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Posts posted by (PSN)crashteddy03

  1. I'm with OP on this. I'm coming up a year playing Warframe and I love it. Thank you so much to the DE staff for all the hard work that you've put in to making Warframe what it is today. No it's not perfect, but I can't think of one single game that is. My only gripe at the moment is that there is so much content that I can't decide what part of Warframe to play!

  2. Bought the keys with the intent of doing the run with my clanmates, only to have them abandon Warframe for other games. Tried the excavation mission solo with Wukong Prime but couldn't be bothered completing it. Realised that I had no show of completing the defense mission solo and couldn't be bothered trying to recruit a squad. Bought Grendel with plat when I got a 75% off a couple of days ago.

    Still have the keys...

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  3. Are you referring to an update or a hotfix? The last Warframe update that downloads via the system (Scarlet Spear) was two weeks ago. Everything beyond that has just been hotfixes and should come down automatically when you start Warframe.

    I think there was a PS4 system update last week - v7.50 from memory. If your system isn't up to date, none of the online games will like Warframe will work.

    Hope this helps.

  4. 1 hour ago, Duality52 said:

    Indeed, Ayatan Anasas are called "pineapples". To be truthful, they can easily stack to sell for a decent amount of Platinum.

    Thank you for this.

    I agree with the stacking and selling them for plat - it can be quite profitable!

  5. I'm not sure I understand - you'd rather get nothing than get certain rewards? And excuse my ignorance but just what is a pineapple? (I'm assuming Anasa, but I really don't know)

    RNG is just that - random. When I first started doing sorties I must have done at least a dozen before I even saw my first Riven. At one point I was getting boosters every second day - can't remember the last time I saw one. Lately all I've seen is Endo and Anasas, not the worst drops. I've never seen a legendary core, but the drop rate is so small I don't ever expect to. What I can agree on is that the mod drop chance booster is next to worthless. The mods I want to farm for have a less than 0.1% chance of dropping. Doubling that doesn't really change much. Then again, I cleaned out some of my mods just the other day and came away with 2 million creds and about 50,000 endo so there is that.

  6. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Devilsfan0512 said:

    And still I am cursed with: - host migration every pub mission - mission freezes while playing solo - freezing when using arsenal, mod screen, foundry, navigation, etc. - 15 or minute or more loading screens on startup and between missions

    First question - is this the only game that this is happening with? If it is, rebuilding the database as @aruless has suggested should sort it out.  Otherwise...

    Host migration does point to connectivity issues, but everything else says the issue is with the PS4 itself. AFAIK there aren't any diagnostic tools available, apart from rebuilding the database or reinstalling the system from scratch. There is one piece of hardware that you can test and that is the HDD. PS4s have a standard laptop (2.5") HDD that is relatively easy to remove. With a standard SATA connector you can plug it in to a PC, or if you're lucky enough to have an external USB HDD caddy like I do, you can use that to plug it in to a laptop. Once you have it plugged in, I'd suggest using something like CrystalDiskInfo to check the status of the drive.

    As far as the host migrations go, is your PS4 wired in to your modem/router or are you using wireless? Wifi can have a lot of factors that affect it, so for best results cable it in if you can.

  7. 3 hours ago, Dakkanor said:

    Context. I play in New Zealand, most of yall are asleep when I play.

    This makes trading really difficult, as sites like warframe market often don't accurately show who's online or not.

    I'm also from NZ, but on console. I've taken to setting my region to North America - so many more people to play and trade with. Early morning (pre-8am) and late night (post-8pm) local time seem to be the best times. Even with a 400ms max ping set I don't notice any issues.

    As for your trading idea, I can definitely see merit in it. Who knows, maybe DE will look at doing something like this in the future.

    Best of luck out there!

  8. I've been using both the Bramma and Chakkhurr on ground missions. The Chakkhurr seems quicker to damage the Condrix, the Bramma does reasonable damage but can run out of ammo in later rounds. The Bramma is however much better for clearing enemies.

    44 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

    Use a lanka

    Hmm, that's a suggestion I've not seen for Scarlet Spear. I know the Rubico suffers at later rounds - is the Lanka that much better?

  9. 47 minutes ago, (PS4)Killersoul711 said:

    So I did a mission on lith opening mission and I got a gold rank chroma prime neuroptic and suddenly the host migrates and suddenly there is A mission complete BUT I GOT NOTHING AND MY 2 RELICS ARE GONE AND IVE JUST WASTED MY TIME AND RELICS TO GET NOTHING

    Welcome to the joys of the host migration. I've lost count of the stuff I've lost due to either bad connections or the host abandoning unexpectedly. Unfortunately unless you have screenshots there's not much that DE can do. Serious bad luck my friend, I feel for you.


