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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Exactly, they stay clean and pure, because their blossoms are liquid repellent. It doesn't make any sense to associate this with evil in my opinion. Almost every kind of plant grows on decayed organic material, fertile soil, so it seems to be strange to highlight this with regards to the Lotus, which is a water plant with liquid repellent blossoms, so definetely the least "dirty" plant.


    Mezner isn't associating it with evil, he considers the Technocyte virus the next step in human evolution. The "filth and decay" being referred to in the quote is Hayden Tenno, or more broadly humanity.

  2. I don't see any connection between the (stupid) description of Lotus in Dark Sector and Warframe. Did you never hear anything about the Lotus effect, which made those blossoms symbols for purity, enlightment and loyalty?

    They're symbols of purity for exactly the reason Mezner mentions: They grow from mud and water, but float above it, untouched by the pollution of their origin.


    Well, except the bit about decay. No idea what Mezner's talking about there.

  3. I kinda want this to be a pair of spike launching gauntlets or arm attachments, as a callback to the Stingers from Dark Sector who had a similar attack, but I'd be ok with a conventional gun, too. Possibly something resembling a blunderbuss, to fit with the flintlock look of the boltos. Either way, shotgun-style bolt launcher is something I'd like to see.

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