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Posts posted by Magnulast

  1. I like it,

    It's nothing big to my opinion, what is bad is the controls on afterburner sprinting.

    When using afterburners, if you move the frame...(not the camera) to the left or right, you get a barrel roll.(This is probably great on keyboard...but not as good on controller/keyboard)

    And trust me, the barrel roll is WAY to wide for ANY hallway, or gateway on the corpus map.(It's annoying when you accidentally do it.)(Almost killing you if you get bad luck.)

    That's the only issue.

    Nothing else seems to be the issue.

    It seems players using etylon are suffering from a FOV issues from cameras.

    Maybe the camera is getting locked in place?

    Some players are getting the camera sucked inward, when sprinting....which is obviously a bug.

    Motion sickness is a joke, I haven't suffered from it at all. Auto orientation doesn't make me suffer from something like that.

  2. It's good, but not the best for the end-game combat, it gives much more content for the lackluster content.

    It's not a horrible update, or a bad one, the only reason why it's bad is because of the bugs and....

    The update was rushed due to marketing reasons.

    I haven't faced so many bugs, I've been completing missions just fine.

    Also the end-game for super op weapons were removed, Making endless missions less rewarding.

    Honestly, I prefer getting into high level content instantly, against taking 60 minutes to get there.

    Players are just obsessed with the void and wanting to grind for the C rotation.

    There is no need for super OP weapons now to grind. There is more people grinding for prime parts.

    There isn't a super low rarity, and a "Stand-alone" seller to sell the parts.

    However, the relic system is a bit weak, the missions aren't hard, it's too easy for veterans, and it doesn't contribute much to having a OP gamestyle.

    Because META was just killed in it's effectiveness towards this new prime part system update.

  3. Agreed.

    Though the void has the parkour reward mods.

    All other tilesets are kinda rendered moot.

    There is no true purpose to them due how spread out the content has been recently.

    1 minute ago, ArmyUnit said:

    Void has argon crystals, that is reason enough to go there imo.

    That's material, it's not a rewarding reason to go there.

    It's something you grind for instead, even though it could be rewarding to some people.

  4. 15 minutes ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

    It actually doesn't. It lasts for a few minutes unless you attack

    I forgot to edit that comment....Will do. My second comment on this thread address this.

    Also, I don't really attack much, I don't feel that it does much good unless it wastes more time, and just take you off your objective.

    since enemies aren't much of a threat when you are invisible.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Btabc said:

    Just matured mine and maxed that mod, but it only lasts me about 5-10 seconds ?.

    on topic, id say take the DNA degrading away and level the AI

    Hmm...I haven't noticed that.....oh well, I might need to test it.

  6. Just now, cookieknife said:

    not it doesnt lol

    Well, if you are near, or behind a enemy, it will always engage it.....

    And if you are constantly near a enemy, or go into shot bursts into and out of enemy groups, the invisibility will stay.

    It can last forever....as far as I can tell.

    Well...maybe my word choice was absolutely abysmal....because....you know.

    To me, the huras kubrow is the best in all missions.

  7. Honestly.....if the part is very rare, you'll be able to sell it.

    There are still viable ways to sell other things, Syndicate mods, Event mods, ETC.

    Arcanes and more.....

    Prime parts are not as rare anymore....Bad time for marketing to force DE to release this system, they need to...well..balance it out.

  8. I've seen this issue being the camera is too close for the etylon archwing.

    They need to move the camera a bit back so the archwing does not obstruct the view.

    Sprinting moves the camera back for me...................I'm guessing your saying your game does the opposite?

  9. 1 hour ago, CrisFenix said:

    The old void worked well when you recruited the right way, requiring a minimum level of mastery of other players. This way you eliminate unprepared or lazy people and give your team a fair chance reach 2 or 3 rotations

    Other thing is: the old system required the player to be more skilled and learn end game mechanics in order to be sucessfull inside void. Some players dont like this because they are just casual players. They even are online most of the time!

    You see, some complaints are actually lack of knowledge. 

