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Posts posted by [DE]Momaw

  1. I would disagree, for one big reason reason: the "Frost Prime effect".


    Even today, the market is absolutely FLOODED with Frost Prime parts, and yet nobody seems to have considered lowering their prices. EVERYone is selling incredibly common Frosty Primo parts for high prices, and others are still buying them simply because there's no alternative. If the sellers are collectively stubborn enough, they can keep prices high


    See, to me this is an example of "buyers should get educated".  DE never said that frost prime is gone forever. The people that are getting angry and frustrated because they feel forced into buying frost prime for hundreds of platinum are going to feel mighty foolish when the void reward rework goes in and we find out the new way to farm frost prime.



    ...If everyone did the scans competitively, there would be five winners out of millions of players, and if you are a person who only has time to do hundreds of scans instead of thousands then you get nothing despite being a strong contributor, which is like the most demotivating thing ever.


    Stick with the first half of your statement: get everybody to participate just a little bit. Wring ten scans out of half the player base, and nobody has to suffer the boredom of doing the same mission hundreds of times in a row.

  3. I am talking about the Top Researchers list! It will be there forever with the lore for all to see, you will have your names there forever long after you are gone! Isn't that great?


    This tracks the top five players out of millions of players.  I will never be on that list. The time requirement goes way beyond "for the community" and into "warframe as second job".


    Which is why I wanted to try and motivate people to a more realistic degree with a more realistic reward:   "propose that a new kind of badge be issued. Call it the Hunter's badge or something. This would be a dynamic badge, in the same way that the Stratos badge is. If you complete your personal scan goal while it is still the current community goal then you get a sticker to put on your Hunter badge. This badge would be persistent and track for all time how many "hunts" you have participated in, becoming more fancy over time."

  4. People are against an auction house because it drives plat prices down and they can no longer charge absurd ANY amounts of platinum


    Corrected your mistake for you.


    Warframe does not have scarcity. Every player needs one of each thing, but can farm up huge quantities of them.  The instant you give free and easy access to the entire inventory of the player base via an auction house, nothing has any value because everybody will just undercut and undercut and undercut.  I'm sure you think it's a fine and wonderful thing if rare mods and prime parts sell for 1 platinum each the day after they are released, but as somebody that can actually learn how to use trade chat to make a modest amount of profit, I don't.  Yes there are people who charge absolutely ludicrous amounts of platinum for things. But that is an argument for learning what the reasonable price of things is, NOT to destroy the entire economy such as it is. "Buyer beware" is a bit of a draconian message but I don't think "buyer get educated" is at all unreasonable.


    In all frankness, nor would DE want everything to cease to have value, because where's all this platinum ultimately coming from? It comes from money into DE's pocket. If players lose one of the powerful incentives to buy platinum (i.e. player trading in greater-than-one transactions), then they lose a powerful incentive to actually buy platinum at all.



    We need the option to just finish a mission, drop our loot off at the Grand Exchange, then jump right back into the grind with the opportunity to pick up our plat later


    This is even worse. Everything would have fractional platinum value, and the only reason it would stop at any point higher than zero is because people will scoop up bulk trash for credits and ducats. It would be super easy to trade, and it would become super pointless to do so.

  5. Wait seriously you like it? it sounds so bad, to me it sounds like the Vipers and I hate that so much I wish would bring back it's old sound 



    Just so we're all on the same page here, here is a sample of what the braton vandal sounds like now.  Because it doesn't sound anything like the Vipers.


    I am in favor of new sound effect.

  6. In an ideal world, I want filters to:


    1.) Do not show people who are selling. If you want to buy or trade, let's talk, but "WTS" is trade cancer.




    2.) Do not show people who want to buy things that are irreplaceable. Everybody wants Fanged Fusillade. I get it. But you can't have mine, and I can't go find another one to sell, so I really just don't want to see the messages.

  7. This is way more reasonable.

    Also I would have preferred if Corrosive only removed Ferrite Armor Scaling and Magnetic could have been applied to Alloy Armor plating....

    Would give Magnetic a bump for being a practical damage type...even though we have few innate Magnetic Weapons


    Part of the problem we have right now is that all Shielded enemies are vulnerable to magnetic damage.  So if you have magnetic, you will be super effective, period.  But Armored enemies come in two different kinds, in the same mission, and their respective damage vulnerabilities are mutually exclusive (with the very fringe case weapons that do either corrosive or radiation damage innately).  If you build a weapon to be effective versus alloy armor with radiation, the ferrite enemies will roll over you hard, and if you build corrosive to be effective versus ferrite armor, the alloy enemies will roll over you hard, and only one of those damage types actually reduces armor in a way that makes it cumulatively effective.


    One part of the solution should ultimately be that all enemies with "armor" have ferrite-based armor, and are vulnerable to corrosion damage, and corrosion procs, so that the player can actually address them in a sensible way.


