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Posts posted by (PSN)crashteddy03

  1. 12 hours ago, ExcaliburUmbra said:

    Harrow Chassis Blueprint Ephemera. 

    Takes 5,000 Harrow Chassis Blueprints to craft.

    Harrow Chassis Blueprints (fake, not actual item drops) just flop out of your Warframe/Operator every time you do something, making a slight jingling sound when they land on the ground or an object. Picking up a Harrow Chassis Blueprint item drop with the ephemera equipped will spawn a burst of fake Harrow Chassis Blueprints accompanied by a short triumphant musical cue and background applause.

    Somehow I can actually imagine this. Love it!

    12 hours ago, Oreades said:

    I dunno I'm still waiting on the Orokin man to come fumigate my orbiter to deal with the last breeding pair of Oberon parts that I tracked in from a mission some months back. 

    Yep, last I checked I could build 36 complete Oberon Frames and tbh I didn't find him all that great the first time.

    8 hours ago, Aesthier said:

    Step 1. Craft the chassis.

    Step 2. Lay it on the floor out of the way in your orbiter someplace such as a cubby or corner.

    Step 3. Place old umbra scarfs or other such soft material inside it.

    Now your Floofs (or other small living critters) have somewhere to bed down.

    Now this is something that I could actually get behind. Come on DE, make this happen!

  2. 42 minutes ago, Tyreaus said:

    Part of the Railjack Drydock crafting recipe.

    Well at least that would make it useful!

    15 minutes ago, YUNoJump said:

    Harrow is the "religion/cult" themed frame with all his offerings and sacrifices, he's a holy symbol for the Red Veil, and a chassis is like a "body". Therefore the Harrow Chassis is basically the Body of Christ. Use Harrow Chassis to feed poor people. Combine with Kuva for a cool (cursed) Warframe-themed eucharist.

    This just made my day!

  3. So yes this is a joke thread but I'm sure there are some creative types out there who can come up with amusing ideas...

    For context, I've been playing Warframe for less than 200 days and I had managed to amass over 500 Harrow Chassis Blueprints. I did even build one, although after reading the wiki I decided that it was way too much effort to try to farm the other parts so I bought him for plat. The sheer number of these that drop is just ridiculous compared to everything else, so... what is the best suggestion you can come up with for a fictional alternative use for so many blueprints?

  4. I was discussing this exact idea with a friend just the other day. Rather than just selling a weapon that I will no longer use for a measly sum of credits, why can't we break it down with a chance to return resources?

    On 2019-09-19 at 8:47 PM, HAYABU5A said:

    Crafting resources have their own roll, the lower technology the item (grineer tech<tenno tech/corpus tech<infested tech) the higher chance. Prime and Dax (or similar weapons) are exempt and yield no return.

    Why not have a chance to return the resources that were used to build the item in the first place, with a higher chance for common loot drops and a very low chance for things like Orokin Cells, Nitain Extract or Tellurium? I agree that Dax weapons should be exempt, not sure about Prime weapons as that might end up creating a whole new market.

    On 2019-09-19 at 8:47 PM, HAYABU5A said:

    Catalyst/Reactor & Forma - each have their own % chance to yield a return, the more forma on an item the higher the chance of a forma successfully extracted but Prime weapons and warframes have innate lower chances of success.

    Agreed. I wouldn't expect to see the Catalyst/Reactor or Forma themselves returning, but having them present increases the chance for rarer drops, similar to how improving relics works.

    On 2019-09-19 at 8:47 PM, HAYABU5A said:

    Players pay a fee for "an attempt" - as in roll for a chance to salvage resources -  Percentage % chance based. Fee is credits and possibly an appropriate resource

    Definitely credits, with the fee increasing for the rarity of the items possibly returned.

  5. 5 hours ago, Gunner6011 said:

    Yes, and is not so rare in Copernicus Capture missions - haveth one today (out of 7 runs), got bugged on "ice loop" (failed to do in time and walls didn't rise back as intended) and was forced to abort.

    Well, I've given up. I've been running Copernicus for over an hour now, long enough to take my Rubico Prime from Unranked to Max Rank (admittedly with an affinity booster) and not a single Speed Challenge.

    For comparisons sake I currently own 2x Agility Drift (has come up more but I've only managed it twice), 6x Coaction Drift, 2x Endurance Drift (again has come up more but I've had no luck doing it solo, even with the Operator Mode trick), 15x Power Drift and 9x Stealth Drift. And that doesn't include the times that I couldn't be bothered attempting the challenge.

