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Posts posted by (PSN)Claudija

  1. Trunks meant Reservoirs. Wisp has three of these which grant:-

    HP Regen and small boost to max HP whilst buffed - Vitality, flower has red markings

    Movement and attack speed buff - Haste, this green one in your pic

    Stun causing periodic stun to all enemies in an area around object (player or distributor) - Shock, flower has blue or white markings.


    Common practice is placing all three by cycling then casting each in any order, usually on key objects like a Defense item say; this not only helps defend it but gives permanent buffs if ally stands within the AoE of the Distributor which you see in your screenshot. Leaving this will cause buffs to switch to 20 sec timers after which buffs are lost. I play her a lot 😋.

    And Trunks, Wisp is great to watch... not so easy to play as the hip swishing can be reeeeeally distracting 😆😋

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  2. 6 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Yes it does.  Hush mod makes all Primary non-shotgun weapons silent.  Silence is the mod for Secondaries, and Silent Battery is for shotguns.  

    I gave it a try and thank you for suggesting it; Ivara's been stalking around in Spy Vaults nuking everything and not one tripped alarm😋 . As to my statement I meant I use Energy Siphon to recharge energy in break spots: like after completing the data retrieval, it is a Passive effect as Aura- not that it worked when Prowling or flying in Razorwing etc. just gave the OP a reason why I used it.

    Ferrox is easier to use too with Hush plugged in making ranking it using Ivara a lot easier now so thank you again 😊

    • Like 2
  3. 19 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

    I never finished Polarizing my Ivara.... and then Ivara Prime became a thing... oof !!!

    Ivara has a bunch of ways of getting alot of Damage right ? where do you even begin ? 

    Well I thought what do I do most? Prowl. I love Prowl so specced around that. Mine uses Energy Siphon for passive gain, I'm Zenurik as I have been since I could choose and Infiltrate. Next, I looked for Continuity and Streamline so it has lowest drain I can get and longest Duration then a Primed Flow. Mine has 750 Energy at the moment. This, plus using bows (Bramma will temporarily break stealth but you regain it within microseconds just release, dodge and repeat as enemies try shooting where you were. It's ace for any Spy or lasers such as in Void/Derelict/Lua traps as Ivara simply strolls right through. Provided you don't slide or use Bullet Jump during Prowl the Augment works. But a friend of mine loves Navigator and perfected a more mobile Nuke Ivara who clears SS and anything pretty much without any problems. It's all about your playstyle and what you like best.

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  4. 39 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    I've played this game solo since I started.  Way back in Jan-Feb of 2016.  I still do it now although I do team up with my Clan leader during her Streams and a few other people like @MagPrime on occasion.  

    You can still chat and talk with others all while playing solo.  How you may ask.  There this wonderful tool called chat, and then another call Discord with voice chat.  Add in that in Solo mode you can do one thing that you can't in all other modes.  You can Pause the game.    

    then remember- 1 min AFK warning. If nothing seen as gaming mission will auto-fail so Pause isn't any use outside of PM- rapid message then back to it.

  5. For me solo is essential. Most of my friends don't play it and so I became self-reliant. Like others here said: I love fully-exploring maps, finding hidden rooms- can't do it with a group.

    Speedruns wind me up, the whole: A-B ASAP and Extract really get on my nerves as they have 0 patience. On top of this some missions (Hyenas at Psamanthe or Defection) are actually better solo. Psamanthe gives a solo player just two Hyenas, no more and Defection requires only 1 successful NPC extraction to be a success- all others ate plusses. I find Khora solo's Disruption very easily as Demolists can be Entangled and the speedsters setting multiple Demolists off cause fails far more frequently. Wisp can easy Solo Interceptions as you place Reservoirs on opposing pylons to shock enemies and simply place a Specter on one, man the fourth yourself. Very easy to own those missions then.

    I only find Sorties or Event missions better in groups- especially say Halloween Alert for Naberus Ephemera. I also will co-op for helping people or for Ropalolyst as I just can't figure  that fight out xD and of course Eidolon/Profit-Taker hunts.

