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Posts posted by Rekkou

  1. If you can crouch, that's pretty much already the best cover system. Dedicated cover system often becomes annoyances because of their forced "stickiness". I can already imagine a scenario where a bombard spawn in a room behind me, i want to move, but the cover system make me stick to the wall and i ended up eating rockets when i can freely bullet jump away in normal warframe scenario.

  2. 2 hours ago, -Temp0- said:


    I'm done with this thread, i've stated enough points and arguments for anyone to consider. And you're only repeating yourself harder there, so reply to that basically have been said on my previous reply

    And just pointing out that you need to check your setting, it changes my name to some Russian letter, people won't get notification if the name on the reply got changed.

  3. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Frozenfenrir said:

    not really the weapon was shown in the recent dev stream also by the time im done the weapon will be release, adjusment will be need but for melee weapons there is a model swap option regarding tennogen you just have to be careful with orientation and the size of the grip, and blade.


    It's only applicable to selected items Skana, Galatine, Orthos, Jat Kittag, and kronen. I'm not trying to stop you, i'm always hoping they're willing to make exception if it's good and technically compatible. They might even decide to branch out the weapon selection, which will be a good thing for everyone.

    But again, i'm just pointing out that the possibility is still there.

  4. Looking good, but just reminding that DE haven't expand the weapons choice. And so far they haven't make any exception. So you have to prepare for the possibility that it can be rejected just for that reason alone disregarding your quality or style.

  5. Just now, Cubewano said:

    There isn't anything to refer back to. And that isn't how a discussion works, you don't get to take a stance then midway decide that is no longer the stance you took. This conversation was never about artistic freedom, so stop trying to now spin it into one. You said the minority should get appealed to because apparently the majority is by some immeasurable stretch of logic already taken care of and no longer deserves such attention, you can either continue to try and defend that logic, or admit it is wrong and move on. Either way nothing about this has me losing the argument, the fact you are trying to change the topic already suggests you are backed into a corner. 

    Again, I argue what is relevant at that point and it won't invalidate my other argument just because it's different. Forcing how one should argue, forcing their arguments and intentionally ignore the point they made however, is not a form of discussion or arguments. It's basically just forceful dictating. And i never change the topic, i keep making arguments that is relevant to your arguments. You're the first to start meta arguments about arguments and forcing me to invalidate my standing just because it's different than the previous one.

    i'm done here. This is enough to see that continuing this arguments will only results in you start throwing tantrum and mod deleting the whole arguments. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Cubewano said:

    What makes you think DE isn't interested in profit? They're a company, it's childish to think they don't care about their game being successful, or about making the product marketable. The way this game is designed reflects this. And nobody is threatening them with profit loss here, someone is however asking for them to take a loss for nothing other than the sake of self interests, and don't try to pretend it is anything other than that. Your argument wasn't let DE pursue whatever artstyle they want, it was that they should appeal to the minority to which I'm assuming you feel you are a part of, you were arguing based around your position not de's. You don't get to suddenly change your argument now. 

    Refer back to my arguments about demographics and profits margins. All company needs profits, but good company won't place it above anything else. And my arguments changes based on what is being argued, and so far nothing i've said contradicts me. I support DE, if they want to cater to minority then i will support them. You can't force my arguments just because you're losing the arguments.

  7. 1 minute ago, Cubewano said:

    Not really, we don't know the degree of success (if it would be greater or less) DE would have if they went that area, so we can't argue compensation for them appealing to this genre instead. Asking for them to flat out make their product less appealing though to their consumers, we know the direction that goes. You are asking them to make less money for you, and satisfy less customers for you, that's an entirely selfish stance that isn't at all beneficial in the whole scheme of things. 

    The arguments are pointless either way, you're trying to use profits as both carrots and sticks while DE is evidently not interested in that carrots and willing to take the sticks. And i'm not the one asking or indirectly threatening them with profits loss to do what i want, i'm merely supporting their choice to be true to themselves. I don't see anything selfish in that, so you can't use that to make me feel bad either.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

    Nobody is in need, these are cosmetics in a video game, entirely extra and material. This game also isn't a charity, unless you plan to pay more to make up for the loss in sales you are being selfish to ask them to take a blow to their profits for the sake of making you feel good. 

    That is a very bad argument, if i say that this game can sell more if it was FPS in WW or FPS pvp hero shooter. Then i guess we all have to compensate the money DE might've lose for making this game a sci-fi third person shooter? DE is not naive, they already know their demographics and the expected profits margins. They made their decision after knowing those factors and not because they are just making whatever they want and expecting the profits to sky rockets.


    11 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

    Ya sure this is what they teached you in design school? 

    If majority in this case, players, don't like your design it effectively means you *failed*. Since a skin isn't your art piece you would use in some instalation or anything, it's a product for people to buy. This also applies to primed cosmetics. Most of them are so bad that I wouldn't even consider buying them for plat, not even real money and 50$ with it. I can probably only name 3 prime cosmetics that worth something out of how many prime accesses released? Yeaaah clearly it's not an issue, it's a plan theyr'e being so bad.

    Also, it's not like they actually ask players what they want or anything, so in reality they cater to no one, they create whatever the heck the heck they want (and most likely, can rather than want) and going by your logic, they can not try at all - why? Because someone will buy it anyway no matter the quality. It sales poorely? We can say we "catered" to minority, it sells well - we can say we "catered" to majority. Very convenient.

    Design teaches you to make something suitable for its purpose. You only fail at being popular if you actually aim at being popular. And art crafts can also be sold along with various vanity items. Whether it sells or not, that's not your problem. Your problem is that they don't sell what you want. But you're projecting that problem as DE's problem, but if they still keep selling the items you don't want then evidently it's not a problem for them.