    I think I'll just have to trade for Speed Drift...

    Thanks again for everyone's replies and suggestions.

  6. Thanks for all your suggestions. I've done another few runs this morning but still without any luck. I'm starting to wonder if I'm looking for the wrong thing. This is the starting room that I've been keeping an eye out for. Is it the right one? (Image borrowed from the Wiki)


  7. I've been doing Lua missions for a few weeks now and have managed to complete all of the Halls of Ascension except for the Speed Test. To the best of my knowledge, the Speed Test challenge simply hasn't spawned at all in any of the missions that I've done. I vaguely recall the laser plate room when I first got to Lua but I haven't seen it since.

    So my question - does the Speed Test only spawn in certain Lua missions? Or am I just having really bad RNG luck?

  8. 3 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    ok, so now it's great when people either give you something for free, carry you, or when you play a game with friends.
    well, every game is fun with friends, all of them. 

    Wow, the cynicism is strong with this one!

    Agreed, any game with friends can be fun. But how often do you hear of strangers helping strangers with no thought of a return? I think that is more what OP is trying say in this case.

    • Like 1
  9. 31 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

    Spend a day on the forums and you'll no longer think that his community is so great.

    Heck, bring a range limbo into a defense and you'll get death threats from people.

    Yes the forums are a place where people tend to complain (myself included). Case in point, the announced nerfing of the Catchmoon last week. I tried to ask what people are going to use instead but the complaining just went on and on.
    Ouch on the death threats. Limbo can be a right pain in the a... in the hands of the wrong player, but he's still a brilliant defense frame (cue flames from forum posters) 😃

    8 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    so... the Playerbase is great because someone gave you something for free. ok.

    No, the playerbase is great when people help people. Yes it's nice when someone wants to give you something for free, but it's also nice when players are willing to help other players to get a specific drop, unlock waypoints, farm loot etc.

    Sadly as Avienas pointed out there are some who will just be out to get whatever they can for themselves. A few minutes on trade chat shows that very quickly.

    • Like 1
  10. I will admit to Catchmoon being my favored secondary as nothing else that I have tried has come close to having the same enemy clearing capability. I have no problem with the nerf, firstly because the weapon is overpowered and secondly because I don't think it will significantly change how I use the weapon (although the range could hurt when I normally have it matched with the Arca Plasmor).

    My question to anyone who has finished their complaining - if you are going to stop using the Catchmoon, what are you going to use instead?

    Of the secondaries I've seen mentioned in this tread so far, Akarius is forever in reload, Detron/Mara Detron I didn't find all that powerful (I might need to play with the builds, feel free to suggest), Sonicor I enjoyed using for the ragdoll effect but it hurts my eyes after a while and Staticor I haven't yet built (waiting on a free weapon slot). Any other decent suggestions?

    • Like 1
  11. On 2019-09-06 at 7:46 PM, srgtcolon said:

    I tried to help a friend with MR9 but the detection range has grown huge in the past few weeks (perhaps Gauss update).

    I ran my test 3 weeks ago easy, I basically crouch hid top of the columns when encroached. This does not work any more, grineers pick you out even high, across the map.
    It seems guards, especially in phase 3, have extreme detection range even while crouching.

    Here is a vid of phase 3 guards detecting after jumping back to phase 2 area and crouching.


    The same thing applies to the MR19 test. It seems that the enemy detection range has been significantly increased with the recent update. I remember doing the MR9 test using Ivara for her innate enemy sense and absolutely breezed through it first time. I've done several practice runs on MR19 today and only managed it twice using Skiajati. Sadly I failed the actual qualify. I also tried it using Redeemer Prime which seemed promising, until one of the Grineer enemies spotted me on the starting post from the other side of the map (had to be 50m+ away).

    I also suspect that mods weren't taking effect as I had Enemy Sense, Stealth Drift and Vigilante Pursuit equipped and I could see an enemy on a platform just below me yet they were not showing up on the radar.

    The MR tests should be difficult, but shouldn't require you to have a certain frame or certain weapons just to make them possible.