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

    Yeah they come with a virtual shoehorn to lever them back in, though wouldn't notice it with Grendel. 😛 

    @OP certain costumes also make them bigger, my operator hit puberty with the new outfit shes got now. lol
    Just change the head and go from there.

    😋 mine looks like a pretty Japanese Sith Lord essentially with Darth Talon's eyes, long hair and just the right face blending. She's more the 18 year old than child our Operator's supposed to be but I'm happy with her heh.

  7. I'm with vegeto on this one. Daikyu is a demon if you mod her right (mine forma'd during setup had just Serration, Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired, Daikyu Acri-sitox and a Cryo Rounds all at Max: OHKO even level 53 Grineer for 100k at close-medium range. There's even a rare Mod Vile Precision which reduces recoil and fire rate and one I can't recall the name of that buffs accuracy but lowers fire rate too. Daikyu is MR5, Tenno Lab Research to make and natively has the lowest draw speed. She has no quick-rapid shooting like every other bow and must be fully-drawn to fire. If you lose your charge (usually due to rolling) you lose the charge and must repeat process. Like other bows, release and draw charge works where you release one arrow and instantly begin drawing again for another shot. Daikyu will reward the accurate, patient marksman though with a demon Primary but you need to give a lot of work and effort to really make her sing- mine's had 6-7 Forma for example but for nearly 1m yellow crits I'm not complaining heh.

  8. 3 minutes ago, ReaverKane said:

    I don't remember the mission, but Ivara with Prowler Augment can pretty much bypass all security features, but you can't parkour.
    Otherwise limbo is great for laser-heavy missions, and for missions with drones or other stuff that is dependant on vision, Loki or Ash (but Loki is better due to longer stealth).

    Also, your problem with spy missions is actually one advantage of them. Because the vault layouts is fixed, once you learn how to defeat the security, you won't have any problems. And trust me, most spy missions are incredibly easy to beat, some can be done in less than 10 seconds.

    Ivara can parkour but she must use the bunny-hop and Aim Glide. If you use Bullet Jump of any kind, slide or try sprinting it breaks Prowl but no other action will

  9. Ivara solves all problems, with her Infiltrate Augment she can walk through lasers too in Prowl. As long as you avoid using any form of rapid movement (Sliding, Bullet Jumping or Sprinting) and work through it with Prowl and Cloak Arrows you'll make a joke of any Spy mission. Only Void Fissures screw it up as Corrupted enemies seem to auto-trigger any alarms on spawning in the map which is frustrating.

    Wukong is also suggested by many for his Cloud Walking to move more quickly through but I'd put much more faith in Ivara then Loki personally. Loki's Invisibility I haven't seen to be half as godly as posters like to make out, but an Infiltrating Prowl-focused Ivara more than holds her own. Mine has 750 Energy and uses Energy Siphon which it might seem stupid an aura, builds up Energy over time. So, get through tunnel, snipe Cameras and Drones, slip back in tunnel a bit and drop Prowl- recharges Energy. Using Zenurik's Energizing Dash also helps; revitalised, Prowl back on and continue. Works every single time 😋

  10. 31 minutes ago, elemme said:

    The rivens are expensive,  I have a cc, cd, multishot one and it does a great job.  I think it does pretty good.  It really shines when things group up and you can damage everything at once.  it will eat whole squads of space grineer at any level they show up.  add a firerate arcane or buff from wisp and it strips sentients constantly and never runs out of ammo

    Sentient killer with no ammo? Paracesis and Skiajati 😋 as for ranged I found Ignis Wraith or Zhuge Prime were great as they both damage too fast so override the Sentients' Adaptation. Zhuge especially as the detonator charges even hurt the target's allies and with self-damage gone it can be an alternative until they get a Toxin Bramma

