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Posts posted by Rekkou

  1. 14 minutes ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

    nah a few beam weapons actually had to um.. "expand" to their max range(?)

    please excuse my wording here, but basically what i mean is that some of the beam weapons actually had travel time when you started firing, so if you tapped the trigger it would only reach about a meter or so

    IIRC only Spectra worked that way and it's still a hit scan.The expanding beam is just a delay to create the illusion that the beam is expanding. But the hit detection system is still hitscan. Projectile means the hit detection is an independent mesh that needs to collide with body in order for a hit to be registered.

    Considering how complex and varied the weapons are, there will always be rooms for arguments and nitpicking so i won't go there. But the bottom line is the recent weapon change has no connection to Lanka and can't be used as reason to change Lanka.


  2. Quote

    Beam Weapon behavior was originally changed to help with performance but as we've made optimizations to the game over time, we can return them to their original status of hitscan weapons with pinpoint accuracy and zero recoil. 

    You're cherry picking. Nowhere they said beam weapons are now hitscan because beam weapons are always hitscan. And correct classification for Lanka is projectile weapon

  3. 7 minutes ago, DioBrandoTheHotVampire said:

    lmao how does it even perform considering that zhuge's damage is 75% puncture?

    Great actually, because removing the physical damage won't change the final elemental damage calculation, so the damage loss is actually quite small. And because Zhuge's second strongest IPS is slash and it has very good status chance this Riven basically turns Zhuge into a bleed weapon

  4. 3 hours ago, Serifaz said:

    I was unaware of the limitation of not being able to modify the body. Does this only apply to the base mesh of the body,

    and can I make attachments outside the base mesh that are not attached?

    I guess my question is . is the yellow part in this picture the only part that needs to stay untouched. and can the attachments around the body stay?

    Then please read the guidelines first, because there are plenty of technical qualifications that can easily results in rejection if not fulfilled.

  5. 14 hours ago, Deaddropping said:

    I am thoroughly confused when it comes to DE's definition of what a Warframe should look like. During a dev stream/prime time recently, they were talking about the subject and stated that some Tennogen submissions were too 'armored' and not organic enough. Then they show a sketch of an upcoming Vauban skin that was literally a steam driven suit of armor. Can someone clear the air on that subject?

    Mind that design works on case by case basis. It's not a check list which if you have certain aspects on your items you will be guaranteed to be accepted or rejected. If item A was not accepted because it's too armored and not organic enough then that feedback only works and applicable for that item. It never means other item will be rejected by having the same aspects that got item A rejected. If item B was accepted despite being armored and not organic, then it's because that item manage to executed them well while item A failed. Everything depends on the final execution or the sum of your parts rather than the individual parts.

  6. I'll be honest, i've given up hope that you guys will properly buff some obscure weapons like Stradavar, Grinlok and Tiberon, glad i was wrong.

    Overall i'm very happy with the buffs and nerfs. But still i like to propose change for Latron Wraith. Latron wraith has been considered equal variant of Latron prime. But current change made Latron prime to be much better than Wraith. I get that being prime and rarer, Latron Prime needs more appealing stats. But we don't have much semi-auto rifle here, we basically lose one more by making Latron Prime much better than wraith. Can i at least propose magazine capacity buff to Latron Wraith? That way Latron Wraith can be higher fire rate more magazine but lower damage variant of Latron Prime.



  7. Sorry, but this is how the skin intended to look. Some changes are made pre-release that doesn't end up as expected. I've asked DE to change it before release, but for some reason, they only allow it after it was released

    It was changed because the old version has too much bling it overrides the base color with environmental reflection. On the old version, it's impossible to have a white color which invalidated the holy knight theme of the skin. The current one has lighter base color so white color can be achieved.

    Sorry to disappoint you. This won't happen again in the future because this will be the last time i made this type of skin.

    I've talked to DE about this matter, you can try asking them for a refund.

  8. 13 minutes ago, bluepheonix13 said:

    Sorry to say that this is still quite wrong, because you are calculating the bonus from elemental mods wrong. Correct would be:

    Old:   60 * x * (1 + 0.9 * 4) * (0.05 * 2 + 0.95 * 1) = 289.8 * x

    New: 44 * x * (1 + 0.9 * 2) * (0.65 * 5.7 + 0.35 * 1) = 499.6 * x

    where x are other multipliers (base damage, multishot, faction damage), so switching 2 out of 4 elementals for PS and VS gives you a 72% DPS increase.


