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Posts posted by Rekkou

  1. 5 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Artists accept the good and bad reviews. In this way are routed for further work. For half of it I do not care such as in female frames. But that does not mean I want to commend the artist or maybe say something that at first glance does not look good or it looks amazing. I'm not the one who make money but they do and it is logical that I'm trying to help.Any honest criticism is good criticism... 🤑😊🍻

    Except that it's not honest, it's personal demand disguised as criticism.

    Say what you will. My point was not meant for you, my point is so the creators know that some people only care for what they want. So no need to feel dictated by a random guy on the internet.

  2. 1 hour ago, Vlada91 said:

    Common players it's similar to first helmet. And if i'm going to give money I need some thing much different and cool looking.

    If you want something to your own taste then make one yourself. So far the only thing you did is just nagging people to make something you want like you own them.


    For creators : Just a reminder that whenever someone says "change this and you'll have my vote" or "change this and i will buy it". Vote doesn't not mean much, in the end DE will be the one who decide whether your items gets in or not. And 1 person's purchase will only have a value of 2$ - tax and will not represent other players purchase decision.

    So no need to feel insecure by comments like that, do what you believe is best.

  3. There is a core difference with how abilities and weapons scale in this game. In many games abilities or weapons simply scale with your level. But In this game even if level increases the abilities damage, the damage increase is very small so you'll need mods to increase your damage further. But here's the problem, the mods for abilities damage are also small. You'll struggle to get +100% damage while weapons can easily reach +165% damage with a single mod and you still have elemental mods, multi shot mods, crit mods and rivens. For example 1000 damage Radial Javelin at most can only reach 3490 damage but 1000 damage Tigris can easily reach 30.000 damage.

    Gradually DE works around this by making "abilities are meant for utility so damage does not matter", "Make abilities scale with weapons mods" ,"make abilities scales with other stats" , etc. It's not optimum and it might change/stay in the future but for now It's worth noting the basic function of the abilities like CC or utility and rely on that instead of trying to use them like damaging spells

  4. Remember that low PC specs were made in consideration that the PC is performing well. Old PC will perform less than the standard performance and have hardware/software problems that DE can't fix through optimization. And forcing it to run games it barely support, will only make its life shorter.

    You'll have to accept that PC isn't a lifetime equipment, sooner or later you'll have to get a new one.

  5. Knell has some annoying issue with its buff. Basically, because knell only has 1 bullet, it will force you to reload at the end of the buff. This can be very annoying when the buff ended just before you're about to shoot. Because it will cancel and delay your shot

  6. Just now, Xekrin said:

    Unfortunately not a lot of people know that they can highlight and quote excerpts of posts, which works on phones too btw (double tap to highlight).

    The problem is that sometimes they don't even need to quote at all. There are people who quote the full OP post disregarding the fact that people in the thread won't miss it and if you reply in a thread you automatically respond to the OP post.


    1 minute ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    Welcome to internet forums. We complained about this behavior back in year 2000 and nothing's changed since.

    I have hope because it's much better moderated here. I never even bother going to a forum that will let you put a "signature" on their post because people will fill it with what's basically a desktop wallpaper.

  7. You'll see this often in DE's update thread or contest. whenever DE or someone else post a long post or post with large image there are always "that guy" who decided they need to quote the full unedited post. The result is that you get unnecessary repeats and the thread got needlessly elongated.

    Can't speak for everyone but for me it's just plain annoying and make the whole thread becomes much harder to read.


  8. 20 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

    daikyu and opticor changes are perfect! thank you for the changes, stuff like disintegrating enemies, thicker laser beam, daikyu giving enemy knock back is so awesome!

    with stradavar, i think the changes are in the wrong place. hip fire accuracy should be reverted, and the new semi auto mode aiming accuracy should be kept. and also increase crit chance for semi auto mode. this would make semi auto mode actually useful

    Can you cut your quote so it doesn't include the whole post? it's annoying to see long repeat of the original post.

  9. 11 minutes ago, DxAdder said:

    Destiny was never meant to go on forever No AAA title does,

    That will bite you back hard, take a second to think, you play Destiny 1, you're spending a lot of times getting everything and maxing every classes you want. But 3 years later you will have to buy a "new game" just to keep up and then re-grind everything again to get back what you've lost. And what's preventing them from doing the same thing again by releasing Destiny 3? You get another few new weapons, classes, but have to re-grind everything again from 0 not to mention paying them again.

    You really sure this is the kind of game you want to support?


  10. 22 minutes ago, Pavelord said:

    As someone who has never played Destiny, what are objetively its improvements over the first, watching gameplay it looks the same, people jump, shoot and throw grenades. I understand it had solid mechanics and tight controls, does it have QOL changes, improvement of its lore, more planets, a better business model?. Either way I don´t have the money to buy the game nor to improve my computer, not that it interest me, but I´m curious.