  10. 21 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    oh, and the satellite is weak AF.

    I know the PC version got a patch to increase the armor of the satellite for exactly this issue. No idea if we'll ever see that on console though.\

    22 hours ago, Aldain said:

    Railjacks aren't combat ships at this point, they are Tugboats.

    Actually that's a pretty accurate description. Interesting side note here - on a solo space mission, I stuck around in my RJ after deploying the satellite to see if my guns were at all effective against the sentient ships. Every time I took down the pair of ships that spawn, another pair took their place. No other markers on my radar, suddenly two more, within gun range that weren't there just before. So it's not like you can even successfully defend your RJ as they just keep coming.

    19 hours ago, Iryn said:

    but ground squads gets Endo

    I hadn't considered this, although I suspect that the Endo gains are quite small. I'll be sure to take note of how much Endo I get next time I do a Ground run. Will update it here.

    Edit: I take it back about the small Endo gains - 1100 Endo for 7 rounds of Condrix. I'm not sure how fast this goes up as the rest of the team bailed out on me, but will definitely be doing another run tomorrow.

    Edit 2: I just had one of those 'duh' moments. Endo is a Rotation reward on ground, same as Dirac is a Rotation reward in space. Every Condrix scanned is three rotations so that's a lot of chances to get Endo, on top of the normal loot drops. Does that offset the rewards/speed of the space mission? I'm not sure.

  11. 1 hour ago, Iryn said:

    - Credit Bonus for beat 100/100 Murex.

    Example people joining Channels and doing a single run to get 2 Stars and around 7~8k Bonus Credits after completion of the Channel. My simple suggestion would be make milestones to get bonus credits like for every 2.5k points you would get 5k Bonus Credits meaning if you score 10k points you will get 20k Bonus Credits that way people will rush to get most of points instead leaving with 3960 Points as usual single run.

    Why credits? I would think that most veteran players (you know, the ones rushing the missions like you said) already have more credits than they can spend. Kuva - definitely, but it would need to be something more enticing than credits.


    1 hour ago, Iryn said:

    - Squad Balance for Ground and Space.

    Example i've joined a few Channels that mostly of people were doing Space with that was taking 5~10 minutes to get a single Code. My suggestion would be instead a single Code sent per Ground squad it should sent 1 for each Squad Member active on Ground squad. Meaning 4 Codes sent if there is squad with 4 Players. And if there is exceed amount of Codes sent it would get stored for the next Space squad to use.

    I agree that something should be done about squad balance, but your suggestion doesn't make sense. As it stands each Condrix scanned on the ground sends three codes, one for each 33% scanned, regardless of the number of players in the squad. The more oplinks down the faster it scans, but the total codes remains the same. AFAIK, excess codes are stored for the next space squad to use. In fact I saw someone the other day get their own code after finishing a ground mission and starting a space mission. Ground squads seem to do far more work to send the codes than space squads do to receive them and drive away the Murex. I've suggested elsewhere adding a "kill X sentients" phase for every three codes received in space just to slow down the progression, but I also feel that the ground squads should be getting more rewards than they do now. Space squads earn Intrinsic - what do ground squads get? Usually just abuse for not sending enough codes...

    1 hour ago, Iryn said:

    - Wave 5 Sentients Difficult.

    Example the only weapon that can counter Sentient Adapts is the Paracesis and most of times the Sentient AI keeps hovering in the air making it very hard to hit and at wave 5 it takes so much hits to kill making it extremely annoying. My suggestion would be bring some Primary and Secondary Mods to help Reset or Reduce the Adapt ability from Sentients. I know there is a few Weapons that can kill em pretty easily even with Rivens like Redeemer. But adding mods that help Primary and Secondary to kill them easily too will bring more variety to choose not just a few. Also with that not only Mesa and Limbo will run the event.

    I can see where you are coming from here, but I'm undecided as to whether or not I like the idea. Yes, the Paracesis can reset the Sentient Adaptation, but so can the Operator Amp and I think Void Blast? Yes it's a pain to have to switch to operator mode and back again, but that's what it means to work as a team. If you have one person in the squad resetting the adaptations as quickly as possible, the whole squad will kill sentients faster. Personally I'd like to see a mod or ability that helps to stop Sentient abilities - particularly the Battalyst omni-directional laser ability.

