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Posts posted by (PSN)crashteddy03

  1. Absolutely possible as I primarily run these solo. I use Inaros with an Arca Plasmor and all four keys attached and have very little issue. The capture mission is easiest - capture the target, look for the door and speed to the exit. Use bullet jump for speed as it doesn't seem to be slowed by having the Hobbled Key attached.

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  2. Have you tried turning it off and on again?


    Seriously though, have you tried deleting and reinstalling the game in its entirety? Your save is stored online so you won't lose any progress but I've seen on the forums that can fix strange issues like what you are experiencing.

  3. During a Void tileset survival mission the host extracted at 9:58 (deliberately in my opinion - more below) leading to a host migration. By the time I rejoined, the clock was now at 10:20ish and I had missed the second round reward. All squad members then extracted confirming only the single reward (single relic). I am guessing that the new host may have gotten their second round reward but I'd almost guarantee the other client didn't get theirs.

    What I'm suggesting is that during a host migration in a survival mission, the clock/timer should pause until all squad members have rejoined. I'm assuming that the host can detect that a host migration has taken place and that the remaining squad members are attempting to reconnect.
    Alternatively, maybe just stop the clock for 15-20 seconds during/after a host migration incident.


    As an aside, I also moot that a special place in hell be reserved for those people hosting who deliberately extract mere seconds before a round end. What was the rush that you couldn't wait the extra two seconds?!? In the case I just had, the host went to the extraction point at around 8:20. 60 second countdown timer starts, the rest of the squad carry on. At 8:58 the host then left and re-entered the extraction point. It's possible that they died and revived, or quickly wanted to grab something that had dropped, but the timing seemed more than suspicious to me. And before someone says it, just I should have gone to the extraction point as soon as I noticed the host leaving. Normally I would do so. Normally I wouldn't care about losing a reward like this but it just seemed deliberate.

    Anyway, that's my two cents worth. Stay safe out there Tenno!

  4. I've seen this posted under a few different threads but hadn't had it happen myself until just now. In Fortuna, solo, running a bounty. Died while I had Sound Quake active. Couldn't do anything except abort the mission - nothing but the menu button did anything at all.

  5. It looks like your image hasn't loaded but if it's the one I think it is... Very tall room, elevator at one end, sometimes both. Between the two ends is a sort of ditch with a couple of doors in it.
    You scale the wall on the side next to the elevator to find a narrow ledge with row of four vents, one of which is open. Through there will be a few lockers and containers and a door which sometimes is yellow in color making it look like it can be unlocked somehow (I've never figured out how).
    If that's the one it also appears in the Derelict tile set. I've been meaning to post on here for ages to see if anyone hows if/how the yellow door can be opened but I can't be bothered signing up to an image site just so that I can post the screenshot.

  6. 13 hours ago, Neumeier said:

    I would argue that you don't want it to be too easy to obtain Rivens. 

    Unveiling Rivens should be easier than obtaining them. Especially when you consider that you can only hold 15 maximum initially, and 120 eventually. That it primarily takes platinum to expand that capacity, and that being at capacity blocks Sortie access. 

    Yes, when you put it like that I'd have to agree - unveiling should be easier than obtaining given the limits. I'd still like to have a way to reroll veiled rivens but that's just my personal preference.

    13 hours ago, gluih said:

    I think trading them in 4:1 is downside enough

    I think I'm missing something here - what do you mean by 4:1?. I don't trade many rivens, mainly just veiled ones that I can't be bothered doing, and only for 15-20 plat which seems to be the going rate on PS4.

    Edit: I just realised that maybe you meant the Riven Transmute that converts four unveiled rivens in to a new veiled one?

  7. 56 minutes ago, Neumeier said:

    Just like how there's a weekly mission to help Clem, and assist Maroo in her hunt for Ayatan Treasures, there should be a weekly mission that lets you unveil one Riven mod

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. One the one hand there are Riven unlock requirements that are highly frustrating (headshot kills in aim glide I think is just the worst) and on the other hand you don't want it to be too easy to unlock Rivens.
    We already have other ways around this. Trading Rivens to get one with a different unlock requirement or getting someone you trust to unlock them for you.