    Why there is a +1 on the elemental calculation? elemental mods scales directly to your base damage so it's simple multiplication. If Tiberon equip 1 90% fire mod. You will get 60 base damage and 54 fire damage. With that formula, you will get 60 base damage and 114 fire damage.

  9. 5 hours ago, WindigoTP said:

    It's 44 x 90 x 2 x 0.65 x 5.7 = 29343. Only 30% more.


    And anyway, the formula is utterly wrong and you are ignoring current crit stats.

    If you add them, you get 60 x 90 x 4 x 0.05 x 2 = 2160.

    So, apparently you get 13.5 times DPS increase? That's quite a buff, if I've ever seen one!


    Whoops, quite in a rush when writing that. I probably shouldn't have tried to simplify it because adding crit factor to DPS calculation is actually much more complex than. The formula only calculates the dps when it crits, while it should calculate both crit and non-crit. Okay, let's try again

    Old Tiberon, 60 x 90 x 4 x 0.05 x 2 + 60 x 90 x 4 x 0.95 = 22,680

    New Tiberon, 44 x 90 x 2 x 0.65 x 5.7  +  44 x 90 x 2 x 0.35 = 32,115

    About 40% dps increase.

  10. 60 to 44 is less than 30% decrease but that crit stats and status buffs are a massive improvement

    let's assume old tiberon use 4 elemental mods and new one use 2 elemental mods and crit mods and do some basic DPS calculation

    60 x 90 x 4 = 21600

    60 x 90 x 2 x 0.65 x 5.7 = 40014

    the DPS almost doubled

  11. At the beginning pretty much every weapons have strong disposition because it's the default state of riven stats. A lot of weapons are nerfed when disposition were introduced, a lot of people were upset, but DE still does it anyway, and rivens for the OP weapons still being sold at ridiculous price anyway. So if DE did it back then, then no reason for them to stop for few more weapons right now. And if players didn't mass rage quite back then, then no reason for them to rage quit right now.


  12. On 2/3/2018 at 2:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:

    Rumblers - While casting, creates an AoE around Atlas that will petrify any enemy that comes close. Rumblers create rubble when they expire, based on how much health they had.

    While this sounds very good. It seems like it give Rumblers so much new functionality except for the golem themselves. Once the rework kick in, i'll probably will only use Rumblers as quick AoE petrify then immediately dismiss them for quick health/armor. 

  13. 26 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

    where i work im part of a group called the company climate survey where we take notes and surveys of how the atmosphere of my company is, and when going over the data most of what we see is negative but only consist of 10% of the total people working there, the reason is because someone who disagrees or see's problems are far more likely to take a survey then someone that sees no problems with it, the same goes for my post, if you disagree with what i have to say your far more likely to leave a comment then if your agrees.

    So what you're saying is, a lot of people actually agrees with you because they don't leave comments? So basically there are 3,5 millions of people here agreeing with you because they don't comments on your thread? That's not survey, that's cherry picking.

    If people don't leave comments or take survey, it means they don't care. They are neither agree or disagree because your post is irrelevant and means nothing to them.

  14. So you must be one of those people who believes you have arguments so compelling that people will absolutely agree with you just by reading your post.

    First, people can disagree with you no matter what your arguments are.

    Second, if the basic idea is bad, that's more than enough for people to disagree with you.

  15. Free to Play means the free part is the playing, not the entire content of the game. Yes this game has premium currency that limits you from certain things in the game. But do you need to pay plat or money to even start the game? No. If you can download the game and start the game without being charged by the developers/publishers, then it's F2P no matter what the monetization is. And this game won't stop you from playing because you ran out of lives, gems or plats either. Premium currency being only obtained by real money is a standard practice because if they can be obtained completely free then they're just in-game currency. Pointing this out does not really help your point that this game is somehow less F2P.

    Freemium, Pay2win, etc are just player made derogatory term, used when the game's monetization is considered bad in certain way. Never means any F2P games automatically embody them just by being F2P

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