  12. 14 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

    the only people doing ground are people who hate railjack so much their willing to do the objectively worse mission, only care about getting points as efficiently as possible so will go into ground if there's too many space teams, don't know any better, or have all of their intrinsics already and are generous enough to do exclusively ground missions simply because of the imbalance.

    That's sadly true. I fall into the latter category but right now I'm tiring of it. Especially as the abuse of ground teams "need codes now stupid ground teams" (or similar) is getting more rampant.

    Space missions are way faster than ground and frankly require less effort. A good two man team can do a 5 murex run easily in little over 30 minutes. Do another space mission to round 3 and there's your 5k. I think the furthest I've gone in a two man team on ground was round 12 and for that the reward is just over 2k.

    The way to slow down the space teams is simple. Require them to kill X number of sentients every 3 codes sent. The reward remains the same but the time to achieve it increases. Another possibility would be to have the Grineer gatecrash the Murex to further increase the difficulty. This is probably still easier to get around with cc frames like Limbo though.
    I'd love to see the ground squads earn Intrinsics but that doesn't really make sense. Either the rate of difficulty increase for ground needs to decrease, or the rewards need to increase.

    This event was created to try to encourage cooperation. Instead we're still seeing an "every man for himself" sort of attitude and wondering why things aren't working. We need to work together. Space squads rely on ground squads for codes. Ground squads are relying on space squads to drive away the murex so that we all get the bonus. Abusing the ground squads because you aren't getting codes doesn't make me want to help you. It makes me want to leave the flotilla and find another team. What do you think I'm doing in the ground mission? Going around and scanning flowers? As someone on the chat put it the other day (sanitized for the forum) - If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Please Tenno - let's just help each other out without the abuse.

  13. On 2020-04-17 at 2:39 AM, (PS4)Sentiel said:

    It would be great to have a screenshot for this. Truth be told, I don't think I own vaulted Relics, or if I do, I'm not aware of it. That said, I can understand the frustration this can cause.

    I'll see if I can get one the next time I run relics


    Selecting Relic when entering missionUcSXNku.jpg

    Selecting Relic for second stage1lHOPSu.jpg

    I found another issue while capturing these. When looking at Relics in you inventory (not the void relic console, but directly from Inventory), some show the drops from the relics and others don't



  14. 31 minutes ago, nicolajtheking2 said:

    The funny thing is that Condition overload keeps dropping for me constantly, even though i don't ever use it *looks in inventory* i have about 30 just from last week alone (even though i always just melt them down for endo until i only have 1)

    I'll trade you for the Ephemera BP... if only that were possible.

    31 minutes ago, nicolajtheking2 said:

    But i can't get the one thing i actually want, i'm really beginning to feel like the game just hates me...

    I can understand. There are days when RNGesus totally seems to hate me too.

  15. 7 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    Some drop tables should have an adaptive RNG, that gives very minor (0.5%) additive increases to the chance of things you haven't gotten. On getting a drop, all cumulative bonus is removed from that drop, resetting it's base value to normal. The item you have gotten last will then take whatever negative is necessary to rebalance the pool to 100% total chances.

    This has to be one of the best ideas I've seen for Warframe for a long time.

    I've tried farming some of the rare mods like Condition Overload with zero success. I actually had Quick Thinking drop the other day for the first time (1000+ hours in) and was like "WTH is this? How have I not seen this before?" Only do discover it's like a 0.03% drop chance.

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  16. 7 hours ago, nicolajtheking2 said:

    i'm beginning to  think it's been removed from his drop table since statistically i should have gotten the drop by now.

    Definitely still there, because I got the BP two days ago... almost immediately after I had built it. At times RNG just sucks. If you keep doing the Phorid Assassination invasion missions ,Stalker will chase you no end. That's about the only boss fight I do these days (aside from the occasional sortie) and he's constantly showing up.


  17. 24 minutes ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    I mean, I can kill my lich with brute force using a similar method with Loki. He's not totally immune to damage, but it takes way, WAY too long. I've watched videos of other people fighting their R5 liches, taking careful note of the builds and the damage they are doing. My damage is orders of magnitude less for very similar builds. There is no earthly reason someone with a Venka Prime should be getting redcrits of 3 to 4-digit damage while my redcritting Fragor Prime is doing 3-often dropping to 2-digits of damage.