    42 minutes ago, gluih said:

    I could see just allowing players to reroll veiled rivens

    Now this I could get behind as long as it was limited to say once a week.

  8. 21 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    One guy actually said to me and another noob that ruined his tridolon run "why are you guys even here?" 

    I had someone the other day say "damn leechers" after a successful tridolon hunt. I expect that I was included in that statement even after I had a panicked rush to get more lures and charge them after we somehow got down to having just one on the last stage (something they didn't even seem to be aware of).

    12 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    You cannot just go into public and learn.
    In theory, you'd have to learn solo... which just will not work, and completely opposes the purpose of making it a squad dependent mission.

    You can learn in public (I did with the help of some of the guides) but chances are someone will take exception to it and start calling you various things, especially if/when you make a mistake. As you say, solo just won't work for learning these sorts of things.

    Totally agree with your sentiments about Little Duck. Still Rank 1 with Vox Solaris because like OP I can't get the Atmo/gyromag/repeller systems without doing the Orbs and I've failed the Profit-Taker mission (public) more times than I care to count, usually due to being one-shotted and running out of revives. I'd even be happy if the Atmo/gyro/repeller systems could be bought for plat - as long as the price isn't too ridiculous - as that would at least give a way to progress without getting frustrated.

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  9. I've skimmed through this thread and as far as I can see no one has asked the simple question of why? Why would a player drop out of an endless mission at the first round?

    I'm sure there are many, many possible reasons. A few cases were I have done exactly this:

    • In a void relic mission when players don't wait/work to get reactant before finishing the mission goals (usually Excavation type missions) AND don't respond to polite reminders to collect reactant first.
    • Because I've realised that I have completely the wrong loadout and I don't want to just hide in a corner and leech
    • Because something has happened offline that means I'm about to be AFK for longer than expected (phone call, arrival of unexpected guests etc)
    • Because the host has for whatever reason decided to leave and I'm not about to risk losing rewards due to a host migration
    • Because a player has in some other way been toxic and I'd rather not have my experience ruined

    How do we overcome this? Well for some instances you simply can't. Players are going to come and go as they please and everyone will have their own reasons for that. Plenty of people have already suggested recruitment chat or playing with your clan. I've never tried the former so I have no idea if it works or not. The latter is only good if you have a clan with active members. I do like kapn655321's suggestions of an algorithm to rate experiences with other players, I'm just not sure how that would be implemented.

    Short of that, it's simply playing solo. And I agree with OP that doing fissures solo just isn't effective when farming for parts.

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  10. Have you maxed out Ivara Prime herself yet? Keep in mind that the Artemis Bow is still an ability and it won't hit maximum capability until Ivara Prime is rank 30. It's the same with other frames that have Exalted Weapons. Valkyr's Talons for example seem pathetically weak until she hits rank 30, the the damage suddenly skyrockets.

    The damage of the Artemis Box also depends on whether you are charging the shot or not.   Scratch that, all it does is reorient the arrow spread from vertical to horizontal.

    I haven't tried a status build myself. Status chance is split between the arrows so you'd need to get multiple hits to maximise your chances of a proc.

  11. 1 hour ago, elmetnuter said:

    ignis wraith makes every primary irrelevant.


    49 minutes ago, fuffi2milka said:

    or amprex... it eats armored targets even faster. i have both maxed.

    I've got to be doing something wrong. Ignis Wraith used to be my go to weapon for everything using a corrosive/blast build (knock em off their feet and strip their armor while they're down) but lately it just seems to be... under-powered, particularly in Saturn/Void railjack. I started trying builds with Amprex (only 2 forma so far) but that seemed even worse. Acceltra on the other hand just decimates everything. I don't have a riven for either the Ignis or the Amprex, only just got one for Acceltra that has a small amount of Multishot but it was doing good damage prior to adding that. Are you both using Riven based builds?


    Back to OP, I agree that the standard auto rifles seem under-powered at high levels. Of the ones I've tried so far my favorite has been the Zenith, purely because I can change it in to semi mode and fire through walls.