    The whole Destiny 2 invalidated better business model though. It's basically expansion being sold as sequel. You got new map, new classes, new weapons, but pretty much everything else are carried from Destiny 1. They didn't even let you carry your characters level, probably so they can sell the instant max level item again. Willing to bet further down the line, you will get DLC containing maps, raid, or weapons from Destiny 1, but you have to pay for them again.

  11. Quoted from AMA last year


    RE: Animated Syandana's, they are not preferred due to departmental complexities, but if something could be seen as a separate element, to use Max parlance, we might be able to do it. We don't do it often ourselves, so we aren't super keen to use other people's work as a test bet.

    See above for the Kubrow sets, as for Sugatra: Definitely. Armor: Definitely not. As for Auxiliary: Unsure - don't want to discount this, we'll have debate this more internally.

    - Kary!


  12. 21 minutes ago, Szilvia said:

    The reason why they not touch snipers is mostly because the snipers given bonus crit chance/damage when zoom and these weapons only need puncthrough to be viable. Secondly they created them as a situational weapon family because in this fast paced horde shooter there are hard to find a place where you can use them effectively and they should make the maps larger or remove all snipers from the game. They won't remove these because time spent on creating them and peoples wish to use them in situations but the maps currently bad for it and the stealh system need again a touch up to be usable for snipers. These two takes tremendous of time and they doesn't want to spend their time on these things currently. Minor qol changes would be nice but for snipers this takes more time and planning.

    I've covered the matter here https://forums.warframe.com/topic/777952-why-there-are-so-many-weapons-better-at-crit-than-snipers/

    The TLDR : It's obvious that Snipers will be situational, the problem is warframe's snipers are situational and on top of that not doing their specialized job very well because of their mediocre crit. You don't need to change the whole games for Sniper, just change 1 value from 25 to 35 or 50 and Snipers will be much better than its current condition.


  13. Just now, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    Latron Prime isn't a sniper though. you use it like one, but it doesn't have the benefit of a Scope and a combo system. semi-auto battle rifles are for when you need precision but might need to defend against close targets as well.

    I wouldn't say Latron Prime is that bad, especially with a Riven, but I won't argue against a buff if it makes the weapon beastly. I'm more partial to the Wraith myself as a Crit lover though.


    Never said it was, i'm mentioning snipers because they both suffer from crit creeps. Back then slow firing Snipers only got 25% crit chance at most, while automatic rifles practically have none. So back then 15% crit chance made sense for Latron Prime because it's a semi auto rifle. But now the standard has changed, bows can reach 50%, cross bows and other precision rifle can hit 20-25%, Not to mention there are plenty of non-snipers that can hit 35%. 15-25% is no longer acceptable for Latron Prime and Snipers.

  14. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)vrykolacas82 said:

    15% crit chance on a semi automatic weapon with a rather slow rate of fire isn't exactly ideal either now is it? That is compared to many other weapons out there.

    That's the whole point, back then even bows and snipers are also stuck at 25%. But as time goes by more and more weapons with better crit chance started to appear, bows practically buffed with doubled crit chance. Yet Latron Prime and Snipers only got some damage buff but are still being left with crit chance that is considered mediocre by today's standard

  15. 20 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

    The Prime is not a crit weapon. The Wraith varient is.

    The Latron Prime is designed as a pure damage, and status weapon.

    Nope, back then the standard for crit weapon is very low and status weapon is barely a thing because dual mods doesn't even exist yet. 15% to 25% is enough to be considered a crit weapon, then crit creeps happens Soma, Synapse, Bow buffs, and now we've got grenade launcher, handguns, revolver, gatling gun sniper hybrid, shotgun, javelin cannon with far better crit chance.

  16. 2 hours ago, Volkovyi said:

    You have impeccable timing to pick TennoGen round dates! For the past year and a half almost all TennoGen rounds have landed on exam periods or other important deadlines for me. What (un)luck! I am unsure I will make it this round :(

    Tennogen is actually scheduled 3 monthly, so you can actually predict the next deadline and release schedule on your own.

  17. 6 hours ago, Silvus-Sol said:

    Before you flay me alive for suggesting that Corpus get a shield gate and tell me about how it will ruin low fire rate weapons, hear me out.

    Except that is the only reason why Shield Gating should not be allowed for Corpus.

    If people knew they can't 1 shot Corpus, they won't bring Snipers or Bows for challenge, people will just bring their Soma and Akstiletto Prime as usual. Shield gating won't provide equal challenge, it will be just gimping some weapons.

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