    At the beginning of 2016 the drop rates became worse and things like formas, fusion cores and orokin cells ( I have 367 orokin cells) took place. This happened because the drop rate was changed and worsened. You should gain a prime part but you got a forma! :P

    All these drop rates and rotations problems existed because DE could not find a way to adjust them. The "old" system should not be changed, but adjusted.

    The solution for those problems do exist! If you take 5 skilled players of the community like Mogamu or Flare Eyes, you solve them in a couple of days! Its a design problem

    This new system its not ok in many ways. Change the system was a radical measure and can hurt the game in the future.


    Lack of knowledge? Probably forced META low skilled players. What possible knowledge do you need to know? It's really simple. We all know if you attack another enemy that is affected by a ancient healer, the ancient healer is healed. Also, Drones don't strafe, unlike the awesome ospreys from the corpus that recently got it. Nullfiers? Just kill them inside, or lure the enemies out slowly. I mean seriously, the only players that are restricted by this is MR6 or lower. All that you need to know, is not running into enemies while learning how to get in, and out of scenarios. It's really simple.

    Lack of mods? Probably GTFO because you are inefficient, and cannot do anything viable. 

    I've seen this time and time again, it's BS. It's not fixing issues at all, It's creating them.

    The old system was outdated and caused more grief to the playerbase. What, don't want to grind that specific mission? To bad, farm platinum or buy it directly.

    Sure you can complain that the drop rate is BS. But honestly, making content worth having a feel to grind for, having a feeling of possibility to get. IS FAR better than having "Do this or screw you" You can make the drop rate 10%, but why would I even bother? I don't like the mission, I don't feel engaged in the mission, I don't want to do the mission.

    And everyone tops it off with "Skilled players can only do this" "What's the point of all our OP gear?" The point is, I prefer having a choice to what mission I'm doing

    And it's not restricted to META for once for SPEED, unless ash bladestorm...but that's not even needed anymore.


    The reason why it got worse was obvious, not because the rarity of the item was bad, but the system in general for how it was obtained was bad.

    No one wanted to do survival missions, so people stopped grinding for them. And instead, META spammed

    No one wanted to do defense missions, so people stopped grinding for them. And instead, META spammed.

    No one liked doing missions again and again to get unrewarding rewards, capture keys could have targets one-shotted, and then it's a rush to the exit.

    There is only one downside, no level 100 enemies to fight for the OP that we have.

    The old system should have been replaced by a long shot, before nova prime was released. It was too lack luster, to simple for people to ignore, and something that was getting subjective to farm for, ever since nova prime's parts were in survival missions. To make the parts rarer, and more valuable to the market.

    You can say this as a bad direction, or as a good direction, but I could care less. Why?

    It was clearly pushing people away, not luring them into it. 

    The system that we have takes a somewhat opposite direction. Instead of the key holding the drop table, the relics do.

    Hence the new system is far better that the annoyance that was the previous system.

    Even though it's easier to get it, it needs balancing, not rampant reworks.



    Your idea is not good at all (I'm not going to even hold it back, it's just straight out bad.). Why? Because why not grind draco/or the new EXP farm, till you get to the higher mastery rank? Why ignore that?

    It's a really bad placeholder, and a extremely poor excuse for lack of knowledge. There are MR21 that are worse than MR4s in raids.

    MR does not dictate knowledge, or skill. It just represents how much you've grinded. 


    You should never say "More successful" in the void, why? Because that system only went up to AABC, and then kept on repeating itself.

    I could restart keys up to 20 minutes, every time, for every key.  And what's the stupid point of going longer? Nothing, Trash, Waste of effort. Waste of time.


    The new system removes the benefits of META severely. Provides a logical reason to play grind for prime parts. 


  10. 2 hours ago, DrBorris said:

    You do have a point with the "Radiant" Fissures. However, let's think of it this way, it takes you 20 min to get just two rewards. 20 min, that is a long time to just make doing an endless mission worthwhile. That... is a long time. It is not 10 min and it is better, it is 20 min and it is better. But, as you said, this isn't the only thing to consider, we also have to make sure it is not too good.