    You've ruled out the build (frame/weapon/mods). Using a stealth frame like Loki rules out procs or debuffs - unless the lich has an aura of some kind (don't even know if that's possible, but then again that would affect the whole team and not just you). I mean it sounds like you're being affected by a puncture proc but why? Arcanes maybe but can't think of anything that would cause a drop in damage. Something weird happening with a pet or sentinel mod maybe? Or a focus tree passive ability? Either way that's an oddball glitch.

    Time for more stupid questions - have you tried reinstalling Warframe from scratch? Or have you raised a support ticket for it?

  18. 10 hours ago, (PS4)Hooligantuan said:

    It does seem like an incredibly poorly conceived mechanic.  It's a real shame, too, because I love all these ideas in Scarlet Spear emphasizing cooperation and supporting other folks in their missions.

    Agreed. Although if I'm wrong and it does indeed heal around 3000 over time, that makes it slightly more worthwhile.

    5 hours ago, (PS4)jaggerwanderer said:

    Having other type of support other than "Heal the defensive target" would be great. You know, like delaying the enemy spawn for a few seconds, do direct 30% health damage to all enemies, make the squad invulnerable for x seconds, etc. Just buffs and boons to help out the teams.

    This! As long as the actual support type is explained, I'd love to see more. Yeah, I have the credits to burn, why not support other players? Isn't that what Scarlet Spear is all about?

    2 hours ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

    Kinda wish we could send our converted liches into other people missions as extra help instead of the oplink thing.

    Now this would be hilarious. Have your lich back Grineer Scoom!!

    1 hour ago, prodi1600 said:

    It would be better if you could send a specter of your current loudout to help parties with less than 4 players in it.

    This could work too. Specters currently ignore your mod loadout, so how about fully modded for say 30 seconds?

  19. Off the top of my head - inability to see if a relic is vaulted during selection in an endless mission (after the first relic round has been played). Pressing R2 while hovering over the relic shows nothing - used to show relic farm location or if the relic was vaulted. That one's been around for a while - would really like to see it fixed!


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  20. 5 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    Someone has an alternative observation. A few posts later they explain where their observation came from

    Thank you - I hadn't found that post.

    Unfortunately I don't have any easy way to verify their observed numbers. I had taken my numbers from the wiki and from observing the "overheal". It's these sorts of things that I wish DE would make more transparent.

    2 hours ago, trst said:

    Thing is besides their slight passive regen,

    I wasn't aware of this either. I know they are affected by the Rejuvenation Aura, but afaik that and possibly one of Nidus skills(?) are the only things that heal them.

    2 hours ago, trst said:

    Really the only issue with it is that "Stable" "Damaged" and "Critical" don't give enough information about the squad. It doesn't say how many oplinks are damaged or what round they're on. i.e. If a squad is on their first or second round while down three oplinks then support is just a waste on them.

    Totally agree. Even something showing just what round a squad is on would help.

  21. I have to ask the stupid question - you don't have a Dragon key equipped do you?

    Just read on a bit further - damage numbers going down as critical hits increase?!? Now that definitely sounds like a bug of some sort. I know there's a weird mechanic with the Scarlet Spear Condrix's where the higher your attack speed the lower the damage goes. I wonder if this is taking effect for the liches somehow. That still wouldn't explain the damage dropping as criticals increase though.

  22. Orb Vallis is a mess. I gave up on doing higher level bounties there quite some time ago as the difficulty gets OTT for solo, and public squads so rarely want to do the actual bounty, more often wandering off to do their own thing. The ships with turrets are truly annoying in both OV and PoE. Whoever thought it was a grand idea to have some massive gunship pound your defense target...

    I think PoE is easier for relic farming - at least I can do the level 5 bounties on my own.

  23. I started playing Scarlet Spear when it was released on console this week and so far have been enjoying it. I tend towards ground missions as there is normally too many space teams and not enough codes being sent. For those complaining about the lack of codes, I'm down there working my butt off to try to send them to you. How about sending some help my way?

    Anyhoo, I had initially thought that the Oplink Reinforcement that you could purchase restored some health to the teams deployed Oplinks. Reading the wiki however seems to indicate that all this does is add a tiny 500 health to each Oplink. I did note that one was sent to a squad I was in a few minutes ago and the base health moved from 20,000 to 20,500. A quick calculation shows that this is a mere 2.5% improvement... for a 75,000 credit investment.

    If this was a heal over time, say 200/s for 25 seconds (5000 total heal) I'd consider this useful. Especially considering that the majority of Oplink health tends to be lost in a single wave, usually at the later stages.

    I'd like peoples thoughts on this.

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