  12. I have to agree. "Liberate the camp" is my most hated bounty on PoE. I can't remember how many times I've failed it because I couldn't find any enemies to kill. Increasing enemy count when solo, or decreasing the size of the area to defend I think would help. Not having the areas spawn around deep tunnels, or keeping enemy spawns to the surface just for that mission (or solely underground if the start point is underground) would also help. I'm not fond of the Armored Vault bounty either but at least that one is generally doable solo... well as long as you don't have gunships and/or thumpers spawning on top of you as well, like I did today.

    Defend the drone can be very boring or full on crazy depending on the path the drone takes. I know I've had at least one of these where I saw zero enemies from start to finish. But by the same token I've had others where the drone paths right through an enemy base, complete with turrets and all and I had to work my butt of to keep the thing alive. I'm not sure how that one could be made more consistent.  Having the drone get stuck is a pain. It would be nice to be able to trigger the drone to follow you, like you can do with the specters, so that you can move it away from where it gets stuck, then release it to resume a path to the target.

    OV Defend the Coildrive is the single reason that I don't run solo bounties on OV any more. Even with a decent defense frame like Frost or Gara and a specter to assist I've struggled to keep the Coildrive safe. If I absolutely must do bounties on OV, I'll run them until this mission comes up and then abandon the bounty. I agree with 5pp33y_01, the coildrive is Corpus and should have less overall health than say the Grineer drone or vault, but right now I think the health/shield values are far too low. Slowing down the enemy spawn rates when playing solo might also help as it could give the Coildrive shields a chance to recharge.

  13. On 2019-09-23 at 8:07 AM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

    lol.  Yeah that deinately not suppose to happen....(seeing call spots for stuff u dont have lures for).   Were you with anyone else who maybe did have the extra lures?  

    No, I was playing solo at the time.

    On 2019-09-24 at 1:45 AM, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

    They can smell you if you are up wind of them.

    Normally I'm careful about which way the wind is blowing, but there's every chance that I got it wrong that time.

  14. I had noticed this with the Sawgaws but had thought that I must have been hitting the fungus. Ditto with being detected while invisible (Ivara's Prowl active, Pobbers bolted when close).

    I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I'm sure that previously only poop/call spots for animals that you owned a lure for would appear. I've started seeing poop/call spots for all animals now, even the ones I don't own the lure for.

  15. I'm starting to feel like all I do is complain about this game now, which sucks because apart from the bugs I really enjoy it. This one has happened to me a few times now and it leaves me scratching my head...

    I start a new public mission, no squads are found so the countdown timer starts for a new mission with me being the host. I pause the countdown to wait for other players. Other players join the squad and the countdown restarts. As soon as the countdown reaches zero, before the mission even begins to load I get a "host migration in progress" message. Now keep in mind that in theory I should be the host at this point. When the game does load, I often end up as player 2 or 3 so definitely no longer the host. WTH is going on?

    Like the last few bugs I have reported, this one isn't consistent.

    Additional info: I am playing in the North America region even though my home region would be Oceania, which makes me wonder if the game is automatically selecting a new host based on better latency for other players. If anyone can confirm this, that would be great. This only started happening after the Wukong Prime update.

  16. And had this again just now. Capture Invasion mission on Saturn. Public match but only me present. Captured the target and the green marker appears over 400m away. It doesn't show up on the mini-map at all which means that I now have to explore the whole map just to find the extraction point. Not what I need when I'm running a weak frame and just want to get the mission done quickly. I'd post screenshots but I quit the game in frustration.

  17. Three times in the last three days I've had stuck doors in Void Relic missions. In all cases a security lockdown was triggered turning the door yellow (locked) but when the lockdown is released even though the door turns green again it won't open and no one in the party can get through the door.
    In one mission I was lucky enough that two players were on the other side of the door when it locked down and they were able to extract. In the other two cases the only option was to abort the mission. Even triggering the Air Support Security Override didn't allow for the door to be opened. I think all three have been on Corpus tilesets but I'm not 100% certain on that. On the most recent occurrence I was the host of a public match. I don't recall if I was hosting on the earlier ones.

    I love playing Warframe but the recent array of bugs are starting to become frustrating to the point that I don't want to play any more.

  18. Bumping this thread because I noticed this again in the rescue mission of today's Sortie. The hostage was taking damage to their health while they still had 80%+ shield remaining. Rescue mission, Eximus Stronghold, no Nox or other toxin damage enemies (that I could see) nearby.

    Am I the only one who has noticed this?

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