    If you make something based on your own idea and vision that means you're automatically catering to people with the same interest. You can even ended up opening people to new interests. And the last statement is technically true because you only know to which demographics your products really caters to after you sold them. If it sells few then it caters to minority, if it sells many then it caters to majority.

  9. 1 minute ago, Cubewano said:

    because they are the majority, that shouldn't even be a question. doing good for the most you can > making a handful feel special

    maybe if we had multiple deluxes for each frame you'd be able to argue broadening style choices, but we don't, deluxe options are very narrow and a frame is lucky just to have 1. 

    Now that's just selfish. Giving to the most in need > Giving to who already have enough.

  10. 1 hour ago, Cubewano said:

    The problem is the trend in disapproval for the skins, more and more people are taking issues with their design direction. Yes you can't appeal to everyone, but you should be trying to appeal to largest portion you can, and they are moving further and further from that direction it seems. People used to be generally excited for these kinds of things, now we're lucky if a design doesn't spark an out right march against it. 

    And why the majority should be the one that always gets what they want? If any then this shift is the right direction because the majority have been pleased with previous skins and the shift means more minority will be catered.

  11. Latron Prime/Wraith.

    Argonak has semi-auto mode

    Quartakk is basically a semi-auto

    Attica is auto cross-bow, but it fires so slow you might as well treat it as semi-auto

    Tenora has charge semi-auto

    Zenith has semi-auto mode with infinite punch through

    Stradavar and Hind have semi-auto mode but not very good.


  12. 3 hours ago, StabbyTentacles said:


    All i know is that, either way you'll never please everyone and no matter how much you think you know, the outcome can always be the opposite of what you expect. You do X, people complain why it's not Y. You pick Y people complain why it's not X. You do XY and people complain that you're being indecisive.

    Even if they redo the skins, no guarantee you'll like it better. It might even looks worse for you. You are basically expecting something to fit your preference even though it was made without any intention to specifically fit to your preference

    The chances of any warframe or any skins to fit anyone's preferences are slim. Redoing it never means the next one will fit your preferences, it only means the dice will be rerolled.

  13. 1 minute ago, takeshiblue said:

    some people comments who are reasonable as to why the skin looks kinda bad. Ascetically pleasing for some funky looking to others.

    And that's how opinion works, of course people sharing your opinion will looks reasonable for you. And other people's with opposite opinion won't look reasonable to you because you don't share their point of view. But you can't just dismiss them.

  14. I say, current Quartakk is more optimally balanced now. Yes, it has twice ammo consumption, but it has plenty of ammo to spare. Good ammo capacity becomes a wasted advantage if the ammo consumption is too low. Not to mention it can quickly strips armor in only few shots now

  15. I remember there is a bug that will lock you into exalted weapon state if you are using it when unarmed (no weapons at all). Gold initiate test is melee test correct? There is probably a system that locks you into your melee weapon and the bug occurs when you use exalted blade. Just use only your melee weapon to finish the test, it shouldn't be too hard.

  16. 38 minutes ago, Lluminate said:

    Because Corinth has no other way to deal with armor. It's a slow-firing, semi automatic shotgun that does not reach anywhere near 100% status chance. If you plan on taking this gun anywhere near level 60+ grineer, you'll kill em faster with Hunter Munitions than anything else.

    I can say that's false. This is my build, 1-shot heavies at lv  60. 2-shots at lv 100. Planning to forma once more to replace Chilling reload with hunter munitions, but as it turns out it's not needed.


    1 thing you need to remember about hunter munitions is that, even at 100% crit chance you only have at most 30% chance to procs. At 57% crit chance you basically only have 19% chance for Hunter Munitions to procs. That's far from reliable, especially on slow firing shotgun. 

  17. Yeah, DE should expand their team because they don't have enough man power to handle the the amount of contents that are supposed to be released.

    Only 4 warframes out of 34 have 3 alternate helmets, Nezha still doesn't have 2nd alternate helmet

    Only 19 out of 34 warframes have immortal skins.

    Only 16 out of 34 warframes have deluxe skins

    Only 19 out of 34 warframes have Prime variant

    Titania only has 1 augment and all warframes after her still doesn't have a single augment.

    And now they're planning to expand to Umbra variation. Call me pessimist but basing on their track records, you can expect DE only release umbra variant for few starter warframes then stop for a year or two.

  18. 8 minutes ago, drogon1 said:

    wow, since when did these forums become so toxic and snobbish?  expected more from this community. 

    yes, my friend is NEW to gaming.  and the extreme mouse sensitivity turned him off.  so i thought i'd give DE a heads up, only to find a bunch of condescending trolls attacking a player new to gaming. 

    the issue i'm talking about is the default mouse sensitivity and the impression it gives players new to gaming.  many of these players don't even know that such a thing is adjustable, so they find the game going herky-jerky across their screen.


    There are differences with people who can't understand the game's unique mechanics and impatient/ignorant people who quit out of simple matter. New to gaming doesn't means they're just born yesterday. New to anything doesn't justify lack of patience and attention.

    Anybody new to anything are the one that should put some effort to learn, not the opposite where everyone else have to waste their time conforming to them. Imagine this whole scenario on a new job environment. Your friends found something they don't understand, instead of asking or learning, they just complain and quit and you go to their bosses and demand that something to be changed.

  19. Can people stop using "new players quit because ???" as an excuse to demand ridiculous change? You're probably thinking "new players" means potential income and use it as a scare words to make developers abide to you out of fear of losing potential income. This is an f2p game, anyone can easily download, play the game and leave for any reason. The more ridiculous their reason for leaving, the more acceptable the loss. This game wasn't meant for everyone and not everyone was meant for this game. 

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