    Now the average survival run when you want to stay for "awhile" is 40 min. As an avid Star Chart survival player, I can defend that after that magical 40 min mark stuff gets... interesting (because of exponential enemy level scaling). When you combine this with 25% more spawns and a clusterfudge every 5 min running an extended survival will not be for the faint of heart. Sure this is only Survival, but these concepts apply to all of the mission types. The more I think about it, Endless Fissures are going to be pretty hard. Just imagine Grineer+Nullifiers or Corpus Nullifiers+Corrupted Nullifiers+Bombards sounds like hell. If you are going through hell, you better get rewarded.


    All of this said, I think this leaves plenty of room for people to make a decision on what to do. It is not just "I get more rewards."


    And I personally vastly prefer running random star chart survivals over pretty much any non-endless mission, "not fun" is subjective.  

    ...That won't work. Why? Because people will complain and change to meta. 

    Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of fighting a clusterfudge, but....honestly, if it's going to be unavoidable combat, it's clearly not fun to some people.

    But imagine this, if a ancient healer spawned, imagine what would happen.

    Instead of being...well, a challenge to take out enemies, you need a mass murder weapon instead to complete the fissure.

    You'll need a higher level cap instead, possible 15+ levels higher of current enemies in mission?

    Do keep in mind 2 rewards is not as valuable as 4 CHOICES AT THE END.....do you know HOW MANY CHANCE THERE TRULY ARE?

    10% max radiant buff for RARE items, then 8X CHANCES TO GET THAT ONE ITEM JUST FOR 20 MINUTES if everyone has radiant keys***

    Not to mention, there are people who go for hours in survival, and to them, it's not even hard.

    I do agree though, not fun is subjective....but you shouldn't make ideas subjective to the player.


    Not saying your idea of providing concepts for both players previous and newer like is bad in general.

    But the quality of the work of the idea...is not good at all....Too subjective to profit.


    Meta removes "Hard" because "Nullfier" Complaints creates issues.

    You forgot Meta needs to be counteracted in this idea....there needs to be a cap onto this.

  11. 1 hour ago, Dynastiew said:

    Sorry, we are far from being 0.1% and i think the exact opposite of what you are saying and i'm far from bein the only one apparently ;).


    It was obviously sarcasm.

    The only time when people stand up to a change is "vocal"

    When a player is slient they don't care.

    So everyone complains that DE isn't listening, when they actually are.

    There are a few changes, but soon, the same people that complains about it either forgets about it and doesn't care, or whines and quits immediately.

    Not everyone goes in the forums and says WOW 1 HOUR SURVIVAL JUST FOR ONE PART THAT HAS A CHANCE 5% OF DROPPING? AMAZING!

    The majority of the vocal community hated survival and defense. 

    When hate is told, hate is done something about. Or dislike.

    It's pretty much that way in the forums and the change in the game.

    Players hate this because their excessive power is now rendered moot.

    Since there is literally no point to fight with level 100 gear....Except sortie.

  12. Just now, DrBorris said:

    Because quick missions are, well, quicker. You are not getting your rewards ever 5 min/5waves, you gotta do 10 to get your first rotation. This as compared to a Capture or Exterminate is much longer.

    So yes, if you are frugal you will generally run endless, but if want that prime part faster you would do the non-endless.

    That wasn't exactly my point, my point was survival or and endless mission become the most "optimized" solution for costly relics.

    Farming void traces takes time, and any endless mission suggested literally removed the point of farming them.

    Warframe is about grinding, and grinding the most optimized way yields the most profit.

    The system that we have is fun because non-endless missions are optimal.

    What's fun if you only get a extremely small amount of profit doing something fun and getting a insanely higher amount of ease and profit to a endless mission?

    It's not fun.

  13. Apology accepted, wherever I can find it.

    Regardless, everyone usually acts negatively towards a update...that changes completely how the game is played (Zorencopter removed)

    However, I am thankful that you...regretted your mistake.

    By the looks of it...you must have said something awful, but, umm, thanks.