  12. 1 hour ago, LoneWolveYoutube said:

    This dude talking about bad traders without mentioning rivens.

    I've only had a little experience myself with trading rivens. I know I got ripped off for the first one I bought for the Arca Plasmor. I haven't bought one since. I've sold a couple and learned later that they were much more valuable than I had priced them. Mostly I just transmute or dissolve unwanted ones now. Or give them away to my clan.
    Watching the trade chat I can tell that the riven trading could get quite toxic as people argue over what something is worth. Worse maybe are those looking for "trash rivens" for well known weapons and offering only a token amount of plat in exchange.

  13. @6-BristleBack-9 Thank you for sharing your stories. It's stories like your first two that really make me smile. The player who's day I made was a low rank looking for the final part for their first prime frame (Chroma or Mesa I think). We did a deal for a couple of  plat and some junk items. They couldn't have been happier!

    12 minutes ago, (PS4)segulibanez65 said:

    In my opinion, that is what the up-tick in this behavior is: other traders looking to flip items

    I've definitely had this. Sold a veiled Riven for cheap because I couldn't be bothered with the unlock task (headshots on aim glide). The buyer the DMs me with their WTS message at twice the price. I lol'd cause I didn't care and just needed the riven space.

    13 minutes ago, (PS4)segulibanez65 said:

    (I NEVER get offers for new(er) player items like corrupted mods, etc, yet I used to sell Trans Fort/Fleeting/Heavy Cal/etc far faster than I could farm them... Been like this since a month or so after Fortuna dropped)

    Interesting. I'm hardly a new player (9 months in) but I still don't have all the corrupted mods. I've put out calls to buy them and never got a response.

    50 minutes ago, akots said:

    Everyone is polite and I don't remember a single trade without parting ty and gl on either side.

    I've had two trades just this week that left without a parting ty. It's the first time I've had it happen. I always send one regardless if buying or selling.

  14. Just now, (PS4)too_damn_icee said:

    I'm going to be super honest about this topic but On PS4 , I've done a lot of trading and I'll admit people on PS4 have no business ethics what so ever. Trading tends to get real toxic and i'll admit I get toxic too sometimes because The toxicity of trade chat and trading with people will rub off on you especially if you have good business ethics. Also I don't know if it's just PS4 but there's no set economy. Prices tend to be ridiculous like really insane....

    I haven't had anyone get toxic on me in trade chat. With low offers I tend to just send a nty and wish them good luck.
    What region are you on?

  15. My home region is Oceania (PS4) but there are so few people online there that I primarily play in NA. I do a fair amount of trading (selling mostly) and the overwhelming majority of Tenno are polite and respectful. There has always been a small number of buyers looking to get something for next to nothing but they seem to have become more visible of late.
    I use Warframe Market as the benchmark for pricing items for sale and I'm happy to negotiate if the offer is reasonable. I've had a few lately that simply were not.
    Example, a buyer wanting an Atlas Prime Set responded to my message with an offer which was half of what I had asked and a full 20p less than the current lowest priced listing on Warframe Market. I was also told my Hydroid Prime set was overpriced at 70p (which places it squarely in the middle of the listings). Today I saw someone wanting a Soma Prime set for just 20p.

    Then there are the ones at the other end of the scale. I had an offer to exchange rare and vaulted parts on a Baza Prime set that was more than reasonable. I know that I've made someones day by having just the right part at a reasonable price. I've traded Shedu parts one for one so that we each got what we needed.

    So I'm curious about what sort of trading experiences players have had on other platforms and regions. Please no naming and shaming (it's against forum rules anyway) and ideally I want to hear about both the good and the bad.

  16. 54 minutes ago, Crabemporium said:

    Hello, I've been trying to obtain Kavat Genetic codes during Derelict Exterminate missions, but no matter what method I try it doesn't seem to be giving me any.
    I've tried scanning them, I've tried using Helios and Heliocor, am I using Heliocor right? Do I have to make the killing blow on a Kavat when they're not invisible? Do I have to scan them on the first attempt and/or using stealth?