    The other part is that armor's damage reduction ratio cannot scale with level. At all. An armored troop with 50% damage reduction is twice as tough as another faction's unarmored troop, regardless if that 50% reduction is applying to a base hitpoint value of 100 or 10000.

  8. PS: Still waiting for a good argument of why the mod isn't poorly designed and/or healthy for the game that isn't about armor scaling and is simply from a design standpoint.


    I don't understand why you would need any argument other than "corrosive projection is required to fight high level armored enemies".


    It's a bad mechanic, but so is the ludicrously steep armor scaling.  You're trying to treat them like separate issues and they aren't. If you want to talk about corrosive projection, you are talking about armor scaling, because that's the only reason anybody cares whether CP stacks or not.  Do you see players demanding entire teams use shield disruption fighting high level corpus? No. No you don't. Because it's nice but not required.

  9. The problem with Chaos is not the ability itself. Its the A.I. behind the ability that is broken, horribly coded and doesn't function properly even a 10th of the time.


    I also wouldn't mind chaos being changed to an aura effect like Banshee's Silence.


    But more importantly the AI behind the skill needs to be completely revamped and rewritten.


    How do you mean?  You cast Chaos and enemies attack eachother just as well as they would attack you....

  10. Weapons as crafting material:

    Don't have a problem with this conceptually, but, the weapons you create absolutely must be an upgrade. Consuming a Miter to make a Panthera was a bad deal, and it's really debatable whether the Aksomati measure up to the Akstilleto. Considering how much time it takes for most players to make these, and the fact that they have implicit costs in inventory space as well, weapons that build up into new weapons should have reliably have a sense of improvement or "second generation"-ness.  (logical extension: the best weapons to use as a base for this system are weapons that nobody uses because they don't perform well)


    Augment slots:

    I only use a couple of augments, because in order to justify being on my warframe build, the augment must be at least as good as something I might use instead, like Handspring or some Quick Thinking. Having a dedicated slot just for an augment means that augments would no longer be competing against anything except other augments. As time goes on and we get more and more augments, especially multiples for the same ability as is rumored to be the case, it's going to become more and more absurd that we have to give up so much to use even a single one.


    Super forma:

    I don't see the necessity. Sure using a whole bunch of forma on a weapon is somewhat time consuming, but everything worthwhile should or else there's no sense of accomplishment.

  11. The Kohm right before U16 was the best.


    Why? The latest iteration has:  damage falloff (bleh!!), invisible projectiles (much harder to see your current spray cone), and much worse ammo consumption.  Right before U16 Kohm was an endgame superweapon that could compete with Soma Prime and the like, now it's just "pretty decent" and doesn't really justify the maxed Primed Point Blank I made for it.

  12. The lack of 200 rounds makes no real difference to be honest. 




    Ammo economy is less about how much you can carry, and more about being able to create more ammo via drops than you spend via firing.   Braton Prime max ammo nerf is confusing but has no real effect on the weapon's performance.

  13. Consider using low duration for Nyx so that you can use Chaos more often. The mods Fleeting Expertise and Transient Fortitude (if you can get them) will reduce your ability duration to the point that you can cast Chaos every few seconds.  Another option, get the augment mod Pacifying Bolts to stun enemies that are in your way while Chaos is running.  Or a third option: just duck into your Absorb bubble for a second if you start being attacked. When you end Absorb, enemies within range get knocked down, giving you some free kills.

  14. So, is he still bad, then? Could we all just give him a pat on the back?


    I still can't help but feel that, if the point of the void trader was to make it less frustrating to get duplicate item drops that we don't need from the void, he's failing.  In the course of trying to farm up things that I can actually sell to other players I've racked up 11,000 ducats that I can't buy anything worthwhile with.

  15. While tyrannical, one must admire the steadfast values that hold Grineer society together. Were it not for the undisputed leadership of the Queens the Grineer Empire would not be such a threat to the balance of the Solar System.


    I'm forced once again to ask why we aren't just going after the Queens then.


    Also, after we exterminate a ship's worth of crew, it wouldn't make much sense to try and fly the ship as our own because it's not stealthy. A clear advantage of our tiny Lisets.  However, a more realistic question: why don't we sell the salvage rights to the ship? These are huge objects with tremendous value as raw materials.

  16. The late wave rewards tables DO need to be adjusted. I remember a very successful Survival my squad ran:



    1) Forma

    2) something?

    3) prime part

    4) prime part

    5) Rare core

    6) /drumroll!!!!   1x Uncommon core


    ??? Really? I didn't bellyache because the earlier drops were so good. But man! That last drop after the 2 of us had a last-stand for several minutes against overwhelming odds holding out until the reward was given. ;P


    Like other endless type missions, the reward pools loop. The pattern goes as: pool A, pool A, pool B, pool C.   If you can get to wave 20 on defense (4th reward drop = pool C), then you've had a chance to get everything. Carrying on past that point isn't necessary. Just for challenge/fun or conserving keys.

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