  11. 2 hours ago, .Benjamin said:

    on another post a Community Moderator had said we can't trade that plat bc it counts as free plat like started plat

    true, but as Nova stated: Our OP doesn't want to trade he feels it would be too easy to be scammed. Free Plat can be 'traded' aka spent at the Market in-game not the website for Trade chat

  12. 7 hours ago, --Aegis--TaDoogThtWas said:


    No, because the https://warframe.market/ is just a place to list items. You meet the person in game to trade for the items, so you couldn't get something from someone who is on Ps4 or PC when you are on the Xbox Platform. @(XB1)SIN666ister

    I think he means; Check Xbox Warframe Market, have coupon. Buying say Acceltra with it can I now collect that on my PC or PS4? You're right though in each version is a unique entity and no cross-play or yet cross-save should really our OP no; common sense. Even then we have so many on our Region sending: Hai I play on PS4... I'm thinking, well yeah so is the entire PS4 Region Community... some people are so dopey.

  13. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    11th? Your lack of luck is close to mine while opening relics for Oberon Prime. Congratulations, have fun with Sekhmet! 😊



    There she is on the Companion Preview screen in her new outfit 😋. Kiyosho I did Master but just wanted a girl Vasca since launch 😋

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  14. It also seems Gene packs can be added to a random breeding. My Vasca Sekhmet has for default Tertiary Mesa Yellow, I thought only the non-pack colors would be used. This being so, she also shows my previous post as correct- your breeding kavat can have a color slightly different to base... 

    The whole Look function seems very bugged. It shows most Kavats with Vaquaera's tail even if your cat really has a different one, none of my colors display even when purposefully changed to anything- default too... Moonless is shown with two tails and Vasca's still just head, leaf tail and distorted black misty body it's had since launch. Makes no sense..,

  15. On 2020-04-16 at 2:45 PM, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    Just an update, @(PS4)Claudija, so you can add this piece of information to your kavat breeder knowledge - I matured the Vasca born from the imprints purchased from the market! It's weird, it has white eyes, but its energy seems to be red. I'll try to breed hybrids and see if their eye colours / certain places on their tails will appear white as well, in case they inherit the red energy. If I'm lucky and manage to breed red energy hybrids, I'll update the OP to provide information to others wondering about the same questions as we did!

    ooo that is fantastic news, hopefully you've cracked it and we'll be able to verify too. I'm still trying and failing to get a female Vasca as I want to name her Sekhmet but 8 tries later, not one girl. With a dear friend offering, his Lucky Girl's Infected print and my Caliope with hers: I'm hoping tomorrow to finally see Sekhmet's adorable face; luck being with me...

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  16. In addition I found a Survival on Saturn, Titan: was great for getting  them just it seemed to loop the weapons released before the Bramma as despite several runs I never saw it offered once. Adaro, in contrast: is by far and away the place to go Larvling-hunting 😊

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  17. Have you used /dnd at any point? If so this sort of situation is normal just type /normal to turn it off and see if that helps you out. I used it once and same issue though I had no idea how to toggle it off so tried relogging... mission solo... nothing until someone on Region asked if I'd used Do Not Disturb, I said yes but couldn't turn it off which was the point they suggested the /normal command. Try that first just in case

  18. I personally love bows and am finding a really cool sidearm in the Rakta Ballistica. Downside needs Rank 5 rep with Red Veil to even save up for but very much worth the while. Hystrix essentially but has a bonus mechanic in that kill counts grant a buff to you plus deal  Viral damage to every single target in your immediate vicinity which is really rather neat. It also has two modes, rapid fire four bolts at target or hold down for a stronger bolt; different to everyone else but my two cents worth 😋

  19. 2 hours ago, (XB1)TuaMadre06 said:

    Thanks you, i didn't know

    Drachnyn's advice is highly recommended- Practice is infinite you can spend as long as you need to get a solution to the test so you're prepared for it. I will practice the test immediately after passing it for the test ahead (so I've practiced MR10 just after passing MR9 say) and then every 25% progress towards the next practice again so it's fresh in my mind what I need to do and that way I'm constantly preparing for the real attempt.

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