussion, boils down to throwing a tantrum at not getting what you folks wanted. Don't you guys think that, having a fulfilling experience is better than getting a shiny thing every two weeks or so?

    I mean, less focus on items, more on gameplay ?

    27 minutes ago, Oxstarz said:

    That's called progression. It's always been a vital tool in every video game, ranging from beatng your hi-score on Atari to collecting new mods to try out in Warframe or just looking as good as possible while suplexing infested. People play games as an escapsim so they can be something they can't be irl. Doesn't sound to me like that's 100% clear to you, but that's how it is.

    You are missing the point entirely. I agree in what you are saying, people can play games as means to escape, however collecting isn't really a challenge nor something that can only be exclusively done on warframe. 
    There is also no sort of race, unless you make it so on yourself, which is what i am criticizing. There is no race, don't lose your sh*t on not getting what you were never promised of.

  5. Why do you fellows make your absolute goal to collect everything, it sucks? Just move on.

    You aren't losing anything and your day hasn't changed the slightest.
    This mod is nothing more than extra survival for your sentinels, it doesn't damage anyone. What you should be discussing, is why is it so needed for baro to come with good stuff every 2 weeks. 

    How shallow, your gaming experiences require new toys to expand your time in warframe.

  6. On 11/11/2016 at 10:29 AM, arch111 said:

    It needs something more, not sure what yet. But yeah, with de it is tricky.

    For example Excalibur kabuto have a clear demon/alien face with three diods placed exactly where human eyes would be. And yet they accepted it.

    So who knows what makes or brakes?

    yeah, i think it is also because it blends with the sci-fi theme of general warframes. But definitely give it a shot, bottom line they will love anything creative for sure.

  7. 2 hours ago, PasaUzun said:

    When the negative completely negates the positive its not a trade off but useless.

    Kinda hilarious to heal your enemies however. Self-damaging weapons can benefit even from those negatives however.

  8. While it was polished experience, it lacked the icing on cake. Felt like our choices didn't impact and were arbitrary.

    And was generally forgettable.
    Cringe "I AM AN GROW UP MOM" moments from our operator weren't great at all, i'd expected some sort of less naïve reaction from our main characters, which wasn't the case.

    Good work fellas, just i couldn't feel it this time. Even though i enjoyed the less traditional mission types for the quests, it felt short, you folks could have invested in scripted encounters. Surprises if you will. 


    Tech side of things, your UI fell short, in both explaining and showing how much void juice we had in order to do our void powers:

    - Much like when Teshin is explaining on how to defeat Kuva Guards. It falls on deaf hears, specially if you are not yet familiar with the language.

  9. On ‎29‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 0:36 AM, Rayven71 said:

    I think one thing DE could really learn from Dark Souls is how Dark Souls tells lore. DE is already doing this to some degree, but imagine if every weapon had some little blurb that came with it about who made it, or who uses it, or just anything vaguely related to it. It wouldn't be too difficult to implement, since its only text, and it would to tons for the world-building.

    It didn't work well with Destiny at all.
    And we've technically have something like that. Before the god sent quest missions, we had codex descriptions and whatnot to keep us informed. Kinda like how archwing was hinted months prior to release in megs prime codex entry description.

  10. On 9/16/2016 at 0:12 PM, arch111 said:

    Yes it is more human than the traditional warframe, though Ash is perhaps the one with helmets that align perfectly with a human head.

    I knew this would be a common reaction to it. But maby Ash can be the strong exception to the rule?

    It could be both, vaguely enough that it looks human, while it is not. I like what you did with the eyes for example, there aren't any.
    Something like that works.


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