    I tried using the Heliocor to get Kavat Genetic Codes with absolutely zero success. I can't be 100% certain but I think once you've reached the required number of scans for the codex both Helios and the Heliocor become useless for scanning the Kavats.

    The easiest way I've found to get the codes was to take a stealth frame like Loki or Ivara, remove any weapon from my Sentinel so they won't start attacking the Kavats, and scanning them directly with the Synthesis or Codex Scanner while invisible. The drop rate should be about 25% and I can usually get two or three genetic codes per mission. Painful yes, but doable with enough patience.

  17. My go to for doing Derelict capture with all four dragon keys is Inaros and a well modded (no Riven) Arca Plasmor. I think I still have over 1000 hp with all four keys attached and decent enough armor to not be one shotted. The Arca takes a few shots to get the bubbles down or just bullet jump inside the bubble and let them have it.

  18. In the most recent livestreams DE acknowledged that there was a lot of stuff that needed fixing, however most of it touches code that needs to be sent to cert rather than just being hotfixed. Rather than send multiple builds to cert the plan was to wait for a new content drop which is coming up for the PC version and include that in the next console build sent to cert for all consoles along with all of the fixes to date. I'm hanging out for it too because the changes are massive compared to what we have now.

    I understand DE trying to release Railjack as a surprise just before Christmas. Could it have been better? Yes. Did the timing of it make it worse because all the devs were on holiday? Yes. Has it stopped me from trying to play it and have fun regardless of the bugs? Absolutely not!

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  19. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)smb-twisted said:

    Its always been 15 after afaik right? I usually stop bothering after rank 29 anyhow 

    I'm pretty sure that Nightwave Intermission 1 and Series 2 were both 15 credits after rank 30. I couldn't tell you about Series 1 as I had only just started playing and didn't get that far.

  20. 7 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    Do you mean in Railjack, or not in railjack?

    Both, although less so in Railjack.

    7 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    So if you're in star chart thinking people aren't playing competitively enough, it's because the players there are either still struggling under new gear, (frames, formas, not enough mods, etc..) or they're just not super dedicated to using every advantage.

    No, not necessarily. There's a big difference between a new player who is using an under-powered, unmodded frame or weapons and someone who is at mid-level MR with good gear and is actively mucking around. Heck even I don't have super modded gear nor am I always using my best. Nor would I consider myself an "elite" player. I can hold my own but there are far better players out there than me.

    7 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    Also... Both you and OP are from mid 2019 or so. Maybe you're the group that last year thought weren't good players.. and they were the group the previous players thought that of.. Not that they're right, just that people tend to turn on, "new players," when they don't feel they get enough clout, satisfaction, and recognition from their challenge. We never have been able to or welcome to tell other players what to do, outside of Invite only/clans that agree to that. That's never changed. What I can tell you that's changed over the years, is people thinking they're entitled to that opinion.

    True I started playing Warframe in mid 2019 and I was at one time a newbie. I am thankful for the clan that took me in and the players that helped me out when I started. I in turn try to help out new players when I can.

    7 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    I never ONCE caught flak for going to t4 void key missions with a flux rifle years back. No one Ever expressed that players were incompetent for not playing every advantage to meta. We used to have fun here, damn it! Players were helpful and welcoming, not elitist and snobbish about how others perform. That was unheard of. Every new player is scum to someone.. and that someone juuuuust might be a, "clueless idiot," as OP puts it, when they think that. You guys are part of a group of players that doesn't even defend defense points, or stay in affinity range. XD ...I can't even.

    I'm not even sure that I should respond to this. This is not about being elitist or snobbish - it was just a general observation that the quality of some players efforts seems to have lessened of late. And your comments on my playing style are completely unfounded, untrue and quick frankly unnecessary.
    I mentioned in my first post that I had spent three hours the other day playing with a single squad. One of those players was a low leveled player who was trying to farm for Chroma Prime parts. The whole team chipped in with Radiant relics, even gifting him some additional relics until we got the required parts. Then we went on to do other missions as a team because we were all having fun. For me that is what playing Warframe is all about.

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