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  1. I bought it since I already fell in love with the Mag skin when it leaked, and Frost Prime was the only remaining frame I hadn't mastered, plus the skin is the best Frost skin imho. It was quite a rash purchase, I didn't analyze the pack before buying it. It annoys the hell out of me since it made me feel like I'm supporting this direction of monetization. I sincerely hope the 10th anniversary does not mark the start of the downfall of the Warframe F2P and monetization model that we all loved.
  2. I wouldn't be so sure about Laetum being "fine". Someone in public squad is guaranteed to proc puncture on the enemies for you at some point, especially in Circuits where everyone gets random weapons. If anything, this will push more people to play solo. Yeah, we'll have to see when the update comes, but judging from the emphasis on the word "additive" here, I'm not optimistic about it.
  3. I like most of the changes, but the OG incarnons are really taking a big hit here, I reckon this will be their way of nerfing them. With the puncture proc cc buff, Devastating/Devouring Attrition would diminish a lot. I thought DE was encouraging us to build for non-crit/status-based builds more with the introduction of them, turns out it was just a mirage after all, we will be forever stuck with this crit-hm-viral-slash-heat meta. Look at the damage number change as well, there's no mention of the small white damage numbers dealt by weapons like the OG incarnons and status built weapons. What about their oomph? As for the underwhelming impact proc change, I understand where they are coming from. Just take a quick glance at the sheer amount of weapons that forces impact proc vs slash/puncture, they can't effectively buff impact status without unintentionally buffing all these weapons, that's why it'll always be underwhelming and wimpy until they decide to finally sit down and take a serious look at everything.
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