    A lot of this content that was sent was...good but subjective to view.

    But I am grateful that you did what was right, even though it's kinda....confusing without the context.

    I'm guessing..while looking at your profile posts.

    This was the one?


    Hello, archwing is broken when it was working fine before the update. Please return it to it's original form when it was playable. Surely you have a team to dictate how horrible this turned out. How could a room full of people decide archwing was 'ready to go' before this update? It feels rushed and looks rushed and plays rushed and isn't ninja.


    It isn't ninja. Not ninja at all.

    -Cussing* (Apparently edited...well, that's always better.)

  14. 3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Sorry guys, between the Hotfix fire and other issues we wanted to get the Repair script out ASAP for those in the affected group (Update to Hotfix 1), and I'm just catching up on last week after TennoCon consumed my life. I can see here that you all think this is not a satisfactory result to the change, and I will audit my own inventory as well pre/post SotR to see how things played out here for another possible round here as Dev sees fit. 


  15. I would have suggested that they add a "/" or "or" to tell you can either build this in the dojo(Or buy the Bp for this price) and then place the platinum towards the side.(Directly onto the item's thumbnail.)

    Buuuuuuuuuuut, we never know how a new player would react to this.

  16. 11 minutes ago, TheAltarBoy said:

    Still... A more clear sign would be nice, something else than a tiny line changed color. At the end of each junction mission, then it shoots out a blue line to the planet you have just opened right? How about showing that line on the star-map? Can imagine how it looks, and i would say it would be a nice feature. What do you think?

    It was actually the opposite before the update.

    It shows a blue line so you can do the node.

    Once the line is white, you have completed it.

    But your idea is also good too, but I prefer consistency across the starmap.

  17. The old system was long, repetitive, restrictive to boring endless missions, unrewarding to some players. Complaining about excessive forma and cores and lack of choice.

    I hated survival, defense, and MD, I don't care if .1% of the playerbase loves it, it was unfavorable to the player, and wasn't fun at all to a large amount of people. Where as relics are far more favorable, and give the player the choice to choose what you want, if DE adds more void fissures alerts.


    Capture could have been done in seconds as a joke.

    MD no-one even cared about.

    Defense was pretty much press 4 to speed up this to rotation C

    Survival was people begging to AFK.

    Exterminate was a joke with embers and others.

    Interception was OK, but no-one truly cared.

    And going on the same tileset again and again was pathetic.

    It was practically going to get worse, and worse. More grind, and more grind. Why? Because the player had so many chances, so many chances to get the prime drop.

    This is why everything was moved into "C" and still, there are just too many chances to get the item.

    Though, void fissure alerts are to be questioned for fun. Like, MD and Survival.

    Players complained about "meta" "exploits" "scaling issues" when they got to the level, it was a unstoppable upgrade train for power. Why keep a frame at such a high power level? when most of the enemies are level 30-40? And you can oneshot them now? aganist the level 80+ ?

    These systems would have not worked well with each other, if anything this is easily explained by ducat values.(Until we see the cost readjusted.)(Going by devstream)

    Baro was here for excessive prime parts, now he's getting his prices readjusted.

    Relics heavily fix this issue by offering a one hit lucky, but with 4 chances, drastically lowering the amount of chances(Tries) than before at a pace.

    But, they added void traces to make sure you'll get it sooner or later, hence, the prime market is lowered a bit, but not lowered at all.


    So...adding both systems would make others complain that one system is better than the other, and this change was made because of the excessive annoyance of grinding by a large amount of players.


    Sorry for the long post.

    There is a lot of issues that combine with the old system, and compliments it so much, but it creates way to many issues for the new systems, which does not have issues to compliment the old issues.

  18. Just now, TheAltarBoy said:

    I have completed 2 junctions, and there are no difference between the un- and completed


    Welp...that's the problem then I guess...It could be a bug.

  19. 43 minutes ago, TheAltarBoy said:

    See my problem now? :)

    Yep, but then again, the screenshot was pretty much a completed one.

    And I clearly saw the line going towards mars as yellow...soo...ehh.

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