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  1. For void angels specifically it doesn't matter. For most regular resources the more enemies that spawn the better. Anyway, this person did a good job explaining why finding each of the hidden tokens on Zariman isn't always worth it. I will pick one up if I see it but they are no longer my main objective most of the time.
  2. You lost me here man. I wanted to hear you out but you didn't actually explain any problems with the game, you just got really angry for no reason and started calling people names.
  3. I don't think they actually know that the app is safe to use, so making a statement like that would be disingenuous. The specific section about Overwolf still expresses uncertainty, as the app could be changed to do something bad at any time. Your excel sheet is likely more useful anyway. I know mine is. I just read through the entire feature list of Alecaframe and thought "lol I can already do this." It is definitely not worth risking the ban.
  4. I'm noticing a strange trend of people asking for a feature in-game and then someone else bringing up a third party website as if that's the same thing
  5. Not sure but I think they will both be there along with the prime music infested syandana and other stuff.
  6. Please don't do that Totally unrelated but an option to make the profile/stats private would be nice
  7. its very in line with the other grineer firearms which are supposed to be ugly and only purpose-built
  8. i would pay 20 million plat to never have a gamemode with restricted random loadouts again sure that would be fine
  9. the plexus sub categories are cool because they don't require forma and you can just switch them out whenever if an augment slot worked the same way i would be for it
  10. you're right i got fireball frenzy confused with whatever the 4 is called
  11. Another slot. More forma on everything. Harder to fit all the mods on. Woo hoo. If a frame needs an augment that badly, it should just be part of the base kit
  12. this is not relevant to me, when i need more platinum i'll just buy it with cash ducats/baro should be more exciting than just buying things you aren't personally interested in to resell in any case, the use case you have described is obviously very different from what the thread is asking for
  13. baro needs to be drastically improved for this to be relevant Today his new item was... drumroll... a picture!
  14. whats wrong with the incarnon adapters also i dont really see what this has to do with the first descendant, the thread title is very sensationalist
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